Tuesday, October 22

General News

February 04, 2024

Nyika Yose Yonyara Mushure Mekunge Vaona Pamba Pana Tytie Voti Sapa Ngavagadzirisewo Pamba Pevabereki Not Kudya Nari Ku South Africa

Tytie tengerawo Amai gas stove iwe Kylie chii ku exposer Amwene kudaro Nxaa watadza ku cleaner cleaner usati watora Picture .           Kaka vhengedzera Kamuroora akaChandafarira ndeche kuti avararame fake life hapana tsvina iripo apo munyori ukasaroya uchafudza nyoka chete ma black mamba               Ngavatange vangadzirisa musha wavo wese wozoita zvema Gas variisa pai gas racho dzimba dzavo dzakanyangara kudai 😲

February 02, 2024

Pakaipa Police Yosunga Vakomana 4 Vari Ku Smuggler Mota Na Honda Fit Plumtree Boarder Yaa Chitsotsi Chavo Chakapenga

Police in Matabeleland South Province have arrested four men in Plumtree on allegations of smuggling three motor vehicles through an undesignated point of entry at Nswazi area, Madlambuzi in Bulilima.           The four are Peter Ndlovu (20), David Mazararire (22), Ndumiso Mudenda (36) and Norman Farai Nhunge (31) and were arrested at various points along Bulawayo- Plumtree road.           In a statement, Police said Ndlovu and his accomplices were intercepted at the 17-kilometre peg along the Bulawayo-Plumtree road highway. Police said:Police in Plumtree who were on anti-smuggling motorised patrol arrested David Mazararire (22), Ndumiso Mudenda (36), Norman Farai Nhunge (31) and Peter Ndlovu (20) for smu

February 02, 2024

Job Sikhala Aripama 1 Muromo Wake Wave Kuda Kumupinza Futi Mujeri Apiwazve Imwe Charge Yekusungwa For Granting Interviews To Journalists

Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmaker Job Sikhala said he is facing new arrest threats for granting interviews to journalists.   Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmaker Job Sikhala said he is facing new arrest threats for granting interviews to journalists.             Speaking to NewZimbabwe.com at his home in Chitungwiza on Thursday, the former Zengeza West MP said State agents had informed him to stop entertaining journalists. Said Sikhala:             I am now facing new threats. A deep state has informed me to stop these interviews.Deep State” refers to a body of people, typically influential members of government agenci

February 02, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa 22 Year Old Stanley Mahachi Ouraya Mukadzi Wake 39 Year Old Dadirai Mudarikwa

A 22-year-old man who allegedly killed his 39-year-old wife over an undisclosed issue before fleeing from the scene has been arrested.   22-year-old man who allegedly killed his 39-year-old wife over an undisclosed issue before fleeing from the scene has been arrested.           In a statement, the ZRP said Stanley Mahachi (22) fatally struck his wife Dadirai Mudarikwa (39) with a spade in the head on 25 January 2024. Mahachi was arrested on Tuesday at his mother’s homestead in Mawarire Village, Mwenezi, Masvingo. Police said:               ZRP confirms the arrest of Stanley Mahachi (22) who was being sought in connection with a case of murder which occurred at a hous

February 02, 2024

Jacob Phiri pavillion Bus Driver Akaurayisa Vanhu 6 Bingura Road Asungwa Nemutemo

Pavillion bus  driver who allegedly  caused the death of two people at the 68 kilometer peg along Harare Mukumbura highway has been arrested.         The driver Jacob Phiri is being  charged for contravening section 49 of the Criminal Law Codification Reform Act Chapter 9:23 (Road Traffic Act Chapter 13:11 "Culpable Homicide").allegedly caused the death of two Bindura Rural Electrification Agency employees, Washington Chigiji (39) and Charles Kembo.           According  to police on January 27 around 07am, Jacob Phiri was driving a yellow Pavillion bus from Harare towards Bindura.           On approaching the 68km peg, he intended to overtake in

February 02, 2024

Jambwa Or Munyama Seh Calaz Vanga Vari Kuda Kupiwa Mota Na Wicknel Asi Nekuda Kwekuti Zanupf Haida ku Deliver Zvayakqvimbisa Macitizens Haana Kuzopiwa Zvake

HALLO FRIDAY...As committed on my birthday i said I would buy only three singers and one DJ of MY CHOICE cars, its sad and very unfortunate to say one of the singers fell and dropped last minute. A few weeks back he posted something saying its been 5 months               after the elections and Zanu PF has delivered nothing to the electorate. I beg to differ because i see the hard work by the second Republic with massive billion dollar projects being either negotiated , commissioned , implemented or commenced .The tone of his post offended me as it was based on ignorance and attention seeking hence i disqualified him considering the legal tender being used to purchase these vehicles is mine. I will not be intimidated by anyone for

February 02, 2024

Sandra Ndebele Zvake Zvabhadhara Otengerwa Mota Ye 155 000 Usd Na Wicknel Chivhayo

HALLO FRIDAY...As committed on my birthday i said I would buy only three singers and one DJ of MY CHOICE cars, its sad and very unfortunate to say one of the singers fell and dropped last minute. A few weeks back he posted something saying its been 5 months after the elections and Zanu PF has             delivered nothing to the electorate. I beg to differ because i see the hard work by the second Republic with massive billion dollar projects being either negotiated , commissioned , implemented or commenced .The tone of his post offended me as it was based on ignorance and attention seeking hence i disqualified him considering the legal tender being used to purchase these vehicles is mine.          

February 01, 2024

Mashura 31 Year Old Mashine Magande from Masvingo Orepa Mai Vake Apedza Ndokubva Azviuraya

Taboo: Masvingo man committed s-ic!de by hanging after a foiled attempt to bed his mother31-year-old Masvingo man committed s-ic!de by hanging after a foiled attempt to bed his mother Masvingo Provincial Police Spokesperson Kudakwashe Dehwa confirmed the incident and urged members of the public with mentally challenged relatives to make sure that they adhere to their medication.           “I can confirm that we received a report where a 31-year-old committed suicide by hanging himself on roof trusses with an electric cable after he tried to sleep with his mother who went on to report him to a relative.           “We urge members of the public to make sure that their mentally challenged rela

February 01, 2024

Tawanda Ochema Magure Epa Zindoga Touchline Ndakapiwa Siki Ndakapfeka Condom Otaura Nyaya Yake

A lot of shit is happening there kwadoka, believe me, I used to drive big rigsTwakavora tuvanhu itotwu,tune siki inobvaruka condom tunotoda 5macondom.           Zindoga babaIpapa Edzi dzega dzega tumbwa kudakuzadza vanhu zvimbwasungati kana varimo muno vanotengesa kumusunu kwanamai venyu varoi               This is sad . Not sure why people think it's funny. These women have no choices . God please help themMusabatidza ma lights tingazoone dzimwenguwa vatirikuunganidzira mari yekunobvisa waripo ipapo

February 01, 2024

Mushure Job Sikhala Ati Haanei Na Chamisa Akamurasisa Ari Mujeri Tavhunduka Onzi Wagara Uri Mupanduki Wakamboformer Yako Part Ukarasisa Morgan Tsvangirai

Aiwa sikhala now ngaite zvaafunga Chamisa akaedza zvakaonekwa nemunhu wese waniJob sikhala wakangobvira uri mupanduki wakapandukira Tsvangirai ukaita MDC99 yako hapana kwazvikaenda waida kuti           Chamisa adini azvichekeke nekuti uri mujeriJob akasungirwa pamuromo pake pasingamharwe nenhunzi,enda kuna tsabangu mutisei soo takamirira kunzwa zvichataurwa na vaChamisa.             dai wakangwara Uchida kusunungura vana veZimbabwe wabatana navaChamisa matora chimuti manje urimutengesi.

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