Saturday, October 19

General News

July 26, 2024

Maitt Votaura Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvamai Maketeni Vofumura Varume Vevanhu Maminister Anokwirana Na Memo Hazvipere Mushe

Mashocks eBenz emunhu anokwereta hembe dze 1000 kushop kweshamwari asingabhadhare. Pese pawasvika unotora hembe nezvikwereti. Mai taku chaivo wakatora chikwereti chehembe hauna kubhadhara shamwari yako chaio Charity unechikwereti che $1000 yehembe . So ndiyani asingakwerete? Benz yacho wakapedza kuibhadhara here zviye?? Pawaidida chikurubhi uchipiwa mari nemafriends angu dzausina kusvitsa mashocks aasingafe l?             mbinga yakashaker pasina riding and snatching people s rich friends u re nothing. Miriam chaiye shamwari yako akandiudza kuti urikabias waindinyeya uripamusio wejeri apa wapedza kupemha mari kuma friends angu wandonyera muhomwe. Hauna cent rawakabisa mujeri waive runner wevanhu vakabisa mari, hauna kana cent rawakaisa foo

July 26, 2024

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Kurufu Rwa Mitchel Katakwe Nemwana Wake Tanyaradzwa Vakauraiwa Nababa

Results of hanging on a toxic union surely it consumes life of the innocent may their soul rest in peaceThe memorial service for Mitchel Katakwe and her son Tanyaradzwa, who were murdered by her husband Ezekiel Chibvongodze, was held at a Marondera parlour this Thursday before the bodies were taken to Dotito for burial this Friday.             Ezekiel McDonald Chibvongodze (29) who allegedly murdered his wife Mitchel Evelyn Katakwe and six-year-old son Kimley Tawananyasha Chibvongodze in cold blood was denied bail when he appeared before a Marondera magistrate today.

July 26, 2024

Maitt Vanhura Huru Mai Maketeni Havapafambe Futi After This Chijoker Hezvo Zveshamwari Muchazvirega

My day 1 takambokuudza kuti ucharambwa katatu πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†Ukauya pano uchipaparika sechimusuri chiri muhovhorosi ndoku blocker , Mai tt was being attacked na Mai maketeni everyday but tanga takanyarara .Madam boss and sister was talking rubbish             everyday nekuti nhasi feli apindura ouya uchiti apindurirei ?? Munofuñga kuti mai tt akagadzirwa neSimbi here?? Did you even know kuti vane bp ? Munoda afe achiitwa bhora muchimuti nyarara kusvika rinhi ?? Let her vent !

July 26, 2024

Wasu Ovhura Hombe Munhu Wake Opa Maitt Akashama Pakaipa Zvataona

Wasu Mua ndakakubata kuti dzviiiiiπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ko une ma noodles your boyfriend yauya kwandiri ko unovhura hombe😳😳matako unozunza hako 🀐

July 25, 2024

Mai Maketeni Cat Aunt Voti KuDema Hakuite Ma Roads Acho Anotyora Ma Shocks E Benz Yangu

Hushamwari hwenyu hunenge màde in china haugareAkudhura nekuti hushamwari hapasisina🀣🀣🀣🀣 maimbopesuka pesuka wani           muchinyanya makuhwa 🀣🀣🀣 pawaiminduka uchivhairira Tyra kuti ndadzokera kufriend yangu waikanganwa kuti iwe hauna kana munhu anotamba newe z e 5 years

July 25, 2024

Breaking News Mabvuku Turn Off Seriouse Accident Yemota Dzinosvika 6 Check Hama Dzenyu

Mabvuku turn off this mrngHmmm πŸ™Œ, Mwari pindirai hapana kumira mushe pa area iyiMabvuku turn off!!!         Chii chiri kumboitika pamugwagwa apo?               #ngwarapatown #drivesafel think dai paiswa round about coz uchibva kumabvuku kuda kudzoka kuenda kutown hapapindike zvekudaro and mota dzedzichifamba heavy

July 25, 2024

Breaking News Muimbi Mukuru Weku SouthAfrica Aita Accident N1 Road Ne 5 Crew Members Dzake Vakafa Vese Sad

POLOKWANE — The music industry is in mourning today following the tragic death of Popular Lesotho Musician Malome Vector whose real name was Bokang Moleli and Crew Members Killed in Fatal Car Accident on N1 Road in Free State,         The talented musician lost his life in a car accident on the N1 Road in Free State, South Africa, earlier today.           Malome Vector was not alone during the fatal accident. He was accompanied by two of his crew members, Lizwi Wokuqala and one Damos, who also perished at the scene. Another artist, Puleng Phoofolo, and the driver of the vehicle are currently in critical condition in the hospital, fighting for their lives. According to a report from the South African

July 24, 2024

Izvezvi Ndenge Yadonha During Takeoff Munhu Wese Afa

least 18 people were killed after a small plane skidded off the runway in Nepal’s capital on Wednesday, according to local officials. One person survived the Saurya Airlines crash, the Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement. All aboard - 18 Nepalis and a Yemeni citizen - were employees of the carrier, according to police. Images from Nepal police showed thick smoke billowing from the burning aircraft on the the airport runway.               The aircraft crashed during takeoff from Kathmandu to the city of Pokhara around 11 a.m. local time, Gyanendra Bhul, an information officer at Tribhuvan International Airport told CNN. The plane was en route for technical maintenance, he added. “

July 24, 2024

Murume Wekuuraya Mukadzi Nemwsna Otaura Zvakaitika Mushure Mekubatwa Nyaya Yakaoma Iyii

SADπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” | Murume uya akauraya mukadzi wake nemwana achishandisa banga akazama kuzviuraya but survived. Anga atonyora su!cidal note iyo:   "when a good heart πŸ’“ meet a cruel heart πŸ’“ then the explosive explodes πŸš€".   ndatarisa mativi ese ndichitsvaka kuti kondiyani angasara achichengeta mwana 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. it's very unfortunately that ndamushaiwa wekuti Asare akaringa mwana. ndadzama ndadzama zvekare ndikaona kuti hongu mwana haana mhosva but still still he can never make it in life, haangambogone kukunda mumaspiritual battles.           vaye vange vachita ma external influences to Mitchel. these are the results. grace from 'Rea records' n

July 24, 2024

Nyaya Yakora Muto Kikky Aidyiswa Masvada Shondo Evamwe Varume Tytie Akatar8sa Avabhadhara Kuti Vatrende Zvofumurwa Zvese Vakomana Vacho Varikutaura

Mupata family how many times did l call you yooh,anyway makati hamunei nesu.Tytie Uri Rough Iwee Hausi Chinhu Wotoganzira Vanhu unofunga Nekumukosho Muromo Kuzvimba Nekudya Be..che Rakiky Kahure Kune Vanhu Vane Ma 20 million Followers Ana Mhosva Vaya Vanotopisa Asi Havaganzire Vanhu Mupfana Unofarisa πŸ€ͺ🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣      

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