Saturday, October 19

General News

August 29, 2024

Mukadzi WaChiwenga Ovharwa US$1 Million

By A Correspondent| A Harare based construction company Gray Homes and its directors, Annavestah Mudiwa (39) and Gray Mudiwa (44) have appeared in court facing charges of defrauding Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s wife Miniyothabo Baloyi of nearly $930,000.The charges stem from three separate incidents that occurred between March 2023 and August 2024.           Chiwenga’s wife reportedly engaged Gray Homes Construction for various building projects, including a double-storey house, a cottage, a boundary wall, a warehouse, and a shopping mall. However, the company allegedly misrepresented its capacity to complete these projects and subsequently diverted the funds to other uses. It is the State’s case that in March

August 29, 2024

Peter Moyo Why Kudaro Mukadzi Carol

Ndaedza kuita mind my own hokoso but on behalf zvaramba. Ndiri Kuda kumbotaura nezve Bluetooth family regai ndiite small small nyaya. Tese chekutanga tinoziva kuti kana wanakirwa kana kuzviroora unoita nekuti unoda mumwe wako saka ndizvo zvakaita Pana Bluetooth family . Sisi           Caro ndivo zvavo akatumira bhudhi peter mari yekuroora chakaipa hapana chikuru rudo asi zvino pane dambudziko bhudhi madhirezi vanomada kani uye Sisi vangu vanga vasvika pakuneta nekuti va zvanga zvanyanya kani . Munoziva chakapfukidza dzimba matanga Saka murudo vanhu vanonetsa           asi zvavo zvanga zvatinyanyei. Now pane nyaya manje Bluetooth family mama na dad havasi kunyatsowirirana saka kuuya kwakaita Ku Africa zvab

August 28, 2024

Makhadzi Nhai Mwari Kungodonha

  Popular South African artist Makhadzi had a terrifying moment during a live show at the University of Limpopo over the weekend. The singer, known for her energetic and captivating performances, fell off the stage while entertaining the crowd.     Eyewitnesses described the incident as shocking and frightening, with many fans expressing concern for the singer’s well-being. Fortunately, Makhadzi was treated for her injuries and is reportedly recovering well.         The incident has sparked an outpouring of support from fans and fellow artists, who have taken to social media to wish Makhadzi a speedy recovery. Despite the setback, the singer’s team has confirmed that she will continue with her scheduled performances,

August 28, 2024



August 28, 2024

Pashata Hama Dzoburitsa Mai Va Zuva Habane Vachigwesha Vasina Wheelchair

Akomana uyu anenge hama yepedyo🙌Vanhu vatema vanenge vapihweiko kut vataure nyaya dziri deep about someone to this extent zvinotyisa izvi

August 28, 2024

Tagwirei Sakunda Nhai Mwari

"We started Sakunda in 2001 with a seed of $7,500 and we later sold our house in Westgate for 21,000 Pounds to cover two fuel tenders. We were selling fuel - about 70% of the market. I never           bought a house for myself until 2010. So the company did not start now but many years ago. Others were buying cars and houses when we were building our business," said Sakunda proprietor Kuda Tagwirei.

August 28, 2024

Nhai Mwari SouthAfrica Accident Yauraya 10 Ma Zimbabweans

Vanhu Gumi Vorasikirwa Nehupenyu Mutsaona YeBhazi KuSouth AfricaLimpopo, South Africa- Ten Zimbabweans have died, and several were injured Tuesday night when a bus they were travelling in was involved in a road accident near Makhado town in Limpopo province.           The bus was travelling from Bulawayo to Gauteng province. Among those who died were five men and five women. Limpopo’s Department of Transport and Community Safety confirmed the incident in a statement issued on Wednesday.           Limpopo’s Member of Executive Committee (MEC), Ms Violet Mathye has learned with sadness about the deaths of 10 passengers, who perished in a bus accident that took place near 3 miles on the N1 aroun

August 28, 2024

Breaking News Nhai Mwari Mukuru Afaa

Breaking News Zimbabwe National Army has lost another Army General and War veterans Cde Ndabambi.  May his soul rest in peace             ZNA spokesperson, Colonel Alphios Makotore, confirmed his death without providing further details. Mourners have gathered at his Glendale farm. Ndabambi served as a high-ranking military officer during the presidency of the late Robert Mugabe, under the leadership of General Constantino Chiwenga.           He was closely associated with the 2017 military coup led by Chiwenga, which ousted Mugabe and installed Emmerson Mnangagwa as president. Initially, the military Junta agreed that Mnangagwa would serve only one term before handing over powe

August 27, 2024

Musikana Asungwa Zvakare

Harare magistrate Lyn Chizhou has confirmed a warrant of arrest issued against comedienne Felistas ‘Mai Tt’ Murata. She has been ordered to pay a fine of US$30 promptly or risk being imprisoned for one month.           Murata applied to have the warrant cancelled saying that she had defaulted court to attend her father’s funeral but no documentation was produced.             In her ruling magistrate Chizhou said she was not convinced that Murata was not in willful default as this is her second time defaulting in the same month.

August 26, 2024

Shugeta Ovhurirwa Huru

Shugeta Ovhurirwa Huru

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