Sunday, October 20

General News

July 08, 2024

Copperbelt bhazi radonha between Colesburg and Bloemfontein enroute to Zimbabwe from Capetown Bus kwaro trailer kwayo

Copperbelt bhazi radonha between Colesburg and Bloemfontein enroute to Zimbabwe from Capetown                 Bus kwaro trailer kwayoMunenge manga muchimhanyiwa musnow .shuwa madriver ngatimboitai serious neupenyu hwe vanhu

July 07, 2024

Aikakaa Zvinoshamisa Arikijirwa Musaga Na Gafa Kwavenemwana Vese Vakamubata

Aikaka.. isu tatisingazvizivi kuti KVG arikujgirwa musaga na Winky D ..Kana ukasataura Gaffa unenge usina nyaya nhaika             Regai adyiwe ka ko zvinebasa reyi wether musaga mugumbeze muplastic kana mu plate kudya kudya chete chero munhu agutaKkkk amana musadaroo

July 07, 2024

Nyathi Family Replaced Kikky And Tytie Kuvapedza Panonaka Vaita Kubuda Mu SABC Zvizere

Meet the Nyathi family.. from humble beginnings to SABC news to replacing Tytie and Kikkie           I don't know who needs to hear this, but    Isaiah 60:22  says, "when time is right I the Lord will make it happen".   Ecclesiastes 3 vs 11 says He makes everything beautiful in its time.  So my encouragement today is 'don't give up'. God is mindful of you. He will also make you prosper.             Please Bless my day with a follow🤲🏽.  It could mean alot. Thank you ❤️There is no comparison between the two couples,as for me I love them in their own uniqueness

July 07, 2024

Aikaka Tavhunduka Ka Madamboss Trip Yekuma Awards Zvobuda Zvese Pachena Scott Kupa Akabhadhara Mari Yekuti Vatopinda Zvizere

It’s just about affordability yehomwe yako siyai musikana adye mari yake madiro.It’s not her money that paid Imari ya Scott. Roar Entertainment is yet another company used to launder money by the gold mafia. We are not going weaker up on a Sunday and start admiring ZANU PF looters and their beneficiaries. Please tisiyei heduVeduwee maZimbabweans ngatiregei kuita mabharanzi kudai 🤣🤣🤣🙌.             Regai vamwe vakati chimwe chibhambi chedu so🙌. Do you know that Ms Shall's Entertainment company got to co-plan the BET with BET International. That's why vainzi the African Entertainment what-what. Ndiko               kwaakadeedzwa naMs Shally vekwaGinim

July 07, 2024

Zanu PF Harare chairwoman Ropafadzo Mukarati vabva vavhura hombe havo ku WhatsApp mapikicha mu comments section🙌👇

Zanu ndekwechihure hure,hnty mai vaya vakapuwa mota yekuzunza mutakaZanu PF Harare chairwoman Ropafadzo Mukarati vabva vavhura hombe havo ku             WhatsApp mapikicha mu comments section🙌👇MaiWelly vavhura huru her

July 07, 2024

Tatelicious Ovhura Hombe Ku Snap Chat Na Easter Gambiii Replastic Kuita Chifuta Machiona Sei

Vanoshandisa snapchat mhanyai munoona SHURA RANDAPOSTA PA STORY . MUZONYIMANE , PANANAI MUMAMANA IMOMO . #HOMBODO_MANYAMA❤️               Ndaisa another video the 2nd one ku story , snappy chati 🤣🤣🤣My username ye SNAPCHAT is              Queenestherzw91 .Kana matumwa na kwini musazovhurira panevanhu koz kwini venyu vanovhura hombe

July 07, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvaitika Kwa Rusape Tsanzaguru Zimbabwe Yashata Iyii Nyika Yavekumawere

FROM INBOX | Makadii hama. Pane chiitiko chaitika muno mu Tsanzaguru RUSAPE kuma 3 nhasi Wednesday 3 July. Pagedhi pauya mota mukadzi aburuka akapinda mu gate akati kumwana Mbuya varipo here zvikanzi ehe vadeedzei. Ndasvika adzokera mumota panga paine mukadzi kumberi nemukomana wechidiki or murume wechidiki mutema anga aine cap nevakadzi 2 kumashure vese vanga vari 4.                Ndatoti makadii vakadaira then mukadzi anga ariku front ndiye anga achibvunza baba varipo here , vanodzoka nguvai . Mubvunzo yavo yanga ichitiratidza kuti varikubvunza zvawasingazive nezve pamba. Ndavati hamuna kurasika here vabva vataura surname yedu coz vaona pakanyorwa ndikati manga muchivadii baba hanzi tine mari yavo tikusiirei here ndikati mu

July 07, 2024

Haya Macelebriry Edu Nekupemha Dj Olla Njuga Dzirema Avekukumbira Mafans Zvaita Akamukirwee

DJ Ollah njuga dzarema aku pemhawo ma stars pa facebook..DJ Ollah hosted the Zimbabwe’s national treasure             Madam Boss dinner party.. money raised over $10,000 thousand US dollars, ma Zimbabweans mukarwadziwa na Madam Boss hamupori

July 06, 2024

52 Students Veku Matopo Boarding School Vapona Rufu After Building Caught Fire

Fifty-two learners at Matopo High School in Matabeleland South escaped unhurt when a fire gutted a school dormitory housing boys in the early hours of Friday but their personal belongings and some school material were destroyed in the inferno.     In a statement of Friday, the Brethren In Christ Church owned boarding school confirmed the incident.     “We regret to inform the public of a devastating fire incident that occurred at Matopo High School in the early hours of Friday, the 5th of July 2024,” said the school. “The fire broke out in the boys’ dormitory, resulting in the complete destruction of property.” The school said the dormitory that was gutted by fire houses 52 learners.     Everything

July 04, 2024

Makorokoto Chipo Muchegwa Totenda NeBenz Ya Wicknell Sniper Vakazviita Futi

Makorokoto Chipo Muchegwa Totenda NeBenz Ya Wicknell Snipe Vakazviita Futi        Makorokoto Chipo Muchegwa Totenda NeBenz Ya Wicknell Snipe Vakazviita Futi 

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