Monday, September 16

Politics News

February 07, 2024

Video Of Mutsvangwa Achituka Mnangagwa Your Days Are Numbered Kundidzinga Basa

A yet to be confirmed X account supposedly belonging to Chris Mutsvangwa has hit back at President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa for firing him saying his day of reckoning is not far In an X post that Mutsvangwa is yet to confirm or denounce, the former war veterans leader (@cmutsvangwa1) warns Mnangagwa.         “His Waterloo is not very far ahead. Everything he has or ever had including rulling mandates & filthy riches, are proceeds of robbery, not ordinary robberies but bloody, gruesome, gory, ghastly & grisly robberies.“Infact, you were told before that he is no presidential material,” twitted Mutsvangwa.Mutsvangwa also lambasts Mnangagwa for making dynastic appointments giving relatives top positions in government.A

February 01, 2024

Job Sikhala Ofumura Chamisa Netumwe Twumbavha Twe CCC You Abandoned Me Kundisiya Ndichiora Mujeri Handisisina Basa Nemi

Former MP Job Sikhala says all members of the opposition party (CCC) did nothing to help him when he was in prison. Job SIkhala was released yesterday by a magistrate court after sentencing him to two years in jail wholly suspended for inciting violence             He said former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa neglected him while he was incarcerated. pposition politician Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala wasted no time in declaring that the people’s struggle continues unabated, just moments after his release from prison yesterday, where he spent an arduous 600 days behind bars. Sikhala, known for his versatility in politics, alongside Hon Godfrey Karakadzai Sithole, faced conviction for inciting public violence in Nyatsime followin

January 26, 2024

Tendai Biti Abvuta Chimuti Ndiye Ave CCC President

Tendai Biti to take over as CCC President , Chamisa likely to return as an independent. Chamisa will be giving anothe statement soon. Chamisa did not say MPs, Senators and councillors should step down.         Chamisa made a broad statement on inflitration. Fadzai Mahere and Gladys Hlatshwayo the only MPs to announce quitting in solidarity with Chamisa. Chamisa now banking on SADC. Sengezo Tshabangu to lead the re-unification of the old MDC. Zimbabweans to support Biti and ncube.         Chamisa logo to be removed. Job Sikhala likely to be released on 29 January. Anthony Blinken visits Angola, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Cape Verd. Chamisa can not expect people to make a decision wi

January 25, 2024

Mandevere Indavaso Lobengula Akatengesa Nyika Nekuda Sugar Sengezo Tshabangu Akutengesa Nyika Nekuda Kukwirwa Kumagaro Nekutengerwa Honda Fit Nemadhara eZanuPF

Lobengula Akatengesa Nyika Nekuda Sugar Sengezo Tshabangu Akutengesa Nyika Nekuda Kukwirwa Kumagaro Nekutengerwa Honda Fit Nemadhara eZanuPF. SENGEZO Tshabangu’s crusade, which started as a protest over how the selection of Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) candidates led by Nelson Chamisa was done, is now a fully blown Zanu PF project supported by the state security apparatus.                 Tshabangu is now effectively claiming to be leader of the CCC, saying all the MPs of the party formed in January 2022 are his and those who joined Chamisa’s party after August 23 this year deserve to be recalled, which is a bizarre argument because Chamisa contested the elections.     &

September 21, 2023

Shingi Munyeza Kudyiwa Na NATALIE Kusvika Waita Lodger Varume

Kudyiwa na NATALIE Kusvika Waita Lodger.       Taneta nevakadzi vanongoti l won't date a broke man iwe what are you bringing to the table or you can even sell the table yhoo we are tayadhi ukashanda unoona kuti zvinhu zvaurikuhurira zvaka cheaperMunyeza akaita hutsinye paaive African Sun           Kudonhedza Hotel serve kusara isina kana kobo Vanhu kutambura Company kuvhara kana one akawana mari Ngaaroje zvake😏

September 21, 2023

Talent Chiwenga Oti Chamisa Dai Arega Zvekutamba Nezita RaMwari God Is In It Kudii Hauna Plan

Talent chiwenga anongoti kasoro kanenge damba ngatisiire Neroo wedu💛💛💛💛2028 acha svika agoramba futi achingo nyora ma verse. Wozoona kuti anenge muzanu lite.       Kkkkkkk Nero vhura church hako siyana nekuda kutamba nepfungwa dzedu         Tiripachirangano we still believe in miracles nyangwe zvazvo zvichiita sekuti hapana chirikufamba but we still have Faith in You Nero.

September 21, 2023

David Coltart Bulawayo Mayor CCC Oramba Mota Dzavapiwa Oti Mari Yacho Ndipei Nditenge Ma Ambulance For The People Of Bulawayo For The Next 5 Years

LEADERSHIP    The new Mayor of Bulawayo David Coltart said he will not be getting a Mayoral vehicle for the next 5 years preferring to have those funds used for the development of Bulawayo instead          He said currently Bulawayo only has 6 maDhodhabin trucks (refuse collection trucks) and only 5 ambulances          This is the leadership we want! This is the kind of leadership that can take Zimbabwe out of the current mess         David Coltart was the Minister of Education during the Inclusive Government.He was at the time member of the MDC Mutambara which would later be led by Welshman Ncube   Source #Asake CITE      

September 13, 2023

Maureen Kademaunga CCC Mp Osungwa Nezanupf

Mapurisa anoti asunga Doctor Maureen Kademaunga vakasarudzwa kuva nhengo yeparamende vari nhengo yeCCC nevamwe vaviri ichivapomera mhosva yekuda kuponda imwe nhengo yeZanu-PF musi wekuvhota.           Vatatu ava vanoti vari kuzorwa mafuta enguruve yavasina kudya.The arrest of opposition MPs must be contextualised.         In this piece I mentioned 6 days ago that;         “ZANUPF is not yet done with its attempt to get a two thirds majority, it will attempt to get opposition MPs in rural and peri-urban areas convicted of contrived cases to force by-elections, the opposition must stay vigilant.”           ZANUPF is very predi

September 11, 2023

ED Hanzi Tozviziva Takaruza Bhuruwayo Bulawayo Asi Tinongokutongayi Chero Muchiramba

ED Hanzi Tozviziva Takaruza Bhuruwayo Asi Tinongokutongayi Chero Muchiramba What a day in Bulawayo today!!!         You see, when a country is dysfunctional, and when politics doesn’t work, nothing will work.       Don’t blame the citizens, give them something to value, and they will be just fine.         P/s the police driving was atrocious!Ndozvatikuramba zvekutongwa izvozvo tikuda mutungamiriri watoudza zvichemo nekutuma             Nyika haitongwi asi kutungamirwa ndipo saka uchibira sarudzo vanhu vasingakudeSaka muri kutonga that's why Nyika isina kwatiri kuenda Nyika inoita mutungamiriri kwete mutongi muri kutidzosera kust

September 11, 2023

Panicking Regime Zanupf Yozadza Masoja Nemapurisa Mu Harare Kutyisidzira Vanhu

The panicky regime in Harare has deployed armed police and summoned all soldiers to the barracks midnight.           In some barracks, soldiers have been de-armed, all guns taken away to unknown destinations.         All night clubs forced to shuttdown and citizens being beaten to vacate the CBD   Haitongeke.

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