Now I understand why tsvangirai and tongai moyo dewa left this world so soon they were poisoned together but they didn't know that chamisa has all in records kkk Will forever miss you Dhewa and Save makarwa kurwa kwakanaka you are our icons. I miss you Samanyemba 3 Legends in one pic and Mukomana is still fulfilling the legacyHe witnessed the death of Sam Mtukudzi, and the state mafia had to eliminate him.
Vari kumarcha kuSA uku 🇿🇼Nhaimi ma dofo e zanu seiko muri kuti dai vakauya kuzovhota ko akakuudzai kuti havana kuuya ndian inga chero vanhu 20 vanovhota munhu akahwina saka ivo ndivo vaiita kuti ma ballot papers auye in tym here ndivo zvee vaiita kuti zec isati 103% here inga vari kuZim kwacho vamwe havana kutovhota wani mamwe mazita aitoshaikwa mu voters roll saka tichiti zanu ndeye madofo nevaroi nana zinjathropus neve tsvina vekumatapi zanu it's like old home placeee tiriko bt takupedza totenda police ye mzansi yanga iripo to monitor the situation nxt tym vanhu huyai tiite chinhu chimwechete tinobudirira hapana anosungwa vazhinji ndizvo zvavanga vachity
It's painful to see ZANU PF mocking the citizens of Zimbabwe by bribing them with food like this Unobva wangoona kuti hakuna kwatirikuenda. Mai vakapfeka nyangira gava kuenda munational sports stadium apa baba vakapfeka jombo. Ungatoti pamwe vatorwa vari mugadern Welcome back to reality Zimbabweans vadya vakaguta vakanakirwa but vana havana kudyawo vafamba nezupco and inauguration is over welcome to suffer ED akavhura mine nezuro life yake 200% ya supporter 0% ukazvitarisisa unoona kuti vanhu vanoda change life yavo yakanaka ini ndinelife 45% uchitarisa munhu anoti ED pfee anotori neman'a vana vanoswera vakachena muromo nenzara please God have mercy on them
Ko iko kuita kunge shato yamedza mbudzi, dressing kunge svikiro reBritain nxaaa idatya uyu Chigumba iduzvi iri arifunge kuti ma citizens anetanekutambudzika Chigumba haana mufaro angashaya mufaro iye ari papayroll ndovanhu varikupura nyemba nemusana avooo Kapedza zvako Makanyara…kakuenda! Her outfit is too much ,way way too much hameno zvazvingori plus face yake kunge anga achidzipwa nechirimuhuro icho ah hameno 😂😂😂😂Mukadzi uyu Harare haafe akaifamba zvachose.Makumbo ungati mipini yebadza yakavezwa murima
After being a Zanu Pf artist for so long he is one of the richest musicians in Zimbabwe. Jah Prayzah even though he praises ZANU instead of praising JAH like the meaning of his stage name in the Reggae Dancehall world, he has maintained relevance over the years as he is one of the most expensive artists to book and it's easy to notice he lives a 5 star life in that poverty infested Zimbabwe. He is one of the artists in Zimbabwe who was invited to sing for the Zanu Pf thieves who stole the 2023 Zimbabwe election as they were doing their inauguration for ED Mnangagwa. As he was performing his hitsong CHIREMERERA the Zanu Pf organizer of the show embarrassed Jah Prayzah by c
Wotonzwa vachiseka Lobengula kt akatengesa nyika apihwa spoon ye sugar, ivo havasikuitengesa nebhapiro rehuku isina kuibva futi😭😭😭😭 Kukurira kusingadyiwi nyama rotori dambudziko itai kuti tishande tidye ne muri kwete kudai zvakaoma murume mukuru Haa ma Zimbabweans we are stl far kubvuma kupusiswa to this extentKkkkk atoiwanira paZANU 5yrs uchidya nhoko dzezvironda apo vana vachienda kutrp koona Robot mazimba pepukai munotonzi varungu vakashata asi vavo vana vari kugara kuvarungu kwachoStupid ...kufarira nyama ye one lunch....mangwana back to derere nemutetenerwa wenzungu.Wamakisa dzinza ne mhuri wangu,
The struggle for a better Zimbabwe is everyone’s struggle, it has been tough but don’t be discouraged. Don’t subcontract your struggles to individuals without contributing to the struggle for a better Zimbabwe yourself. Nobody is going to come and save Zimbabwe except Zimbabweans themselves.The church, civil society, business, traditional leaders and everyone should be part of a broad based inclusive movement which others can translate into political programs. But that requires us to have a 1999 moment where we are talking with one voice which everyone feels they have contributed to and represents them. ZANUPF is never going to prov
Zvanzi SADAC maelections avekutangidzwa ZEC haidihwi kana kuonekwa panovhota vanhu kure uko SADC irikutuma team ichange ichitungamirwa nevaimbova President weTanzania VaJakaya Kikwete kuzoongorora nyaya yeSarudzo dzedu dzakabiwa neZanu PF Ndozviya zvandakataura musi wa 23 kuti "expect a lot of diplomatic and constitutional drama" VaKikwete pavakanga vachichiri President muna 2008 vakashanda zvinesimba kuti Zanu PF ibvume kupinda muInclusive government iyo yaiva hurumende yemushandira pamwe ye MDC neZanu PF Parizvino hapana ati aziva kuti nhaurirano dzacho dzichafamba sei uyezve kuti chii chichabuda madziriiAsi zviripachena kuti dunhu reSADC pamwe neAfrica yese jekerere irikuzviona kuti sarudz
The things that we learnt from talking and listening to these two great men (GOATS) are immeasurable. They both came from the dusty townships and became self made international superstars. There is a reason why they made it, everyone of us has that thing in us, you choose to tap into it or not. Tuku taught us to keep asking key questions regardless of how inconvenient they may sound, and to be creative when need be but still speak. Mukanya taught us to be fearless and not allow someone’s fear to be ours.I hope that you too have your personal lessons from these two great men, and that you use them meaningfully and constructively to thrive in you
Zrp and Zanupf are itching for war with citizens, I mean the country is generally peaceful and ivo ndivo varikuda kukonzeresa noise. Manje vadzirasa ma citizens aka parker steady and zvirikuvashungurudza hence they are doing patrols during the day and especially at night kuda kuvhundutsira vanhu.. Pashata zvaezvinezvi wakugona kungotorwa nevakomana wakavarairwa kunyanya vano louder pa soshari see comments section for full details👐