Sunday, October 27

General News

January 10, 2020

Pardon Gambakwe Has Become A Danger To Zimbabweans

For the record President Mnangagwa is not under house arrest Pardon Gambakwe is spreading misinformation with his fake news reporting. Pardon Gambakwe of Gambakwe Media has been on a mission over the last year and his mission has been to spread misinformation and lies to the people of Zimbabwe. The motivation behind these lies and fake reporting are not clear but one fact is real Pardon Gambakwe has now become a danger to Zimbabwean National Security. Gambakwe seems to be a smart man and knows what he is doing but is he aware of the effects of his fake reporting to Zimbabweans both home and in the Diaspora? Pardon Gambakwes fake reporting is Causing  Financial impact in Zimbabwe example if there are tourists or investors thinking about doing business in Zimbabwe they will b

January 08, 2020

Wife Akatambira Xmas Akakembeswa Kumba Kwechikomba

A HARARE woman has left her matrimonial home in shame after the alleged leakage of her love affairs with 16 men. Munashe Charlene Ncube, 24, of Damofalls allegedly bedded the 16 men and her husband to make them 17. She also spent three days with a boyfriend when her husband was out on duty during Christmas holiday. Ncube has since gone into hiding after jumping over the precast wall after her husband Erkridice Makomo leaked chats revealing unprotected sexcapades, sleep overs and nude images sent to boyfriends. zimbolivenews is in possession of pictures of the alleged boyfriends and other graphic photos of the lady. Makomo is bitter, from information in the chats, that Ncube had been denying him conjugal rights saying she had stomach cramps and was even spoiling her boyfriends with go

January 08, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Mambo Dhuterere Publicly Denounced Infidelity

Recently  Mambo Dhuterere has  publicly denounced infidelity , adultery and fornication . Without any equivocation, he explicitly indicated that  the aforementioned vices are cancerous and pathological to our civilization and development. Many citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media , particularly the adulterers and fornicators did not take Dhuterere’s utterance lightly . They mercilessly crucified him and ordered him to stay in his lane . The crucifixion was intense , derogatory, barbaric and merciless.  I honestly don’t see anything wrong with Mambo Dhuterere message . Cheating is not a virtue but a vice . There are no mitigating factors that can sanitize it . Anyone can cheat but it takes integrity , civility and respect for someone to make a c

January 04, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry Countrymen Kinsmen Friends & Enemies We Have A Serious Problem

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry countrymen  kinsmen friends and enemies  we have a serious problem At this peculiar juncture, under these extenuating circumstances, civility and logic demands us to conceptualize our situation with a prism not polluted with myopia and misguided partisanship.  Firstly , without any equivocation, with clarity, let me explicitly indicate that this communique/ missive is not an explicit or implicit endorsement of Mnangagwa’s legitimacy; but it’s lack thereof. He is an Usurper , occupying the state House with the help of a captured ConCourt and ZEC . Overwhelmingly , progressive citizenry did not give him the mandate to govern . That’s cleared , let’s move on .... Secondly, and more disturbingly , the toxic ver

December 31, 2019

Mary Chiwenga Sleeps At Home Not Chikurubhi Rumors

Mary Chiwenga sleeps at home In what seems to be a fairytale arrest& prosecution of Zimbabwe’s 2nd most powerful lady, the wife of “General Bae” VP Chiwenga made international headlines. In a twist of events sources allege that Mary Chiwenga has never slept in jail for a single night. Thought going through trail, Mary Chiwenga is alleged to have said she’s happy staying behind bars. However sources claim that, this is because she’s not even sleeping there. Haazivi kuti kurara mujeri kudii. The controversial flamboyant business lady, has various charges laid against her as such the majority of the big wigs have distanced themselves from her prosecution. Sources say the only charge to stick will be attempted murder but, all the other charges w

December 26, 2019

Kirsty Coventry Pane Kahutsotsi On Management Of Stadiums

THE Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation is pushing to have a stake in the management and control of Government-owned sporting facilities as a panacea to the long-standing turf wars between national associations and the administration manning the arenas. Venues such as the National Sports Stadium, Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex and Magamba Hockey Stadium are under the management of the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works and they have been scenes of clashes between sport and other non-sporting events like music concerts, political rallies and religious gatherings. Apparently, sports events have been disrupted to pave way for the non-sporting events, which at times have been getting priority ahead of local teams and athletes because they usually pay more for hiring the

December 24, 2019

Another Publicity Gimmick Gambakwe Hanzi Tinashe Jonasi Abiwa

Pardon Gambakwe and his partner Tinashe Jonasi fuel a lot of conspiracy theories and have found a niche in the Zimbabwean community. Many people are bored and will watch them for entertainment purposes. Every few months they will report that they are being followed or were  captured by some Government agency. In all there stories neither Pardon Gambakwe nor Tinashe Jonasi has ever produced police records or reports of these incidents. In real life if a person is adbucted dont they reports to the police? Gonyeti was adducted and it was easy to believe her as we saw her injuries and the police commented on her case. When Pardon Gambakwe reports that Tinashe Jonasi or himself are being spyed on or being followed we never see any evidence or police reports. These tw

December 23, 2019

Mnangagwa Lets Unite With Polad

AN air of camaraderie characterised the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) meeting in Kwekwe yesterday to mark National Unity Day. The meeting started at mid-morning at President Mnangagwa’s farm, with addresses from the political party leaders, including the President, before a tour of his thriving farm. The venue was settled on following a request by the parties, who also wanted the meeting to be held concurrently with Unity Day celebrations. In separate interviews, Polad members praised President Mnangagwa for his determination to increase agricultural output, and suggested that if all beneficiaries of the land reform used their land to that extent, citizens will never go hungry. Polad, a platform for political parties that fielded presidential candidates in the 2018 harm

December 22, 2019

President Mnangagwa Let Me Tell You Kunobva Mari Yangu

President Mnangagwa reveals his source of funds. Mnangagwa was addressing reports that he uses public funds to enrich himself and expand his vast empire. Said Mnangagwa, “I use loans but I repay loan, banks flood my office seeking to have me get loans from them because I am not a bad debtor. We should move away from handouts. We must create windows where our youths access loans to empower themselves. President Emmerson Mnangagwa told members of Polad on Sunday that banks stamped at his office to offer him loans for his personal and business use. “Even God said we should sweat for everything so we need productive youths. I am happy as Zimbabweans we have come together to find solutions to challenges confronting us.” He also took the opportunity to emph

December 18, 2019

Sungayi Chamisa Arikuchemera ma Sanctions Chinotimba

OUTSPOKEN Zanu PF Buhera South MP, Joseph Chinotimba Tuesday called for the arrest of MDC-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa alleging that he continued to call for renewed sanctions against the country. During a heated debate in Parliament in which he teared into Chamisa accusing him of destroying Zimbabwe by allegedly calling for sanctions in the opposition leader’s recent foreign trips. However, Chinotimba’s speech was drowned by MDC Alliance MPs who booed him. “Nyika yaita mamvemve (This country has gone to the dogs). A senior politician (not named) goes to United States of America, Britain and Germany calling for sanctions,” Chinotimba said in Parliament. Chamisa has recently been on what he calls a diplomatic offensive, which has seen him travelling to

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