Sunday, October 27

General News

March 15, 2020

Flood Hit Binga Villagers Go Back To Flooded Homes

BINGA, Zimbabwe (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Anyone driving through Binga, in western Zimbabwe, is greeted by a vision of the past dotted along the tarred road: thatched homes built on stilts, two meters above the ground. The elevated structures - called ngazi - were the traditional homes of the indigenous Tonga people who live in the district until a push for modernity in the 1950s led them to swap the wooden huts for brick homes built on the ground. Now, as the area experiences increasingly intense droughts and flash flooding linked to climate change, the Tonga and others living near the Zambezi River, along the border with Zambia, are looking to the lessons of the past and switching back to homes on stilts. Elias Mudenda, a villager from Siachilaba, 50 km (30 miles) from Bing

March 11, 2020

Grace Mugabe Facing More Issues Farms & Property To Be Taken Away

PROBLEMS continue to mount for former First Lady Grace Mugabe’s business empire after a Mazowe gold miner she allegedly displaced during her late husband, former President Robert Mugabe’s rule applied for a spoliation order to repossess the farm and equipment where his mine is located. The “spoliation order” is a common law remedy whose purpose is to promote the rule of law and to serve as a shield against cases of “self-help”, where parties take the law into their own hands and exercise “power” which they do not have. The miner, Langton Chapungu, whose case was already in the High Court seeking the eviction of the former First Lady; together with two other individuals who were only identified in court papers as Tongai and Jemwa, made a

March 05, 2020

Parliament Gives Queen Bee Tagwirei Last Chance Or Face The Law

THE Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Public Accounts has given Sakunda Holdings and its founder Kudakwashe Tagwirei the last chance to appear before the committee on 16th March. Public Accounts Committee chairperson Tendai Biti (MDC-Alliance, Harare East) says that should the fuel and commodities firm fail to stick with the deadline, the committee will be forced to engage the police to drag the company bosses to appear before Parliament for scrutiny. Biti’s committee wishes to probe how the firm dealt with Government under the Command Agriculture. “We are expecting to present our report to Parliament on March 22nd, and we have given Sakunda Holdings another chance to come before us and give oral evidence. We have gathered a lot of information on the financial trans

March 05, 2020

Chamvary Wears Apolo Jersey For Lorraine Guyo

Power FM DJ Chamvary accepted the Apology from Lorraine Guyo over the $20 balance which Lorraine owed Chamvary over being the MC at her birthday party. After Chamvary blasted Lorraine on social media and the story went viral Lorraine posted and Apology anf Cahmvary has accepted it and posted the following. I would like to acknowledge the apology from @lorraine_y_guyo and also express my apology to her and her fans for the way I reacted on Monday. An agreement was made between Lorraine and myself when she engaged me to MC at her party and the agreement had its conditions which were not honoured as we had agreed on Saturday and Sunday before the party. Things did not go according to plan on Sunday including the communication thereafter, and one thing led to another which resulted in me

March 02, 2020

Mai TT Hints She Maybe Pregnant

Mai TT has hinted on a video she did that she maybe Pregnant. Mai TT was on a live and her aunt called in and asked her how many Weeks was she and what did the doctor say. Mai TT explains she just has cravings and is not pregnant in a joking manner  What the video below:

February 28, 2020

Defiant & Non Remorseful Tytan & Lawyer Rumbidzayi Draft Press Statement Justifying Exposing Olinda Chapel HIV Status

Since the airing of my story on the Rumbidzai show, a lot has happened and has also been said. This will be the last detailed statement that I will put out in regards to MY PERSONAL LIFE! 1. I would never leak my daughters birth records, nor do I possess them. All of my daughters medical records are currently with her mother and have always been with her mother. What is buffling to me is how these records have mysteriously been released and conveniently just as I received a lot of abusive and damaging messages both directly and indirectly for sharing MY OWN STORY! 2. I have set back for almost a year and watched my name and my reputation destroyed and have remained silent throughout the hundreds of live videos and thousands if not millions of comments from strangers attacking me.

February 28, 2020

I Have Been HIV Positive For 17 Years Tatelicious Reveals Own Status Following Tytan’s Exposé

Social media influencer and gender activist Tatelicious has commended UK based socialite Olinda Chapel for disclosing her HIV status to the public after her ex-husband Tytan backed her into a corner during an explosive interview. Tytan accused Olinda of endangering his life by deceiving him during the course of their marriage. This follows after a sobbing Tytan gave an interview on how he almost contracted the HIV virus from Olinda who allegedly withheld what he deemed was important information from him concerning her status. Olinda hit back at Tytan saying he was aware of her positive status all along and even helped in administering her medication several times. She said Tytan’s interview was intended to smear her image and it was a form of blackmail as he threatened

February 27, 2020

Makuhwa Some Zanu-PF MPs Plan To Impeach Mnangagwa

THE MDC has made sensational claims that it is working with some disgruntled Zanu-PF MPs to impeach President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the country’s worsening economic rot and the recent killings of innocent civilians by security forces. This comes as Zanu-PF’s notorious demons of factionalism and tribalism have returned to the former liberation movement with a vengeance — with devastating effects on both the ruling party and the country. However, Zanu-PF said yesterday that it was “wishful thinking” on the part of the MDC to think that the country’s main opposition could sway its legislators to turn against its leader, “no matter the circumstances”. But combative MDC deputy national chairperson Job Sikhala told the Daily News that they

February 22, 2020

Unoita Seyi Kana Mudiwa Wako Achinhuwa Mukanwa ne Bhutsu

KUNE zvimwe zvinhu zvinongorema kuzvitaura kumudiwa, munyarikani, kuhama kana kumumwewo munhu. Zvinhu izvozvo zvinoita kuti vamwe vanhu vakuvarire mukati vachinyara kana kutya kuzvireva nekuda kwenyadzi. Sekuti; mudiwa wako, hama, shamwari kana mumwewo munyarikani akaita dambudziko rekunhuwa mukanwa, muhapwa, tsoka kana bhutsu, vhudzi kana muviri wake wose, iwewe unoita sei? Unomuudza kana kumutsiudza here? Sei? Kana kuti unongokuvarira mukati unyerere iye “achingokanda kahwema” kasingakomborere? Kana uchimuudza, unozvifambisa sei? Hautye kana kunyara kuti anozokugumbukira? Kana kutokuramba nekuti wamuudza kuti anonhuwa mukanwa kana shangu dzake? Pachivanhu, pane kunonzi kunhuwa hudzi zvichireva kamwe kahwema kanobuda pamunhu ako kasingapere kunyangwe akageza zva

February 20, 2020

Constantino Chiwenga And Grace Mugabe Removed From Sanctions List

The European Union (EU) has completely removed the late former president Robert Mugabe from the active list of people under targeted sanctions, because he is deceased, and moved his widow, former first lady Grace Mugabe, to the suspended list. This brings to four the number of people on the suspended list. Others are Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Zimbabwe National Army Commander, Valerio Phillip Sibanda and Agriculture Minister Perence Shiri. Zimbabwe Defense Industries is the only company under the active sanctions list, which is under an arms embargo. The sanctions, which were put in place in 2014 and are reviewed annually. Ambassador Olkkonen speaks with VOA Zimbabwe Service’s Blessing Zulu about the latest developments with indications that the sanctions will only be lifte

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