Friday, October 18

General News

September 16, 2024

Mukomana afira Ku Capetown Ashaya

R.I.P Sean Chimbetu, we have lost a dear brother and friend today in Cape Town, Joe slovo milnerton due to fire, please pass the messageRest in peace Sean haaaa warwadxisa wangu 😭😭😭just like tht here amana 💔💔💔💔

September 16, 2024

Cage Bus Robvira Nevanhu

September 16, 2024

Chitima Train Yobvira Ku Bulawayo

15 decommissioned wagons awaiting disposal catch fire at NRZ Bulawayo workshop.         Investigations to determine cause of fire are underway.   #hmetroHaa ashes to ashes no need for investigations

September 15, 2024

Breaking News Mukuru Weku Actor Ashaya

In a surprising turn of events, Nkanyiso Mchunu, renowned for his roles in popular South African soap operas Muvhango and Uzalo, has been arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol. The incident reportedly occurred late last night, when Mchunu was apprehended by local law enforcement after a traffic stop.         According to sources, Mchunu’s vehicle was pulled over after exhibiting erratic driving patterns, which led officers to suspect that he was intoxicated. Preliminary tests confirmed that his blood alcohol concentration was above the legal limit. Mchunu was taken into custody and is currently facing charges related to driving under the influence.           This a

September 15, 2024

Mbinga Yapidiguka Corner Mazowe and Harare Drive

IPassed through there ndichiona mashura iwaya. Corner Mazowe and Harare Drive.         Ka Fit kangodyika side ne front and airbag rabuda otherwise not much damage. Gamba raradzikwa zvaro.  

September 15, 2024

Helicopter Yemukuru Yo Crusher Vachibva Mumasvingo

A Zimbabwe military helicopter ferrying Government officials and other VIPs from Masvingo to Harare crashed shortly after takeoff in Masvingo where President Emmerson Mnangagwa attended an event organised by the Zanu PF youth league. The president was not on the aircraft

September 14, 2024

Mai Nyathi Vovhura Huru Sezva Kikky Gore Riya

Kungoti chete hamusi kuiziva taste yechidya cheroad runner imi 😋😋Mobva mazoita kunge munhu wacho unototsengwa nxa. Imi amai Nyathi gara kwazvo mhani moitisa vanhu shohweraAisve taste yeroad runner risina madomasi here usadaroka iwe    

September 12, 2024

Tytie Ogarisa Nachembere 2 Anembiri Muzimbabwe Mudish

Vanhu vakaita operation unfollow Tytie zvikaramba kushanda akabva atopinda mumiriyoni now vakuona kuti akuda kutotangira chembere kupinda 2 miriyoni vakuti akatenga mafollowers😂😂😂 ava siyanai navo kuvarwisa kutovasimudzira kabisira they are already international

September 12, 2024

Mai Raisy Vonzi Vochekeresa mbuya

Ndakunzwai muchiti Mai Ras (Vimbai) akaromba and ndiye auraya vamwene achekeresa, handisi kukurambirai zvangu ndimi mune humbowo but kana zvakadaro tongoti kuromba hakuna profit because Vimbai anoshanda         sedhongi zvatinoona tese pano. Ndaiti kuromba ndekwenyipura dzisingade kushanda but kana bhinya rebasa rinenge Mai Ras ronzi raromba saka rombing haichameke sense because inenge yatove rombing with hard labour ka. Handizvo here vabereki?

September 12, 2024

Izvezvi Chabvondoka Mujoni Mtn Newtown More than 30 Zimbos Atorwa

More than 30 Vans dzemapurisa ryt now 08:13 vakomba paNewtown paRank apa haa varikuloader havo🙌Chero paMtn pakfc apo ndapfuura vakutotanga basa nehome affairs iripo muN1 paKirinaley apo hapamiwe miwe chinjai road nemukati parikutyorwa tyorwaInga         vamwe venyu vanobva vati kunyepa varikuramba kuti hakuna zvakadaro.isuvo kuno kumusha hatisati taona kana 1 ati adzoswa .asi murikungoti pote motopfuurira mberi

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