Sunday, October 27

General News

February 27, 2020

Makuhwa Some Zanu-PF MPs Plan To Impeach Mnangagwa

THE MDC has made sensational claims that it is working with some disgruntled Zanu-PF MPs to impeach President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the country’s worsening economic rot and the recent killings of innocent civilians by security forces. This comes as Zanu-PF’s notorious demons of factionalism and tribalism have returned to the former liberation movement with a vengeance — with devastating effects on both the ruling party and the country. However, Zanu-PF said yesterday that it was “wishful thinking” on the part of the MDC to think that the country’s main opposition could sway its legislators to turn against its leader, “no matter the circumstances”. But combative MDC deputy national chairperson Job Sikhala told the Daily News that they

February 22, 2020

Unoita Seyi Kana Mudiwa Wako Achinhuwa Mukanwa ne Bhutsu

KUNE zvimwe zvinhu zvinongorema kuzvitaura kumudiwa, munyarikani, kuhama kana kumumwewo munhu. Zvinhu izvozvo zvinoita kuti vamwe vanhu vakuvarire mukati vachinyara kana kutya kuzvireva nekuda kwenyadzi. Sekuti; mudiwa wako, hama, shamwari kana mumwewo munyarikani akaita dambudziko rekunhuwa mukanwa, muhapwa, tsoka kana bhutsu, vhudzi kana muviri wake wose, iwewe unoita sei? Unomuudza kana kumutsiudza here? Sei? Kana kuti unongokuvarira mukati unyerere iye “achingokanda kahwema” kasingakomborere? Kana uchimuudza, unozvifambisa sei? Hautye kana kunyara kuti anozokugumbukira? Kana kutokuramba nekuti wamuudza kuti anonhuwa mukanwa kana shangu dzake? Pachivanhu, pane kunonzi kunhuwa hudzi zvichireva kamwe kahwema kanobuda pamunhu ako kasingapere kunyangwe akageza zva

February 20, 2020

Constantino Chiwenga And Grace Mugabe Removed From Sanctions List

The European Union (EU) has completely removed the late former president Robert Mugabe from the active list of people under targeted sanctions, because he is deceased, and moved his widow, former first lady Grace Mugabe, to the suspended list. This brings to four the number of people on the suspended list. Others are Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Zimbabwe National Army Commander, Valerio Phillip Sibanda and Agriculture Minister Perence Shiri. Zimbabwe Defense Industries is the only company under the active sanctions list, which is under an arms embargo. The sanctions, which were put in place in 2014 and are reviewed annually. Ambassador Olkkonen speaks with VOA Zimbabwe Service’s Blessing Zulu about the latest developments with indications that the sanctions will only be lifte

February 19, 2020

Zimbabwe Records Its First Coronavirus Infection Wilkins Hospital On High Alert

The Health Minister Obadiah Moyo was contacted by Zimbaeye at 6pm on the matter but would not comment further … A report alleges that Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital in Harare has admitted a visitor who recently travelled to China with symptoms of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19). The hospital was under virtual lockdown from around 1pm with armed guards controlling movement of people. Sources said the hospital has since transfered all its patients to Beatrice Road Infectious Diseases Hospital also in the capital. “An emergency meeting has been called and the Government is soon expected to make an announcement,”  a source at the Ministry of Health said. The Health Minister Obadiah Moyo was contacted by ZimEye at 6pm on the matter but would not. Rel

February 17, 2020

Elizabeth & Tsvangirai Family Finally Getting Along

  Elizabeth Tsvangirai, widow of opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)’s founding father, Morgan Tsvangirai, says she suffered a huge breakdown in the days following her husband’s death as she immediately fell out with many members of his immediate family. Tsvangirai’s widow has, however, now assured Zimbabwe that all was now well among them, resultantly allowing her to perform duties traditionally attributable to her as daughter-in-law, including taking care of her late husband’s surviving mother, Gogo Tsvangirai. Elizabeth said she greatly missed her late husband Tsvangirai, who at one time became Prime Minister during the Government of National Unity in 2009. Tsvangirai died at the age of 65 in a South African hospital in 2018 following

February 12, 2020

Chihure 63 % Of Men Who Took DNA Tests In Zimbabwe Were Not The Father

The case of a South African based cheating married woman who was exposed of siring a child with another man which made headlines yesterday has revealed shocking revelations that 63% of men who took part in the DNA tests last year had been fending for children that were not theirs.  The married woman, Samantha Toma whose alleged illicit affair with Justine Chiparuse resulted in pregnancy was exposed yesterday after DNA tests confirmed that Chiparutse was the biological father of her now three-year-old son and not her husband. The matter was broadcast live on Tilder Live Show on Star FM radio on Tuesday. Speaking on the sidelines of the cheating saga,  Global DNA Zimbabwe officer Tinashe Mugabe revealed that over 50% of the fathers who took part in DNA tests in the previous y

February 07, 2020

Zimbabwe Getting Six New Television Channels

Zimbabwe is set to have at least six independent television channels with their licensing expected to be completed by August, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said yesterday while commissioning ZBC’s HD Studios at Pockets Hill in Highlands, Harare. She said the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe has been told to ensure fairness in the awarding of the television licences.Minister Mutsvangwa said the ZBC’s HD project has come at an opportune time for the television industry when Government has just gazetted regulations that will trigger the licensing of other players in the television sector. “There is competition coming. Zimbabwe is going to see the emergence of at least six independent television channels within the next few m

February 07, 2020

Daddy Gwiri Anaysis Mr Lipstick Has Earned Himself A Nama Award For Being Intellectually Bankrupt

Countrymen, citizens, statesmen, kith and kin , it’s now official that Mr Lipstick is either certified insane or is intoxicated with a very powerful substance . I am not sure if the latter is more severe than the former . In any case, he does not pass the litmus test - mental stability . Undeniably, Mr Lipstick lacks charisma in his attire and his peculiar eloquence or lack thereof. Firstly, he dresses like a scarecrow in a deserted field , and secondly he speaks in slow motion like a grade one student who secured a permanent spot on group 5 ; wherein he is dismally failing to learn his AEIOU. More importantly, we will put aside Mr Lipstick’s aforesaid attire and his speech disabilities. More disturbingly, Mr Lipstick’s intellectual laziness has reached diabolical p

February 01, 2020

Cheap As Snow In Winter African Girls Votengesa Bonde Cheap Kuti Vararame

Young girls in southern Africa are selling sex - sometimes for less than the cost of bread - to survive a hunger crisis ensnaring tens of millions, aid agencies said on Thursday. In Angola, girls of 12 sell themselves for as little as 40 cents to feed their families as the south of the country faces its worst drought in four decades, World Vision said. The United Nations says a record 45 million people in southern Africa face hunger amid a “silent catastrophe” caused by repeated drought, widespread flooding and economic chaos. World Vision said staff had seen a significant increase in girls resorting to transactional sex in Angola and Zimbabwe amid “huge levels of desperation”. Robert Bulten, World Vision’s emergencies director in Angola, told the

January 30, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Tsvangirayi Gushungo Pachipamwe

I honestly think when earthlings expire their souls meet and mingle, somewhere in the universe .  I think this is how  Mugabe and Tsvangirayi conversation will go ..... Tsvangirayi: Gushungo pachipamwe Mugabe : Morgan , I sincerely apologize for the brutality , tortures I orchestrated against you . Please find a place in your heart to forgive me accordingly.  Tsvangirayi: I forgive you for all the wrongs you did to me ; but I will never forgive you for the death of Susan. I advise you to face her and apologize to her .  Mugabe : My hands are unclean , I hope she will forgive my soul . I am not worthy to see her . I don’t deserve to be in her presence . Tsvangirayi: How is Zimbabwe ? Mugabe : We are a people governed by constitutionality . The

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