Monday, October 21

General News

May 01, 2024

Pashata Hazvina Kumira Mushe Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Sister Otukwa Na Tom Jones

Uyu chero akati huya ukwire mahara kana ngazvikone akatowora kare zvake apa hanzi ndi doctor ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ doctor yes hatirambe but doctor wekupishika chembere what do you know about                 Mura kupfupika kunge duzvi ratsikwa nasabhuku dzikama utange wagona kupfeka kwete kupfeka kunge chembere apa structure harina ingati zigwayi rawanikidzwa richibony*ra๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Ingati ihurekure yanyengwa nezizi kumatapi๐Ÿ˜‚

May 01, 2024

Zvakaoma Farai Munyawara Ofenda Abiirwa 40 000 Usd Ne Mac Laptop Mushure Mekunge Window Re Ford Ranger Yake Rapazwa Mu Harare CBD

Farai Munyawara, 34, had parked his vehicle in his yard when thieves broke in and went away with the cash and an Apple MacBook laptop valued at US$500.             Farai Munyawara, 34, had parked his vehicle in his yard when thieves broke in and went away with the cash and an Apple MacBook laptop valued at US$500. He heard the car alarm go off, just few minutes from parking it, and rushed to the vehicle where he found out that someone had smashed the front passenger window.BALLANTYNE Park man lost US$40 000 and a laptop to thieves who stole from his parked Ford Ranger.             Farai Munyawara, 34, had parked his vehicle in his yard when thieves broke in and went away with the cash and

May 01, 2024

Shavi Racho President Vakatokanganosa Kuburitsa Mhondi Ne Amnesty 2 Brothers Evans And Elvis Mupamhanga Vouraya Babanunini Wavo Kuvacheka Cheka Ma Kidney

 brothers aged 21 & 25 vakaregererwa through presidential amnesty last week have been rearrested after they killed their uncle for revengeAmnesty beneficiaries re-arrested for murder           TWO siblings who benefitted from the recent Presidential amnesty have been re-arrested after six days of freedom, for allegedly brutally murdering their uncle, accusing him of reporting them to the police for stealing a firearm. Evans Mupamhanga (25) and his brother Elvis (21), both from Farm 21, Chemagora area in Gokwe South, are battling for their lives at Gokwe South District Hospital under police guard after they were attacked by 10 unknown men the same day they had brutally murdered their uncle, Kiddny (62), in a suspected revenge attack.

May 01, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Fungai Madamboss Sister Murume Waakapa Edzi Ofumura Zvese Kuti Murwere Ndakasiiwa Ndakurwara Ndivhizvipazhira Manyoka Naye Uyu

Fungai Mutisi Ofumurwa Ane Edzi Njovhera Akapa Varume Vakawanda Pa Ngundu Varume Vacho Varikuzvipazhira Nanyoka Iwe Ychinwa Mapiritsi ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ               Wakapedza Varume Panonaka Uri Destroyer Jerina Wo Rokakata Matinji

April 29, 2024

Daddy Hopewell Chin'ono Voti Mazimbabwean Ndirwo Rudzi Rune Vanhu Vane Hutsinye Kupembera Kutambura Kwemumwe Votsanangura

Usambofa wakaudza muZimba zvauri kuronga, vanhu ivavo vanegodo rinotyisa, vanokudonhedza, vane huhutsinye. Taura wasvika.             MaZimba ndiwo rudzi chete rwanda kaona rwuno pembera kutambura kweumwe wavo. Vanotono gadzira manyepo zvinoitwa naSimba Chikanza zviya kuti udonhe.   Mweya hwehuroyi hwaka vagara, vamwe vanodepotesana, unowaneyi kubva kwazviri?             Mweya wetsvina hwakagara rwudzi rwedu, kana zvichiita, reduce interaction navo kauri kunze kwenyika, usataure zvaunoita.   Kana vehukama chaiwo vanenge vachito fashaira negodo.              Muve nezuva rakanaka hama dzangu.Chokwadi haa godo

April 29, 2024

Ku UK Uko Hazvina Kumira Mushe Mai Mazowe Kupa Munhu Anga Ari Mujeri COS Pashata Ivo Votochemawo Zvinzwirewo

Social Media unorumwa newaunodya naye like play like play.Ask me ndokuudzai inini personally.Vamwe vanhu vanouya mulife mako just to destroy you chete.๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”Soko Bae Amen ndakaregerera zvemashamwari izvi.           Unenge wait wa stepping stone then widonhedzwa futi at the same time ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”Ini ndakadzidza kuti my friends are my children ndavhiringidzwa zvekusara uchiita kunge benzi nema so-called friends.           Now got people I socialise with only when there is need,no girl trips, no home visits,no more-than-5-min phone calls, only supporting each other on functions or funerals. Never again

April 28, 2024

Mai Maketeni Votaura Side Renyaya Yekusungwa Kwamaitt Nyadzi Dzinokunda Rufu

Guys stop telling lies Makoti was not arrested,I never told anyone those lies,whoever claims I told them should bring true V11 not fake Acc.Cat family don’t worry makoti is very fine,Cat father did not go anywhere.Ndatenda!Guys stop telling lies Makoti was not arrested,I never told anyone those lies,whoever claims I told them should           bring true V11 not fake Acc.Cat family don’t worry makoti is very fine,Cat father did not go anywhere.Ndatenda!Titende sazita unoziya ma zimba dai tawanirwa nyasha kufarira kwa toita kuchema kwemumweVery unnecessary to always want to clarify zvinhu zvamunenge             muchiziva kuti inhema๐Ÿคฎwhy muchizvipinza muzvinhu zvamusingagone kuhandler

April 28, 2024

Mota Yemuimbi Benz Yaakapiwa Na Wicknel Yatoita Accident Hausi Munyama Here

Mota dzezvikwambo dzatanga kuwa manjeNdoiya benzi yavakapuwa here zvinhu zviya zvatanga muchadzi dxosera henyuInenge isati yauya HONDA FIT jah man ๐Ÿ˜…… rolls Royce yakarara wani ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍โ™‚๏ธ             Mota ikangouya ku Africa anything can happen kune mhepo chaidzo zvotoda kunamata zvakanyanya everyday havafare kukuona une mota haa                

April 27, 2024

Zim Dancehall Artists Mbida D Osungwa Kudzivarasekwa

Zimdancehall chanter Mbida D, real name Gift Zimbita, has been arrested for alleged fraud. Mbida Dee failed to perform at a bar in Dzivaresekwa surburb after receiving a deposit from the patrons.                 He is expected to appear in court today. Mbida D is the reigning Zimdancehall King after a recent crowning by a local promoter             Tags: Mbida D arrested for fraud, Mbida D in nos show Post navigation SADOMBA IS A MAN UNDER SIEGE, HE HASN’T EVEN EATEN A MEAL AT HOME FOR SEVEN MONTHS…Sadomba sleeps on the house’s first floor…Sherlynn sleeps on the house’s ground floor

April 27, 2024

Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa Vobuda Mujeri Nemhosva Dzese Dzavakapara Votaura Kuti Ini Ndirikuzoita Zve Canaan Yangu Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvinzwirewo

Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa granted US$1000 bail by the High Court.   ...barred from conducting any church gatherings report to police three times a week    #hmetro     Cult Leader Madzibaba Ishmael Granted Bail, Barred From Conducting Church    Two locked up for harbouring witnesses to jailed cult leader’s crimes               Controversial religious cult leader, Ishmael Chokurongerwa, popularly known as Madzibaba Ishmael, has finally been granted bail by the High Court after spending almost two months in remand prison. Chokurongerwa (54), who leads the Johanne Masowe Penyera Nyika sect, and seven oth

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