Monday, October 21

General News

May 18, 2024

Gandanga Thomas Mapfumo Atsamwa Wicknell Usandijsirira Siyana Nezita Rangu Vopopota Mukanya

Exiled legendary Zimbabwean musician Thomas Mapfumo has rubbished claims that he is considering returning to Zimbabwe after being offered a US$700,000 package that includes a house, car and cash by controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo.    Nehanda Radio received an audio from Mapfumo which was also sent to Chivayo in which he made his feelings clear.                "Hello Wicknell, let me tell you, please stop soiling my name. If what you think you doing is good, go ahead without involving my name, don't soil my name talking nonsense about me. I don't know you and I have never met you.    "I just hear about you on the news. I don't hate you, just leave my name alone. D

May 17, 2024

Olinda Chapel Na Stunner Vachikisana Oti Ndanyura Murudo Zvakare Izvi Zvaita Tytan Azhambe Zvakaoma Mufunge

So Mai Nandi havasi kuda kutiona takanyarara hereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I swear I no go talkNyura iwe ko ndiwe wadii hako mkadzi wa Des               Ndosaka cader wanga akati ziii izvo wanga anyura hakeKana pane munhu afara nhasi ndini, this is what I have been praying for for 5 yrs now@ Olinda Chapel-Nkomo ndiri kufara ini, musikana ari happyNdozvandaigara ndichinamatira izvi , zvazoitika, O.C Unofadza moyo wangu nezvese hazvo zvaunoita…

May 17, 2024

Mujeri Guard Azviuraya Kusiya Anyora Tsamba Mushure Mekunge Adzidzisa Mukadzi Apedza Avekumuramba Kuti Hsusi Weclass yangu Video Akazvisungirira Mutoilet

Uuuum murombo harovi chinengowo πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ’”       Kune nyaya yanetsa veduweeeeee mugadhijeri azvisungirira mushure mekunge adzidzisa mukadzi achitora loan kubasa ndokudzidzisawo namainini munin'ina wemukadzi vakushanda vakuti hausi weclass yangu ndazowana anoenderana neni amuka           akazvisungirira afunge kti anechikwereti chinodarika 2500us dhora payslip hanzi Haina kana pay achibatirwa mari yekufundisa mudzimai nemuramu.   ZimDaily Society

May 17, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Baba Vakuru Stan Jacha Anogara Ku UK Oda Kuroora Muzukuru Mwana We Hanzvadzi Yake

UK-BASED Zimbabwean man wants to marry his niece and this has split his family, amid reservations from others who say this is taboo. Stan Jacha appears to have been blown away by the beauty of his niece, Charity Ngundu, and now wants to take her as his wife. Her beauty first caught his attention when he gleaned some photographs captured at a funeral. He decided she was the one he wanted to be his wife and pursued her with the intention to win her heart and marry her.               Stan won the battle to win her heart and showed he was serious when he proposed to Charity. She accepted his proposal and the two agreed to marry each other. They set a date for lobola payment, after consultations with other family members.

May 17, 2024

Zvinonyadzisa Mari Chokwadi Yakauraisa Jesu Mukanya Thomas Mapfumo Oti Ndave Kuuya Konozotora Zvinhu Zvaakapihwa Na Wicknel Chivhayo Kozvaanga Achembera Zvakanaka Wani

Mukanya’s Manager: “I’m waiting to meet with Wicknell and find the way forward because I think it’s a good offer which Mukanya  deserves, considering his contribution during the struggle and his contributionin the music industry in this country,” Mataure said.             “There’s no harm in meeting and finding common ground and move forward because I strongly believe Wicknell’s offer is coming from him with love for Mukanya and not for publicity."Ini pandakaona kuti maqwiqwi ndepaasina kupindura after leaks of that chat. Mukanya is always upfront haanonoke.                 Apa iye Chivhayo arikutomusimbisa.

May 17, 2024

Hatisati Tapora Nudzu Ramadzimai Evangelica Ovhura Hombe Zimbabweans Chiiko Nairo Gomba Rinenge Radzurwa Muti Nemakorokoza Zvionerewo Mmmmh

Haa kanyika kano kakutotyisa kurara unomuka wakasiiwa nenyaya 30 ndati πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Haa shuwa here Pame 🀣🀣🀣🀣 hatisati ta recover zvamadzimai Emily kwato nezvitsva kkkkkkNairo gomba rake rinenge rakambocherwa nemakorokoza nxaaa             Zuro ndizuro wakazhamba uchiti urikuda maHonoro anobva kuChando Zig rinobva Zakarinopisa ahusi kurida nhasi ndiwe uyo waranyu chiso chakafara musikana ari happy enda kubasa hama πŸ™„Haa kanyika kano kakutotyisa kurara unomuka wakasiiwa nenyaya 30 ndati πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

May 17, 2024

Izvezvi Pa Bata Mutown Seluru Vatsikwa Nekombi Ichimhanyiswa Nemapurisa Vafa Banhu Vari Busy Kutora MaVideo Zvionerewo

So in Zimbabwe zvikutoramba kuti vanhu vagone kushandisa camera ? Mazibag nemisoro ye Vanhu ndoosekuru vacho here??????Nhy Mwari😭😭😭apa             imwe yapotsa yapinda mu chicken slice pana mbuya nehanda na kwamePolice iri wrong.nguva zhinji vanouraisa vanhu nekudzingirira macombi iwaya.ngavazame imwe nzira yokutovera tsuro pagwenzi kwete nonsense dzavarikuita idzi.

May 16, 2024

Musikana Ochema Kuridza Mhere Vachivayo Wicknel Ndi Adopteiwo Ndakwauka Nenhamo Ini

Vachivayo ndi adoptei munhu wamwari nhamo yandionesa chitshuku                 A fatherly love you give to those kids bonds you l salute you for making time for them irregardless of how busy you are.Only if other man can copy from you church and your kids come first thank you above all family comes first.         You deserve an iconic award handina chandinacho asi you are nurturing your kids well mangwana in life there will put their families first before anything.Thank u.l am impressed u are a rare specis l declare favour upon your life.Salute

May 16, 2024

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Video Mazimbabwean Anga Ari Mu Qatar Airways From Dohar To Nairobi Kenya Vachichema Mundege Turbulence Pakaipa

  From Doha To Nairobi  Social media reports showed Qatar Airways flight 1499 experiencing extreme turbulence on while over Somalia. The Doha to to Kilimanjaro flight reportedly experienced extreme weather conditions, and photos show damage to the cabin. Apparently one passenger was hospitalized, with a suggestion that the passenger was taken from Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya.          

May 16, 2024

Maaccident Awanda Munyika Chiiko Zvinorwadza Mhuri Yevanhu 4 Vafa Patsaona Baba Nevana Vavo 3

Four family members have died in a road accident that happened in Zvishavane on Monday. The four, including a father, his two children and his brother’s child, died on the spot after a Toyota Wish they boarded from Zvishavane to Harare swerved off the road at Boterekwa           escarpments in Shurugwi and hit a tree.Sources said that the driver of the vehicle who survived the accident was speeding.  There were eight passengers in the vehicle, and the injured were taken to hospital. The accident happened at a black spot notoriously referred to as the Butcher.         Midlands Police Spokesperson Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the accident, which happened at around 6pm. The

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