Sunday, October 27

General News

September 19, 2021

$5 000 Fine for not displaying house number Read more

BULAWAYO City Council has updated its Fire Brigade by-laws which will among other provisions make it a Level Three offence for home owners not to display their house numbers at their premises. The level offences are benchmarked to the Government levels where Level Three is attracting a fine of $5 000. In the updated by-laws the local authority has consolidated Fire Brigade policies to form one concrete document of by-laws, with fines now having been included for various offences. Among the notable offences is the issue of clearly displaying house numbers for purposes of easy identification in cases of emergencies, “For purposes of easy identification by any member of the Service in an emergency, every owner or occupier of premises must ensure that the correct street number o

September 17, 2021

“32 years And Still A Virgin By God's Grace" - Lady Reveals As She Celebrates Her Birthday Read more

“32 years And Still A Virgin By God's Grace" - South African Lady Reveals As She Celebrates Her Birthday A 32-year-old South African born again Christian sister, Zukiswa Joyi, has revealed that she is still a virgin. She serves in her local church as worship leader and is also a graduate at Durban University of Technology. She took to Facebook to celebrate the news on her 32nd birthday. Her post on Facebook reads: "32 Years of Grace unlocked. 32 Years and sis is still A virgin by God's grace" 32 Years old and the curse of having babies outside Marriage with different Men is broken in my lineage 32 Years old and the Curse of Women depending on Men for Survival is broken from My lineage 32 Years old and the Curse of Poverty has been Broken

September 17, 2021

$200 000 fine or 2 years in jail for illegally selling or transporting firewood Read more

FORESTRY Commission in conjunction with the police in Manicaland have intensified the blitz on firewood poachers to combat deforestation.   A hefty fine of up to $200 000 or two years imprisonment will be effected on all those illegally selling or transporting firewood. The blitz has so far seen 12 people being arrested after being found in possession of firewood and charcoal they could not account for. Six trucks carrying firewood have so far been impounded since the beginning of August 2021, while 61 confiscations were made after suspects fled.   The operation dubbed: “No to rampant indiscriminate cutting down of trees and firewood” is covering areas around Mutare such as Odzi, Penhalonga and Dora. Four suspects, Stanley Mukwananzi (26), Joseph

September 17, 2021

President Mnangagwa Hands Over Brand New Buses To Police, Military Read more

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday handed over five brand new buses to the military and police and pledged three more for each of the State security agencies by year-end. This comes at a time when members of the public face severe transport challenges caused by the government when it banned privately-owned kombis from operating ostensibly to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.   Mnangagwa handed over two buses to the Zimbabwe National Army, one for the ZNA headquarters while the Presidential Guard, Airforce of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Republic Police received one each.   He pledged to procure more buses for the security sector to address their transport needs. Said Mnangagwa: Some buses are on the high seas, we should be able to have another batch in O

August 21, 2021

Wife nearly murders hubby for saying I miss you to tenant Read more

The issue came out when Shylene Zariro (33) appeared before Harare magistrate Barbara Mateko on Saturday charged with domestic violence. She was remanded in custody to today for bail application.    A Kuwadzana man lost seven teeth after he was allegedly hit with a brick by his wife last Friday for saying “I miss you” to his female tenant. The complainant, Steward Mativenga (husband), who came to court heavily bandaged on the head and mouth, reported his wife to the police after he was struck with a brick. Allegations are that on August 13 this year at around 19:30hrs, Mativenga arrived home from work and greeted his tenant only identified as Nyasha and told her that he missed her. This did not go down well with Zariro, resulting in a heated verbal exch

August 20, 2021

University of Zimbabwe pushes students to get vaccinated before returning to campus

UZ pushes students to get vaccinated before returning to campus. In a notice to students on Thursday, UZ Acting Registrar Maxwell Chikerema said only those vaccinated will be allowed to sit for the examinations. The University of Zimbabwe (UZ) has directed all its students to get vaccinated before returning to college for end-of-semester examinations. Said Chikerema: The University of Zimbabwe wishes to advise and urge all its students to get vaccinated at centres of vaccination that have been established in their communities in and around the country before returning to campus for examinations. This precaution is meant to protect yourself, other fellow students as well as our members of staff as we prepare to return to campus in the near future for examinations and academic busin

August 19, 2021

Hubby demands Lula lula 6 times a day Woman cries after giving husband mupfuhwira containing baboon urine Read more

A BIKITA woman laced her husbanda’s tea with a love potion that contained baboon urin_e leaving the hubby with a prolonged erecti0n and a non-stop se_x drive that lasted for three weeks.   Now two chiefs from the area are confused as to the course of action to take against a female traditional healer who prescribed the love potion. A polygamous man, Godfrey Ganyau from Munyika village, reportedly suffered a prolonged erecti0n which made him demand se_x up to six times a day for three weeks after his second wife Angelberta Muchena unwittingly laced his tea with a love potion. The love potion was allegedly intended to make Ganyau boost his se_x drive and scream with passion as well as lose interest in his first wife.   But things took a turn for the worst or

August 01, 2021

Dad and son arrested for setting up illegal bush police roadblock

Dad and son arrested for setting up illegal bush police roadblock. Mangezi Sithole (48) and his offspring, 24-year-old Talent Sithole, who are both members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Neighbourhood Watch Committee stationed at Karoi Rural, appeared before Karoi magistrate Felix Chauromwe on Friday.   A Karoi man and his son have been dragged to court for allegedly mounting an unsanctioned roadblock where they demanded bribes. The duo was charged with contravening Section 174, or alternatively Section 134, which relate to criminal abuse of duty and extortion, respectively.   The pair was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to 13 August for routine remand. The complainant in the matter is Peter Kanyungwa (31), a kombi operator.&n

July 25, 2021

Woman pleads for help "4 men failed to impregnate me"  Read more

When I was a teenager, I fell in love with a much older man who was very rich. I thought we would be together forever, so when I realized I was 2 months pregnant, I was sure he would see it as something to bring us together. I wasn’t shocked at the suggestion of an ab0rtion, but the way he began to treat me as a transaction hurt. He took me to a different town across the nation and spent the whole drive back explaining why it was my fault we had to break things off. Few years later, I met another man at the agricultural show. He did not tell me that he was a married man. He disappeared after I told him I had missed my period. I knew immediately that choosing to end my pregnancy was the right choice for me. Thankfully, I was able to ab0rt safely. I have felt like I had to j

July 23, 2021

Strange Couple gives birth to a baby with no reproductive organ Read more

Strange but true: Couple gives birth to baby with no reproductive organ. The baby was born with no other complications, except using the anus for both urinating and defecation. A couple at Nyakudya village in Bindura rural gave birth to a baby without a reproductive organ a month ago. The family is now appealing for financial assistance for baby Junior to undergo a medical examination at Sally Mugabe Central Hospitalin Harare. The baby’s mother, Lydia Makisi (37), said the family was failing to raise US$130 for tests and X-rays. Makasi said she noticed the condition while changing the napkin a day after giving birth. She said: I went into labour prematurely at seven months and I gave birth in the car on my way to Manhenga Clinic. I noticed the anomaly the following day and

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