Monday, October 28

General News

November 30, 2019

Amazing Akugara MuKofini Mumuti Adzingwa Nemukadzi Nekuti Anoshusha

MURUME anogara mumusha weGlen View 3, muHarare, ashama veruzhinji veko zvichitevera kuzvigadzirira kwaakaita bhokisi (coffin) resimbi iro anoti anoda kuti mutumbi wake uzovigwamo kana azofa. VaPeter Dodzo (70) vanoti vakaita izvi neshungu dzekunge vadzingwa mumba mavo neaimbova mudzimai wavo nevana vachivati vanovashusha. VaDodzo vave kugara pamhene pamberi pemba yavo yemudurikidzwa iri panhamba 4566/10th Street kuGlen View apo vari kurara muzvimotokari zvavo zvembiri yakare izvo zvakafa unova mucherechedzo wekuti vaimbova shoroma.Murume uyu ari kugarisa bhokisi raachada kuti mutumbi wake uzovigwa naro muzimuti remukotopeya riri pamberi pemba iyi.VaDodzo vanoti dambudziko rekurwiswa nemudzimai nemhuri yavo rakatanga apo vakarambana nemudzimai wavo, Mai Phillipa Choba (63).Sekutaura

November 29, 2019

Faith Domingo Everything Is Ok Hapana Ari Stranded

Faith Domingo is doing damage control  after her cast members have started turning on her and exposing everything that happened in Turkey . she posted this on her page. " From Mr Google: reality TV. uncountable noun. Reality TV is a type oftelevision programming that aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations, often created by the program makers, which are intended to represent everyday life. Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents purportedly unscripted real-life situations, often starring unknown individuals rather than professional actors. Reality television came to prominence in the late 1990s and the early 2000s with the global successes of the series Survivor, Idols, and Big Brother, all of which became glo

November 25, 2019

Horses Therapy For Vana With Disabilities In Zimbabwe

Once a week, a horse track in Harare invites children born with cerebral palsy, a neuromuscular disorder, to visit. But the children don’t simply watch the horses. Trish Lillie of the Healing with Horses Therapeutic Centre says her organization is helping kids who cannot afford the recommended speech and physical therapies. "I started two years ago,” Lillie said. “I decided to leave the job I was in. I have always loved horses and I have a passion for horses, so I wanted to take my passion and use it to help people. “So that’s basically how we started, and the children that come to me are mostly from disadvantaged homes. … So we do this service for free, and we have seen a huge benefit for them." The charity is supported by donatio

November 25, 2019

Inaction Over US Dollar Pricing Could Be Costly

After revelations — which were an open secret anyway — businesses and property owners were nonchalantly selling their goods and services in foreign currency, one would have ordinarily expected concomitant remedial action to enforce the law. Well, to date there has been none. For the avoidance of doubt, Government has already promulgated laws that provide sufficient legal underpinning for the use of the Zimbabwe dollar as sole legal tender in local transactions. Statutory Instrument (SI) 142 of 2009, which was enacted on June 24 this year, followed by two additional statutes — SI 213 and SI 213 of 2019, gazetted under the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) (Amendment of Exchange Control Act) Regulations, 2019, in September — effectively buttressed the mo

November 25, 2019

Kunamata Kwakakosha Mai Mnangagwa

Worshippers should continue praying in order to unlock blessings for the country, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has said. She made the exhortation to congregants gathered for the Mega 3 All-Night Prayer — convened by Daughters of Virtue (DOV) — at the National Sports Stadium on Friday. Daughters of Virtue is an interdenominational programme for women It capped a marathon prayer session for the First Lady, who earlier in the day took part at the National Day of Prayer at State House. “Vana vangu, ndinokudai! Rambai muchinamata (My children, I love you! Continue praying),” she told the gathering at the stadium. The meeting was punctuated by praise and worship music and prayers led by various spiritual leaders, who sought intercession over various issues a

November 25, 2019

FIRST Lady Amai Mnangagwa Launches the Stop TB Partnership

FIRST Lady Amai Mnangagwa on Saturday launched the Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe which is aimed at scaling up TB services as the country works on achieving the 2030 target of ending TB. Speaking on behalf of Amai Mnangagwa during the launch on Saturday, Minster of Health and Child Care Dr Obadiah Moyo said the platform was an opportunity to foster high level advocacy for resource mobilisation and policy change. “Today (Saturday) we mark a historic day in our country as we launch the Stop TB Partnership for Zimbabwe.“The partnership was formed in response to various interests by partners to work together with the Ministry of Health and Child Care through the national TB program in maximising efficiency and effectiveness of efforts towards ending TB in Zimbabwe. “St

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