Friday, October 25

General News

August 22, 2023

People Concerned About Ruby Lyn Makeup Artist Apera Nekuonda Hazvina Kumufita RUBY Got Heart Problem Let's Be Kind

Nhai guy what happened to our beautiful Ruby lyn makeup ndiyo banting yacho here. She was so beautiful before this new body of her is not make sure. Let's hope haasi kurwara hake I love this lady shame.     She should upgrade her makeup skills... Zvemazi eyebrows zvasara izvo, her makeup mazuvano yaane kahubharanzi... Funny thing she's the one who taught a lot of mua atove ma guru muindustryBho yako haisi bho yake.       Overweight comes with a lot of health issues. Some lose weight to save their lives. We must learn to see beyond the weightVanhu dzidzai kusiyana nekucomenda ma body evanhu not everyone who is loosing weight bcz of banting some are suffering silently healthy issue zvimwe zvatinotsvagisa ma likes sooka    

August 22, 2023

Pokello And Friends Vonzi Mirai Zvenyu Chamisa Apinde Mucharega Zvese Izvi Zvekuganzira Vanhu Makutodzokorodza Hembe Time Ticking

Enjoy whilst it lasts…. The clock is ticking u will be history soon   Mirai zvenyu chikomana chipinde mukuzvimira zvetusutu twegold utwu tabva kurally ka isu nhasi 😂😂😂 Shamiso Lissa Chitsinde Mai Andrè     Hatisimbise mbavha Zanu pf must go nema golddigger ayoYah dumbu kuita chimbuya mukutekede         Why is Tanya alwys explaining achiwawsta, Pokie achitarisa ku side like she doesn't care....Tanya kuita senge achadonha into the grass....Poke gives mean, like anofanorwa kunamatwa oro she blocks you.TANYA HEMBE IDZO WANZWA NEKUDZIDZOKORODZA

August 20, 2023

Themba Gorimbo Ovala Maborehole Kumasvingo Kwaakabva Oti Zimbabweans Musandiudzire Zvekuita Maisavepo Pandaitambura Ndine Vanhu Vandinoterera Not Vanhu Vasina Basa

Batai mazwi, and read to understand, not everyone who says something about you matters, pick and choose who you can learn from first, vamwe vese I noise chaiyo.     My brother just forcus siyana nezvinhu zvisina Basa you look good terera people that metters only otherwise I am your fan bro keep going as we also pray more for you       Nobody offered him advice or training for him to get to the level he is now . Nobody advised him to donate his 7000usd prize towards water sanitation in his village. Why maakuda kumuudzira zvokuita now . To hell with take him down syndrome       Zimbabweans zvimwe zvacho unotoshaya kuti mweya we kurwadziwa here, wy musingatukane Nana Tom jones vanoda zvekutukana nemi mosiya wo vanhu vaku

August 20, 2023

Mapurisa 20 Ekumhanyisa Vanhu In Court Vakakuvadza Mukadzi Anga Anenhumbu But Zimbabweans Sure Kuvhundutsirwa Ne 20 Vanhu Varume Ngatishingei

Mapurisa 20 vakamhanyisa vanhu nezuro manheru muTown varimu Magistrates Court izvezvi. 🤔 Mukati hakusi kuda kuti vhara ikoku?       Ko kukwara kwatakaita zuro tichitiza ticharapiswa nani?Nemi vanhu vari zim kutiza vanh 20 kun kwatiri takato dzidzawo zvakawanda nenyay ye commit yekun vakabata havo plus police rekun anouya ari ma ven ari 20 kuzo mhanyisa vanhu 5 sak pls batai pazim tikuya 25 tinenge tiripo1)       Takamhanyiswa tikadonha tikakwara but takatotenga ma pain killer Mari dzacho dzichubuda muhomwe medu           2)kuda henyu kutifadza nenhema uku court Saturday zvakaomaNemawandiro anenge akaita vanhu vacho kutiza mapurisa 20 shuwa mazimba batanai mhani

August 20, 2023

Ketina Samaz I Love You Mamoyo Wangu Zimbabweans Oti Ndozvawaiita Maitt Ukazovaita Sei

Rutendo Lovenes Samaz Replies Ketina  "Awww you are the best I love you too Mamo ❤️❤️❤️❤️ " They are Showing Each other so much love Ketina And Samaz ixvi zvaita Vanhu Vati Hatina Kukanganwa Shamwari Yangu Wadya Here it End in tears.       Kkkk kettile ndozvawaaita kunamura izvi🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Unomudhiriza very soon she must be careful you are a danger to society.U pple dont know ketty..hohodo ichi chemasiriri ndochindzwira tsitsi       Takamirira part 2zvedu pane aiziva here kuti shamwari yangu wadya here yaizo Pera zvinorwadza     Precious Marimo Pane ava you gotta take a chill pill kuti hloo vanotonetsana but they fix it Ku back Kamuchachilo ane dzungu haagadzirisane nevamwe

August 20, 2023

Ketina Samaz Tinashe Mildred Varikutoda Maitt Vafire Kujeri Vakanga Vakazvironga Wasu Otaura

Loveness Samaz,Shepiro ,Tete Midhi,Tinashe Maphosa,Ketty masomera.cousin Rose    The big 6.   Samaz na Tete midhi makabuditsa Mari to bring felly down?    Makatenga vanhu vese ava nemari?   Planned downfall   Felly didn't see this coming, The way they tok vakagadzira mabomber ezvikirimbani kuti mai Titi vafire mujeri. These big 6 vakagara dare ,they made a plan and they succeeded.     Be careful of people that claim to love you Felistus akadonhedzwa nemuromo wake. I have enemies left, right and centre, vandivenga nekuti am highly favored, guess what??     Ndinonyarara kuti zero, ndokwana pasi petsoka dzaJesu, wowona madonhero anoitwa nevavengi. People sometimes vanonditi muroyi but he

August 20, 2023

Zimbabweans In The Diaspora Coming Back Home To Vote For Change CCC Chete 40years Tichingonzi Zvichanaka Hatichada

I was so happy to meet many Zimbabweans today at RGM Airport coming back home to vote.   Their spirit was correctly measured but optimistic.       I also met a bank executive who is registered to vote who said that they had given up on voting due to the charade around this and previous elections.       Understandably so, but I urge everyone who feels this way not to give up.       You don’t want to wish you had voted when your candidate of choice fails to make it with just a few votes.       Every vote matters, every vote counts in this election, that is why you should all go and vote.       To anyone who needs to be inspired to vote, inbox

August 20, 2023

Zvinosiririsa Nekusekesa Vatsigiri Vezanupf Vochema Vachifamba 200km Kudzoka Kumba Vasiiwa Nebus

Tired and desperate after traveling before the break of dawn to President Mnangagwa’s election rally in Shurugwi, these Zimbabweans can’t find buses to take them back home.       They all say that they don’t have money to pay for public transportation, not even a penny in their pockets, but they have to go home.       President Mnangagwa’s rallies have been filled with bussed citizens from across the country to give a false semblance of a popular man.       Many citizens are coerced to go using these buses provided by Mnangagwa, but after the rallies some miss their designated buses.       Many go to Mnangagwa's rallies for their own protection, many also

August 20, 2023

Vakadzi Vakuru Bishop Juliet Mai Mazowe Muchembere Soko Munosekerera Swagger Mwana Wa 2000 Achipenga Kupira Vadzimu

Instead of kuti vakadzi vakuru varambe vachingozhinya mwana wa 2000 uyu achiratidza kuva mentally distrubed tadii kumutsvagira help.       Nhai ma sisters ne ma cousins a Tadiwa madii kumbomunyengerera munowona mental health therapist please veduwe, kuita ngochani haisi nyaya but uyu arikurwara ari kuda rubatsirwo kwete rwemari or ma stars but psychological. Real family ya swagger please musaregera mwana .       Ini i blame vanhu vano mu supporter esp those who pay rent for him.. Variko vana vanoshaya ma shool fees kumamisha uku biz kupa swagger akatiza responsibility yake yekuva baba akatanga kupemha akasiwa anoita munhu kwaye uyooo anozviitisa nekuona zino richimuzhinyurira pa fb nxaaaaaa akabereka benzi anonzwa shunguuu baba vebenzi

August 20, 2023

Kikky Baddas Onzi Anodyiwa Iwo Magarooo Anenge Mapapu Nemadhara Ezanu Opiwa Mafufu Dai Achiitawo Mari Sa Natalie

Vodyiwa nemadhara vopihwa mafufu🙌🙌🙌😂😂🤣🤣Ukangoona nyama yowandirwa ne nhunzi ziva kuti something wrong Dai Achidyiwa Sa X Friend Yake Natalie Anemari Better Kuzvipedza Achangotanga Shane Maningi     Ndaona mapundu ayo ,pane amaonawo.meat yacho yakawanda      Kunge mapapu asiiwa pazuva😂😂🤣🤣Haurevi nhema munyori kana zvadai zvobhowa kutarisa

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