Tuesday, October 22

General News

April 08, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvaiitika Kwa Madzibaba Ishmael Shrine Yaa Friday Body Yemwana Age 14 Akavigwa Aine Nhumbu Yakaitwa Autopsy Imi Zvinzwireiwo Mashura Madzibaba Gideon Votaura Zvese

SELF-STYLED prophet Madzibaba Gideon and the elderly man he forced his minor daughter to marry, have been arrested. Madzibaba Gideon, real name Sibiniyo Chikurunhe, and Madzibaba Wonder Kabasa, his elderly son-in-law, were arrested over the controversy related to the marriage of a minor child. The two were in handcuffs on Friday as they showed police and pathologists the grave where they buried his other child, without the knowledge of his ex-wife, Memory Mukanairi.               The body of that child was exhumed on Friday. Madzibaba Gideon’s minor child, who was dragged into the controversial marriage, was at the shrine when the exhumation took place.             &

April 08, 2024

Mashura Tavhunduka Zvobuda Izvo Bruno Furniture Ndiye Baba Vemwana Wa Greatman Music From Vepadhuze Zvinzwirewo Vachitaura Saka Hondo Iripakati Pavo

Kuimba kwacho hapana zvisvinu zvinenge zvichibuda at least ini Furniture ndobata Mamyama zvinozikanwa. Siyana neni shaaApa kureva kuti waimutsvagawo iwe haunyare kutuka chirema itya mwari iwe waida kumupa nekuti haagone kuimba usadaro iwe                   Ndakambozvitaura kuti Bruno ndiye baba vemwana waGreatman,mamwe ma fights atina zera nawo🙌Ndiwe une problem ungatoite makwikwi naGreatman chingotsvaga wekupa worega kumufonera zvakuitakunge inemhiko headboard yacho

April 08, 2024

Chiiko Nhai Mwari Zvinorwadza Izvi Building Yotsva Nhasi Makuseni Zvinhu Zvese Kuita Madota Zvionerewo Varidzi Vachichema

In Chinhoyi, a businessman’s shop was engulfed in flames on Sunday evening, resulting in the loss of valuable merchandise, including household appliances and furniture.             NewZimbabwe.com reported that the unfortunate incident unfolded before the eyes of the unidentified owner, who was outside the premises.                 The fire is suspected to have been caused by an electrical fault attributed to the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), known for its erratic power supply.   Leslie Mhangwa, the Member of Parliament for Chinhoyi, visited the site and identified deficiencies in the emergency services.  

April 08, 2024

Zvakaoma In Penhalonga Mutare Scott Sakupwanya Mabvuku-Tafara MP Vochera Makuwa Grave Yard Evanhu Kuti Vachere Gold Hama Dzevafi Dziri Kuchema Nyaya Yakaoma Iyi

Recently, nine graves of victims who lost their lives in a mineshaft collapse during the late 1940s in Penhalonga were exhumed. Their remains were subsequently reburied at Tsvingwe Cemetery, clearing the path for new mining operations.             As reported by the Manica Post, the exhumation occurred on a Wednesday. Chief Mutasa and various government officials, including acting Mutasa District Development Coordinator Tedious Beto, were present to witness the process.               Beto confirmed that all necessary protocols were meticulously followed, ensuring a respectful exhumation process and dignified reburials.  

April 08, 2024

Drama Racho Bodo Greatman Music Oti Bruno Furniture Zvave Zvemushonga Here Ndakati Handisi Kuda Headboard Or Wave Kuda Kuita Mukadzi Wangu Mubobobo Otaura Zvakawanda Pashata

😂😂😂 waonerei nhamo nhai inga andina kumbotendera wani ndakati andidi kkkkk Bruno Furniturez chindiitirawo mushe i want to focus on me myself😹zvava zvemushonga here zvinomanikidzwa munhu kudaro 😹                 hedbody yacho ngaipihwe makhoti zvipereKo iye brono chiiko naye kana aine mari ngaape vanhu vavakabira na kamuchacha uko kwete kuda kuswerotinetsera gire wedu bruno kaaa utikwanire tseki               Kkkkkk ngaatengese ape mkdzi weround yaasiri kuda kubhadhara asi akaromba kni anoda kupa vanazvo

April 06, 2024

Zvinorwadza Izvi Harare CBD 5 Vanhu Vafa So Far Bulding Yangodonha Vane Moyo Wakasimba Zvionereiwo

Four people feared dead after part of a building collapsed in Harare CBD this afternoo                 Haaa yaaa zvima building zvenguva ya Rhodes izvi,,,saka tasiyanei nevari ku Ukraine kana ku Gaza varikurohwa nema missile vakarara mumba

April 06, 2024

Zva Greatman Music Bodo Oti Ndopihwirwa Mukadzi Wangu Bhurugwa Ndongosekerera Here Opopota Mukomana Haasi Kufara Zvinzwirewo

Mukoma mofanira kunyora ma memes 😂😂😂😂Greatman MusicNomatter all the insults if i say no to me its a no, sorry to all my fans I know you were not expecting this but yo Greatman says no to this disrespectful offervanomira neni simukai tifambeMe and 99 others respect your decision ....stay true to yourself bro❤️❤️❤️❤️           Greatman Music i stand by you, you are right. Vanhu vanotarisa one side of the coin vofunga kuti nekuseri ndoozvaririAnd you have got every right to say no!! Big up bro and don't be controlled by these people who feel they have made it in life,and also think people with disabilities ngavaite thank you kune zvese zvese.              

April 06, 2024

Nyaya Yakora Muto Iyi Regina Opindura Baba Rokadhiya Ovafumura Zvese Nezvemubhurugwa Komashamwari Munoudzana Zvese Why Mai Rokadhiya Why Zvinzwirewo Mashura

Varume nevakadzi vasina kukwana vanoonekwa nekutuka Regina bcs uyu shamwari yamai Roka saka chokwadi chose anacho, even ini murume kungoshungurudza mwana wangu ndoudza sahwira wangu haisi mhosva, uye baba Roka ava ndivo vakatanga nyaya dzavo ngavapedze voga, dai mukadzi wemunhu wavakamitisa ari wenyu varume imi mainzwawo seyi             Bottom line is Siya vanhu vapedzerane iwewe ukaona vadzokerana uchaita sei. Nemiwo vakadzi zivai vanhu vamunoudza maProblems emumba menyu plus dzidzai kugara pasi motaurirana mega pasina frnd or Tete or anyone wanaudza. Both parties are wrng apa.                   Ungafumure murume wako kudaro kushamwari. Regina Siyana nemba yevanhu

April 06, 2024

Mashura Vanhu 4 Vafa Mushure Mebuilding NuHarare CBD Yadhirika

Haaa yaaa zvima building zvenguva ya Rhodes izvi,,,saka tasiyanei nevari ku Ukraine kana ku Gaza varikurohwa nema missile vakarara mumba         A lot of structures in Harare have outlived their lifespan and are now a danger. We need to demolish and rebuild     Safety measures especially fire, occupancy worthiness of old buildings need to be revised because most buildings have ran their lifespan Sometimes we have to thank God for what didn't happened. Working up daily is a miracle which is underrated. Tatenda tiri kufema.     No Ambulance..Rescue Team.. Fire brigade..evenly police....Zbc  tell your bosses kuty vandipewo huserious..   Ngava renovate mabuildings avo vanhu ava. Busy enj

April 06, 2024

Mashura Vanhu 4 Vafa Mushure Mebuilding MuHarare CBD Yadhirika

Haaa yaaa zvima building zvenguva ya Rhodes izvi,,,saka tasiyanei nevari ku Ukraine kana ku Gaza varikurohwa nema missile vakarara mumba           A lot of structures in Harare have outlived their lifespan and are now a danger. We need to demolish and rebuild     Safety measures especially fire, occupancy worthiness of old buildings need to be revised because most buildings have ran their lifespan Sometimes we have to thank God for what didn't happened. Working up daily is a miracle which is underrated. Tatenda tiri kufema.     No Ambulance..Rescue Team.. Fire brigade..evenly police....Zbc  tell your bosses kuty vandipewo huserious..   Ngava renovate mabuildings avo vanhu ava

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