Saturday, October 26

General News

August 01, 2023

Pokello Onzi Kuchembera kwakubuda Manje Asi Besides zkutora Mapic Ane Filter Chii Chimwe Chaanobatsira Mucommunity

Iwe ukaona kutsvuka ndokugeza here njuzu dzeblack hausatiwambodziona here dzogara 24/7 mumvura musiuno wakati tilda akuzvinyima yekugeza nekuti mutemaYaa anogeza hake bt pama pics filter inozobata basa zvakafanana na Regina Daniel zvaanombobuda ari nezvaunozoona pasina filter saka ndinoti ma phn manyama arikubata basaSis Poki vanogeza yoo . Zvekudzi mubhishu ratove haro drama . Zviri kubuda siwiti kana murungu billionaire anotora hake sis Pokello Nare - Topic. Mason iya pakugeza zvavo.

July 18, 2023

Ngoni Madamboss Husband Onzi Chokwadi Kunyadzisa Kukundwa Na Holyten Kufadzisa Mukadzi Azvara

WHY do you say Mhofu is disappointing???? Do you think when Mhofu sees Tyra he sees her as Madam Boss and him a FAN of Madam Boss? Don't forget Mhofu knows Tyra IN and out, vanorara naye so he can never see her the way you or chaunga sees her.Shame it must be painful for Chelsea kuona all the love Kim is being showered apa Holy 10 akangokumitisa ukaswera uchimusonera mari yemaintanance.Muchadzidza kuti kutrepa murume nemimba kuzvitrepa.Unosara wakabata mwana ane ziguma rakafanana nerababa iye aenda hake kune mukadzi waanoda chaiye.Holy Ten & Kim Baby Of The Year 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾✊🏿 teach the young ones how it’s done. Kwete zviMadhara zvinenge vana Ngonie, kutadzavo Kutumira Kevin nemaRuva, maChocolates, ne maHamper. Gegege chandakaona wakakosha paSocial medi

July 18, 2023

Hondo Yemabhururu Natalie Oti Chichi Wakarerwa Seiko Wakazonoroorwa Nedhara Rine Vakadzi 5 Hausi Mutsvene Iwe

Chichi haasiriye wekunge akamboroorwa aripachipari namapanga here uyu akuda kushaina now...kovakazorambana sei namapanga ?Chichi how were you raised???? Kusekana kwana kamba. We knew you because you became a famous side chick. Clearly you were both not raised well.

July 18, 2023

Uri Ritualist Here Mudiwa Hood Onzi Chi Chakadaro Mari Unayo Wakanaka Kureba But Kushaya Mukadzi Hatimunamatirei Senyika

When a Man is Handsome, educated, have money but still single, What could be the problem 🤔Self worth a man who has been married doesn’t quickly jump into marriage from most I knowGuys marriage life is not easy and marriage is not a must its safe to be single sometimes some people need their freedomOne thing I have notice about life. In our generation you need to think and plan your life wise. Make money and explore life before you make kids. Imagine getting married and having a child without Fncl stable, you will ending up hurt yourself.Might have gone through hell in relationships or saw some misleading ones or has been hurt more than the wordZimbabweans u have problems let him be. But in Nigeria when u are educated and then boom rich plus handsome we say he is a ritualist l dont

July 18, 2023

Enchantress Anorwadziwa Na Chichi Kana Achitokwsnisa Kutenga Rangerover Ega Ndokuti Imbinga Zvee Godo Mhandu

Metress ane prob I mean Enchantress wenyu uyuI don't know the other Lady but If she can Actually afford to buy a Range on her own Sando dzake ;Obva asimbisa Hubby showz she is in it for Love not nzara nekuda Kuchengetwa ; ndovakadzi chaivoAtleast she knows Chichi anemari yekuti anogona kuzvitengera Range Rover😊 not just a car😂😂😂😂

July 18, 2023

Olinda Kana Uchiti Mari Yako Chete So Why Kuzoenda KumaHospital Emikoto Ku Turkey Vane Mari Vanoitirwa Surgeries MuLondon

Pakuti Mari yako chete- apa muchienda kumikoto ku Turkey- why did you not get surgery in UK - or even go to USA, but went to Turkey for cheap stuff . Being cheap with your health !!!! But anyway - just say nothing - not too much about nothing 🙌Why always have to explain yourself? Gain or no gain weight it's your life, ur rules why bothered.It’s non of our business - but those sugary , processed and alcohol you drink is not good for you . never gain weight again seems a little crazy. But you should not explain anything to anyone .Pakuti Mari yako chete- apa muchienda kumikoto ku Turkey- why did you not get surgery in UK - or even go to USA, but went to Turkey for cheap stuff . Being cheap with your health !!!! But anyway - just say nothing - not too much about nothing 🙌

July 18, 2023

Olinda Iti Zimbabweans Even Ndafuta Futi Mari Ndinayo Ndongodzoka Futi Ku Turkey Konochekwa Mafuta She Gaining Weight Again Zvinoda Kumaintainer Izvi

Why always have to explain yourself? Gain or no gain weight it's your life, ur rules why bothered.Never say never you can go back to factory settings bantu! You ain’t supposed to be shampoporing & all that sugar! Neva say Neva my guy! Those surgeries are life threatening !!Kanti unjani?It’s non of our business - but those sugary , processed and alcohol you drink is not good for you . never gain weight again seems a little crazy. But you should not explain anything to anyone .You can gin weight after gastric bypass usazvinyaradze and iwe you are gaining weight zvinooneka jut it's not a pile up.

July 18, 2023

Lorain Guyo Osiyana Nechikomba Chake Anesu Chirenje Murume Wemunhu Vanga Vakato Engager

Engagement haisi marriage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ko iye Anesu wacho ari married hr,regai vadyanane kna vachinakirana.dai muri musaga ungadai usiri kutozviziva iwe munyori.Melisa akaitwa overtake.i don't think Lolo ane chaakatadza.the closest is the dearest🤣🤣🤣🤣endawo kuUK umirirwe nemudiwa wako kana uchifunga kt unopisaEngagement inongokanzurwa kaa iye aimover kuendepi aengangwa 😂😂😂😂mwana wehuku anodya ndearipo wanguInga makamboti chikomba chake ndeche Gweru Wani hamufe makaziva anomudya zviroto

July 17, 2023

Mukadzi Ochema Musgure Mekunge Atorwa Nemabus Ezanupf From Gweru To Masvingo Oshaya Mari Yekudzoka Kumba lol

Ndaiseka mazupco achibva bulawayo kariba beitbridge marondera mutare kana iri semasvingo hatitauri raini rega rega raitakurwa kuenda kurally But pakauya Chamisa vanhu vanoenda vega vamwe vanotobhadhara mari dzavo dzemabus kuenda kurally Saka ane chimuti ndeupiMe watching my president doing wonders without any Gov money spent , without using Buses , without using stolen fuel to ferry pple from different rigions

July 17, 2023

Ketina Akanyarara Mekugeza Kuita Mukadzi Chaiye Chodika Ichi Chiranga Mapenzi As Zimbabweans Tokuda

Kana akanyarara kuita mkadzi chaiye ngashame mromo muone hoo apo ndopavanoisirana 🛌 nhasi zvirinaniwo tata vanogona kucleanerKetty shz a hard working person plus zvimwe zvinozomuwandira ndosaka achizoita zvehwahwa bt zvizhinji anenge achitidawo kuitawoNezuro akabatikana paakanzwa kuti Tete vakandirwa 10 000 stars face yake haina kufara nazvo

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