Tuesday, October 22

General News

April 12, 2024

Nyaya Inorwadza Iyi Musikana Angaatirwa Go Fund Mari Yave Almost 50 000 Hazvina Kumira Mushe Vanhu Ngavasadaro Chitsotsi Pakadai Sure Zvinzwirewo

Almost 50k!!!!Hakuna India ichaendwa zvatovharana.!Pese apa vangachiuya pamaLive vachikumbira madonation vachiudza vanhu manext steps then olofesadhen mari yakwasekuru Nijo how come to u so?           Joey akutogovana hake mari nakasekuru kaye muchamuona akutonohodha mateki kuChina ouya achiti shandai vanhu shandaiZvakaoma ko kuzoti yemu EcoCash, Innbuck, Mukuru etc plus yaThe Giver.                   Nhasi angove maStories after stories, yakazoitwa moved how to sekuru's account it was supposed to be moved muskana akuenda kuIndiaMai Nene Manyusa Nyaya haisi yefamily.Imari yemadonor....Madonor akati mari direct kuHospital saka apa yakumboburitswa kunanga mumasendirai

April 12, 2024

Haya Nyaya Dzacho Dzinoshamisa Dzinovhundutsa Maitt Vasikana Vekujeri Vavaiita Chingochano Vofumura Zvese Kwa Ketina Zvinzwirewo Vefuwe Nyika Yakutyisa

Muchachilo denga uchaita Eeku gugula 🤣 kujeri kakasiya katsotsa VANHU Mabeg Apa kaive Kachitoitawo hungochani ikoko puu disgusting ndirikuuya nevasikana vaigara nako vandibata vane bitterness yekutsotswa mabeg avo muzvinzwire 🤣🤣🤣 hanzi kaigezeswa ka huye don’t                Live loading ko gidza akazodanana na gogo shero mugardreri aipa muchachilo fon chachaz akavava🤣             Kozoti ya mapeps 😝Mungapopote mukadii one thing I know is ketile haanyepi

April 12, 2024

Zvakaoma Maitt Finally Speaks Mwana Wangu Haana Website Yaari Munhu Wese Aka Circulate Nyaya Yave Kumapurisa

I know you are waiting for answers wich u already concluded. But it is well . The way you are shocked is the same way I’m shocked because my daughter is the most quiet, intelligent, individual. When I counted my blessings I count her as well . Never have I ever hold a stick to flog her because there was nothing to flog her for . She was the best God gave me because everything about her is just perfect.                                There is no website that people are claiming There are no videos wich people are exegerating  There is just a young lady who was in a relationship and trusted her boyfriend and after breaking up the guy leaked

April 11, 2024

Kikky Baddas Haazi Kufara Otuka Vanhu Vese Varikufarira Manudzu Afifi Iye Anotengesawo Only fans chiweti Chake

It’s sad to see grown men and women sharing photos and circulating them considering the fact that she is a minor. We have all made mistakes, especially when we were younger, she didn’t know better , of course she never even anticipated something like this would happen. She trusted someone and was betrayed. Hakuna mubereki asingade kuti mwana wake aita zvakanakawo muhupenyu.               The news spread like wildfire simply because of who her mother is. Of course vamwe vatoona zvakakodzera to settle their scores na mai vake asi in the process the person who is greatly affected is the girl. People are speaking as if they have life figured out, to err is human. Vamwe varikutoita crazier things vatori vanhu vakuru. As a mo

April 10, 2024

Seka Urema Wafa Maitt Vaiseka Cha Shashl But Chake Chigongo Chakanaka Cha Fifi Kuita Kupazwa Chiweti Sechane zvimazuva Panyika Tazoonerera Zvedu

Muchaziva pakaita Shashyl ponoooo ku Matapi na Levels , Chachaz akablasta Shashiri. Pidigu today Fifi is teaching us BONDE STANZAz , LIFE🤣🤣 #HOMWE_iHOMWEMilage maiona here ahhhh🤣🤣🤣👏               Unopazorora wani kkkkKo aimbonzi haadi camera wani mwana wacho izvo anoita kuzasi chete 🤣Mai vacho vanosara pasi kamuvhuriro kacho😅😅😅chikundirwadza mwana ane 17 yrs but Heinz ikuratidza kuti yakuma 30yrs ikoko 😂😂😂             Zvofanira kudai kuti munyatsoona chakashatira kugara neNgochani....ayiyend nekupi iye ayidyira mundiro one naWasu

April 10, 2024

Haa Pashata Manje Tatelicious Oburitsa Rimwe V11 Ra Fifi Imi Mwana Uyu Chiiko Kutodza Amai Zvionerewo Mashura

Maida kuti aite semwana wa Mai Chisamba ????   Fifi mwana wa Kamuchacha, therefore FIFI is a CHACHLING !!!!   LIKE MADHA LIKE DHOTA , PIRIODHI !!!!!!Mwana we JOKI iJOKI             JOKAURA HAKO FIFI   NDATI JOKA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Maifunga ndainyepa ndichiti akabvisa nhumbu mai vari mu Jeri . Fifi akabviswa nhumbu na mai Maketeni , Chachaz ari muchizarira .   Kune drama uko 🤣🤣🤣🤣Adii zvake Fifi Watodza mai vako iwe.             Kungobvunzwa chete unongoti ndakopa mhamha. Well done Fifi , KONDINYO.🤣🤣🤣🤣Zvikutonzi Fifi ndiye akararamisa mhuri when Chachaz went to prison .         &nb

April 09, 2024

Fifi Wamaitt Kuita Kupazwa Chiweti Video Iri Ratapiwa Na Patricia Jackie Imika Zvionewo I I Semubereki Chibereko Changu Charwadza

Nhai mwana wamai tt Fifi chii chadero?😅😅😅Fifi avhura hombe ..aienda nepi akaona Kuna Mai Aya Ndomashura Zvinoshamisa Fifi Wamait Abura Hombe Video Tapiwa From Patricia Jackie Zvataona Kukukoirira Dhara Iroro ImikaaqDai mwari atiwanire nyasha nyaya dze pwere here mmmmm jesooooo             Ummmmmm video yacho ndinayo baba avo vanofanha kusungwa shuwa pamwana mudiki akadaroo🙄🙄🙄🙄Fifi rwendo runo avharisa mastreets ndapererwa iniVari kuti kids no go area sit down felisha nakiki wa tytie 6 na 9 different kind ,imi hamuna zvamaona ndosaka muchidaro         😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭umm ndatya kani imi vana vapanduka kudai🙌🙌🙌kutodza Mai vacho vandapa ipaio vamwe kuseriNdape

April 08, 2024

Zvinorwadza Izvi 130 Vanhu Vafa Paivewo Nema Zimbabweans Ku Mozambique Chikepe Chanyura

least 94 people, including children, have d!ed after a makeshift ferry sank off the northern coast of Mozambique, according to reports in the country. The boat was carrying people fleeing the cholera outbreak that is ravaging the East African nation, state broadcaster TVM has reported.             Lourenco Machado, an administrator at the country’s Maritime Transport Institute, told the news service 26 people remain missing after the vessel capsized on Sunday. He added that the vessel was an overloaded fishing boat and was not licensed to transport people. “On Sunday we registered a maritime incident where at least 94 people di3d when a barge carrying 130 people capsized. We have recovered 94 bodies and 26 are missing,

April 08, 2024

Zvakaoma Mai Ve 14 Year Old Girl Akanga Avekuitwa Mukadzi NaMadzibaba Ishmael Avekuda Kutiza Vakabva Vamuuraya Nyaya Yakaoma Iyi

Publication’s readers calls on for the arrest of Madzibaba Ishmael IN a gut-wrenching tale, a widow Nauma Zvarava has come out in the open to share the tragedy she encountered losing her husband and a pregnant minor daughter at the hands of cult leader, Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa of Johanne Masowe eChishanu Nyenyedzi apostolic church. In an exclusive interview with source Zvarava, a former cult member who has since relocated to Harare, spoke of her unbearable experiences in which she lost both her breadwinner hubby and cherished daughter.           According to her narration, the nightmare began when Nauma’s daughter Polite Kofi, only 14 years old at the time, deserted her family in 2019 and eloped with Madzibaba Ngoni, who

April 08, 2024

Kobaba Shero Aleck Macheso Madarirei Kudzinga Majuice’s Basa Makabva Naye Kure Imi Nyaya Yacho Haina Kana Musoro Zvinzwirewo

The Orchestra Mberikwazvo management cracked the whip during their tour of Masvingo during the Easter holidays after he also appeared on stage late, sources within the camp said. “He was told to go home until further notice. He used to come on stage late, sometimes after the man himself (Macheso) and management had been warning him over his behaviour.             “He thought he was untouchable until the management told him there was only one leader, and it was only Mopao Mokonzi (Macheso),” said a source. Majuice was missing in action during Macheso’s shows in Chivhu, Marondera, and Harare over the weekend.             Macheso confirmed Majuice’s suspens

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