Sunday, October 27

General News

October 28, 2021

Mufakose Man dies after bedding Mwana wen’anga Read more

A 25-year-old Mufakose man reportedly died after bedding a traditional healer’s 14-year-old daughter.   It is alleged that the late Kudakwashe Chiguma went to the girl’s parents and pleaded for forgiveness after he became ill.   A neighbour told H-Metro that the deceased opened up to her that his sexual encounter with the traditional healer’s daughter last Friday made him sick.   He then approached the girl’s family wanting permission to get the victim’s urine to survive as per instruction by other traditional healers he had visited while seeking help.   The girl’s family allegedly refused to help him “Mwana akafa rufu runorwadza, aibuda ziya, achizvimba dumbu akabata sikarudzi yake achichema kusvikira

October 25, 2021

Airtime Juice Cards, Scratch cards banned Read more

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s (RBZ) Financial Intelligence Unit has in a circular told the country’s mobile network operators (MNOs) to decrease physical airtime vouchers or juice card sales as they are reportedly being used for money laundering. The statement from the RBZ’s Financial Intelligence Unit on Juice cards reads as follows:   To: Mobile Telecommunications and Mobile Phone Service ProvidersMeasures to curb abuse of physical airtime vouchers for money laundering 1. The Financial Intelligence Unit has noted that bulk airtime recharge vouchers are being abused by airtime dealers to facilitate illegal foreign currency trading and money laundering. 2. Airtime dealers have been purchasing airtime vouchers in bulk from mobile telecommunication serv

October 12, 2021

A 21-year-old Zimre Park man reportedly committed suicide after being accused of stealing a bicycle by Girlfriend Read more

The man, Nelson Dube, was employed as a nurse aide and on the fateful day he called his employers advising them to come home urgently. He was looking after an elderly man who is suffering from dementia. Close relatives declined to comment on the matter and said they were also in shock. “We cannot comment on this issue as we are still in shock on why he could kill himself.”   A friend said Nelson might have reacted of being accused of stealing a bicycle. “There is a guy who came looking for a house to rent and they became friends. “This guy then later got a room in which he is reportedly to have stolen a bicycle before people started to suspect Nelson. “Nelson gave his girlfriend some money which was not even part of the bicycle loo

October 10, 2021

Man who disappeared in 1974 returns home, gets angry after he found his 2 wives married to other men Read more

A MAN was left saddened when he came back home after 47 years, only to find his two wives remarried.   The Kenyan madala, who vanished in 1974, was left disappointed to find his wives did not wait for him to return. According to Daily Star, Peter Oyuka (84) told people he left to search for greener pastures that would help take care of his two wives and five kids. It is reported that Oyuka never told his family where he was going, and said he was saddened to find out his wives had given up on hopes of his return.   “I wish my wives were here to welcome me home. I wish them well in their marriages. However, I would like them to know that I’m still alive and that they should create time and visit me,” he told the publication. According to medi

October 10, 2021

49 year old virgin to wed married man “I’m so grateful I kept my virginity” Read more

SHE has been attending the reed dance since she was a teenager.   And she promised herself she would not tlof tlof until she got married. Now at 49 years old, Ngezile Mngadi has kept her promise to herself. She will tie the knot with the love of her life, Mandlakayise Mbonambi (56) on Saturday, 9 October. And not only is Ngezile happy to marry Mandlakayise, she is also proud to be his second wife.   Ngezile from Mkhizwana area in Cato Ridge, west of Durban, told Daily Sun, she and Mandlakayise have been together for the 12 years. She said they promised each other to wait to tlof tlof until they get married. “I’m so grateful I kept my virgi_nity and the promise I made to myself to wait until I get married before I engage in se_x. “It

October 09, 2021

South Africa health minister bans doggy style during lula lula Read more

South Africa’s Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, has said ‘doggy’ style during lula lula is the major cause of cancer and stroke. He said after three years of arduous research, he found out that the high pumping of blood during s*x, when one is standing or kneeling overloads the veins in the legs which ultimately causes stroke. He told The Insider, “On cancer – one of the main causes of cancer is stress, fatigue and tiredness. “The most energy consuming and stressful sexual position for men is doggy; hence the connection is more than clear. “Look, I am only giving you guys a snippet, but we will be posting the results of the full research on the Ministry website.” He added that he is in talks with Home Affairs Minister, Mal

October 04, 2021

Doctor in hot soup for assisting couple to abort pregnancy Read more

Doctor in hot soup for assisting couple to abort pregnancy. ZRP said the pair visited a private doctor, who is still at large, on September 30 and were given some pills which the woman took to terminate her pregnancy. The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested a Bulawayo couple for terminating a pregnancy with the assistance of a medical doctor.   Said the police in a Twitter post: The ZRP is investigating a case of unlawful termination of pregnancy in which a Bulawayo woman (20) conspired with her boyfriend (27) to terminate a pregnancy. The two visited a private doctor, who is still at large, and were given some pills on 30 September 2021. After taking the pills the woman’s condition deteriorated resulting in her discharging a foetus in a plastic bucket

September 24, 2021

2 students attempt suicide over bullying by a prefect Read more

2 students attempt suicide over bullying by a prefect. The two who took an overdose of tablets were rushed to Louisa Guidoti Hospital where they were treated and discharged on Wednesday morning.   Two Form three pupils aged 16 from All Souls Mission High School in Mutoko attempted to commit suicide this Tuesday after allegedly being bullied by a prefect at the school. Mashonaland East Provincial Education Director Mrs Anatoria Ncube confirmed the incident, adding that investigations are underway to establish what transpired. A team from Mutoko District Education Office has been dispatched to the school to carry out investigations. The incident comes at a time when cases of suicide among teenagers have been on the increase countrywide.   Bullying has al

September 23, 2021

Chief Negomo”Luscious Chitsinde” who punished the late Morgan Tsvangirai for marrying in November has been dethroned Read more

Chief Negomo, real name Luscious Chitsinde, has been dethroned after serving for 14 years as acting chief. The traditional leader made headlines in 2012 after he ordered now late Prime Minister and MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai two cows and two sheep for marrying in November. Chief Negomo was booted out following a ruling by the Mashonaland Central Provincial Assembly of Chief’s Council. Since a 2017 resolution for him to step down as acting Chief Negomo from Chiweshe, Chitsinde has been fighting hard to remain as chief. villagers under the Negomo chieftainship were celebrating his removal as they accused the chief of abusing his power to corruptly amass wealth and livestock instead of solving issues in the area amicably. He is also reported to have harassed widows and once fine

September 21, 2021

President Mnangagwa remembers late VP Muzenda Read more

President Mnangagwa remembers late VP Muzenda. Affectionately known as Soul of the Nation, Vice President Muzenda died in 2003 and was declared a national hero. His funeral attracted multitudes.   On the 18th anniversary of the death of Vice President Simon Vengesai Muzenda yesterday, President Mnangagwa said the best that the country can do to honour him is to always remember the sacrifices that were made by its liberators to free Zimbabwe. In an interview with journalists after yesterday’s extraordinary Politburo meeting at the revolutionary party’s headquarters in Harare yesterday the President said: “We have to recognise our fallen heroes like Vice President Muzenda, who played a significant role, he devoted his entire life to the liberation of

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