Sunday, October 20

General News

July 13, 2024

Zvakaoma Mwana 3 Months Old Obiwa Zvese Nemota Yevabereki Ku Capetown SouthAfrica

Please ShareπŸ™ | Pane family yabirwa mota kuKhayelitsha, Cape Town. Mota yakabiwa zvese nemwana anga arimo.           Maparents ake anga aenda kunoDeliver huku, vachisvika vachiti vaburutse huku muboot vakomana vabva vasimudza mota kwakutoenda muine mwana imomo kane 3 months.

July 13, 2024

Haya Nyathi Family Vopomera Tytie Kiti Ndiye Areporter Monetization Yavo Avauraisa

Nyathi opomera Tytie mhosva yeku reporter ma videos avakatorwa vari vese izvo zvaita kuti monitization ye Facebook ya Nyathi ivhariswe vaenzi vasumudza mhepo Source:       

July 13, 2024

Maitt Voudza Nyathi Family Musangopemha Shandai Ir Huyai Ku Zimbabwe πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό Ndimubatsirei Facebook Haitembeki

The last time I checked the Nyathi’s someone was saying they will build him A house back home ? Did they ? If they did why can’t they return home otsvaga hake basa kana pane imba yemahara?  I always say do not depend too much on social media money have a side hustle that s why you see people end up creating fake stories all because they need money and stars .            Do not be heartbroken I believe there s something else you can do than depend on begging πŸ₯Ί.  If you are to return home that’s if your promised house is there . I will talk to a certain company I know that can employ you and you can go to work. .            You mentioned SA don’t have job

July 13, 2024

Jean Gasho Nemurume Wake Kuzvara Mwana Ndokumukanda Murwizi Saka Vasungwa Ne UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Police

Good morning. Saka mukufamba uku zviri kunzi Mai kubala aka jean she gave birth last week kumba. So I think u saw a video 2 days ago atorwa ne ambulance kuenda hospital because the midwife and the police were worried she was overdue. So paakaenda Kuchipatara vakaita scan vakaona kuti mudumbu             hamuna mwana. So police now are doing investigations kuziva kuti chii chakaitika Ku mwana. But zviri kunzi jean Ari kuti mwana Ari river. Ndofunga ndosaka anga asingade kuti vanhu vabata dumbu rake. So both are arrested now. Izvi ndazviwana mukufamba zvangu

July 12, 2024

Linda Nyadzawo Step Mother Kurova Mwana 3 Year Old Kumutyora Makumbo Ese Ne Spinal Code Video Racho Ma1

PLEASE SHARE πŸ™ | Hie,could you please help us find Linda Nyadzayo.She is or was a fiancé to our brother.Akarova our niece mwana we hanzvadzi yedu who is 3years old and broke both her legs and damaged spinal cord yemwana.Amai vemwana uyu never stayed with our brother but they had an             affair vakazouya kuzosiya mwana muridzi akabvuma mhosva ndokugamuchira mwana wake.Apparently the stepmother has been ab..using mwana uyu constantly and we didn’t know about it.Nyaya             irikumapurisa emu chegutu but the search has gone beyond chegutu since she is on the run.The husband who is our brother is in police custody for negligence.Your help will be greatly appreciated

July 12, 2024

Pa Boarder Zim Side Ma Zimra Officer Anyadzisa Video Vachibhaudhana Kana Unemukadzi Weku Zimra Uchiti Arikubasa Haa Pakaipa

Pa boarder Zim side tinyareivoPa boarder Zim side tinyareivo      

July 12, 2024

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Serious Accident Pa Warren Park Bus Raita Wastaki Check Hama Dzenyu

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Serious Accident Pa Warren Park Bus Raita Wastaki Check Hama Dzenyu 

July 12, 2024

Madzimai Hatikoshiwe Mapuranga Video Vachikwirwa Nemurume Wemumwe Pasowe

Zim famous help me put this woman Zita rake anonzi Hatikoshiwi Mapuranga .. anopinda church yekwa Mwazha anogara kwa Bhora kwamukakanhaka kwaMurehwa...           Akutoparadza imba yeumwe munhu arikutsiurwa achito tuka .. hama dzangu kana munhu paanozo royewa kusvika mukufa paye ndiko kwazvinenge kwabva uku..

July 11, 2024

Mukadzi Owanikwa Akafa Mutoilet Ye Road Port Hazvizikuita

Janet Bangwayo, of Overspill, Epworth, visited the toilet upon arriving from South Africa on Tuesday.   THE body of a woman was found in a toilet at Roadport in Harare.             Janet Bangwayo, of Overspill, Epworth, visited the toilet upon arriving from South Africa on Tuesday. Her body was first seen by patrons, who were at a food court, who wanted to use the toilet. Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the incident.         “Police are investigating circumstances surrounding the sudden death of a woman at Roadport. “The body was collected and taken to Parirenyatwa Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem,” said Insp Chakanz

July 11, 2024

Mumwezve Big Boy Wepa Town Abatwa Nepolice Muna Samora Zanupf CHIORORO

CITY CAR DEALER, SOCIALITE MATTHEW MUSENGEZI BATTLES TO AVOID GOING TO PRISON. . . gives passionate defence as trial ends July 11, 2024  Zvikomborero Parafini PROMINENT car dealer Matthew Musengezi, who is also a city socialite, has given a passionate defence in the case in which he is on trial for culpable homicide, as he battles to avoid conviction, and the possibility of going to jail. Musengezi, who has pleaded not guilty, testified as the star witness in his defence case when the trial closed in Harare yesterday and judgment will be passed next week.               Prosecutor Charlotte Chikoore alleged that on August 9, 2021, Musengezi  was driving a Range Rover, registration number AFN 1256, in Harare

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