Saturday, October 26

General News

July 17, 2023

Cat Family Yoti Mai Maketeni Taikudai Asi Mushure Mekufumurwa Huroyi Hwenyu Na Ketty Tete Mildred Samaz Mmmh Amai Makaoma Kusvika Pakuda Kuuraya Maitt

Mai maketeni vati disappointer secat familyMai Maketen is this true ndaikudaiwo nemwoyo wese mufungeThis comes with great shock l was listening to Ketty Masomeras live wher she was wth Tete Mildred and Evidence l know pple might think these pple are after destroying Felie but I'm reading through the lines of that Live to be honest Memory pls prove pple wrong after all wat was said about you. I even thought that there was a statement that samas is busy sending kids messages wat if it's Mai Maketeni guys pple we let into our Spaces some aren't good as they look Why do you inform Samas abt Felie then you hide yourself. Olindas pictures trending after she lied that shz in Dubai nd u quickly took her a photo sent it to ketty shooks for sure Memory don't destroy FelistasNezuro ak

July 17, 2023

Enzol Ishal Onzi Nana Tete Vepa Facebook Holyten Akaroora Nezuro Anemwana Kamukadzi Kako Ngakachizvare Not Kungodya Mari

Holy Ten atova nemwana asi akaroora zuro uno iwe Enzo kamukadzi kako basa kungoswerera Sponge Bob nePeppa Pig .Kuswera kachionererwa mumaraini kachitiburitsira rurimi kudai .Kanomonei chakamona ipapa kudyiswa mbodza dzega dzega.Kamitise kadzikame kaite chimimba mutekwe mazamhu aite mapata pata nekuyamwisa tione kuti kanoshainira ani.Kashiti kemunhuChidofo chema Zimba kungofunga kuti vanhu vakaroorana vanofanira kuita mwana, zvino planiwa kana muchida mombonakirwa pasi a ma trailer ne ma stress.Idzo pfungwa dzekuti vanhu vakaroorana they are supposed to have babies ndodzechidofo manje. Ko kana zvikuramba why are u adding some salt to the wound. Mind your damn business munyori....Shame on u!!!Gegegege vanhu mucharoya imi ahhh apa munhu wacho makamboona achitaura nevanhu hre kuita muviri mudi

July 17, 2023

President Chamisa CCC Kuzadza Zvavo Vanhu Vasina Any Mari YeHurumende Yavaba Gweru Was Fire

Me watching my president doing wonders without any Gov money spent , without using Buses , without using stolen fuel to ferry pple from different rigionsGweru woyeeee nditarisireiwo mdhara naMoms vangu kuti varipo here apo kana vasipo vavharirei mvura hatide vanhu vasina shanduko

July 17, 2023

Chipo Muchengwa Is A Mother Of One A Musician These Are The People To Support Love

Chipo Muchegwa is musician and mother of one, who lives in Norton but is originally from Mt. Darwin.    She has been in the music industry for awhile now. In 2021, the town of Norton recognised her work by awarding her the “Arts Personality of the Year Award.   She has several songs to her credit including 'Moyo Wangu, Chinonzi Rudo and her hit song 'Ndezvemoyo' featuring Terry Gee.   2023 she featured Boi Shona Music "Winky D" which is trending now

July 17, 2023

Patricia Jackie Oti Chihera Kushata Senge Uchamera Nyanga Handisi Kuzokusiya Kusvika Wati Sorry

Rimise kuipa ungati richamera nyanga Ndoda kusiya wapetwa in kettina voice kuipaUne dzungu chihera imboita zvelife yako najuju kwete kuswera uchingokumbira mari yedata uripazimubhedh kunge chiremaChihera akandibuda ndaimbova die hard fan kuna guru mhosva pana chihera ndnga ndambojegera asi ndakazvisiya now i cant even watch her live chero 2secmuno mujon ndomasara kt atize futi achaita mhuka isingagari panzvimbo nekuda kutaura nyaya dzaasingaziviuyu wamunoti chihera anobhowa kuda kutuka munhu wese neasina chaamutadzira

July 17, 2023

Evidence Chihera Orohwa Senyoka Yapinda Mumba Kuita Kubviswa Hembe Uchafira Mumaoko Evanhu

Video iyi wairohwei evidence and why aewa allow me to Fambira nyaya dzaevidence go kuwall kwake anongofa ini achindituka was minding my bussiness latelyNguruve yeku Thailand ichafira mumaoko evanhu🫣😂😂😂😂aiwa chihera apera sesipo kwaibva makuhwa kwese hakusisina ndomakuhwa atakungonzwa nanaKetty nanaTete Midhi Aya Saka haasisina kondendi

July 17, 2023

Sis Melly Voti Vanhu Hamusi Kutoziva Date Rekuvhota Asi Braa Size RaMaitt You Kno Zimbabweans Changamukai

Munoti mukadzi uyu akaganhira but truth be told kuganhira ikoko ndokunotiratidza zvakawanda pano pafecibuku. One munhu asingatye anyone. Only socialite arikutaura zvekuvoter. Her page is a breath of fresh air chairo. arikutionesa kuti madrama ese aya haana hawo basa at the end of the day. Tirikuitiswa kunge madhamdham. pangosara mwedzi but vamwe havotozive kuti date racho ndirini. But unoziva bra size yaMaiTT. CURSED NATION.Pamwe iwe ndiwe usingazivi date pese patosi vhota mombotiudza hre cz kwazoita social media manje kusati kwava ne social media taivhota Sei Siya vanhu zuva reku vhota I 1 day chte

July 17, 2023

Sis Melly Voti Vanhu Hamusi Kutoziva Date Rekuvhota Asi Braa Size RaMaitt You Kno Zimbabweans Changamukai

Munoti mukadzi uyu akaganhira but truth be told kuganhira ikoko ndokunotiratidza zvakawanda pano pafecibuku. One munhu asingatye anyone. Only socialite arikutaura zvekuvoter. Her page is a breath of fresh air chairo. arikutionesa kuti madrama ese aya haana hawo basa at the end of the day. Tirikuitiswa kunge madhamdham. pangosara mwedzi but vamwe havotozive kuti date racho ndirini. But unoziva bra size yaMaiTT. CURSED NATION.Pamwe iwe ndiwe usingazivi date pese patosi vhota mombotiudza hre cz kwazoita social media manje kusati kwava ne social media taivhota Sei Siya vanhu zuva reku vhota I 1 day chte

July 17, 2023

Madamboss And Mhosva Vosairirwa Mhosva Nevanhu Ve E Creator Zhao Jiatong And Director Tafadzwa Zvonzi Ndiwo Vane Mhosva They Force People To Pay Money 1 Million usd Yakabiwa

Socialites Madam Boss and Admire Mushambi, who is popularly known as @MamaVee , were key players in popularising the E-Creator Ponzi scheme whose subscribers were duped of over US$1 million.   ‌This was heard when the E-Creator founder, Zhao Jiaotong, and director Trymore Tapfumaneyi, appeared in court over  crime-madam-boss-popularised-ponzi-scheme-investors-duped-of-more-than-us1millionI don't remember the newspaper which wrote an article that headlined " E-creator has empowered youths in Zimbabwe"....Saka nyaya iyi kana ikada vanhu ichakumba vakawandisaIf they knew the whole story behind they wouldn't accept such deals, personally I can't blame madam boss n her friend. They can sue this Zhao guy n his friends.

July 17, 2023

Pressure Yavanopiwa Na Chamisa Vanhu Vezanupf Yaa Kusvika Pakupfeka Magemenzi

Ndopaanotodyirwa ipapa,and it shows kut even iwewe yu not politically calculative,muchiseka munhu achitoita gadziiro,haa maZimba timbaari matoto chaiwoRegrettably, as Zimbabweans we never learn. Mnangagwa is a seasoned politician who knows where the votes come fro m, and he is tapping In the right places.   Vanhu weee, musadheerere number yema postori! Vanhu vakawanda ivava, and they will vote!   Chamisa needs to come up with a strategy, otherwise we are headed for tough times.   Imagine having ED as President until 2028😲😲,aah no mhani 😲

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