Friday, October 25

General News

August 30, 2023

Ruby Lynn Kuonda Kwake Shocking Mazimba Akaitirei Surgery Body Yake Was Good Akafuta

Don't know why she opted for a gastric bypass, she wasn't that big and could have easily lost that weight through dieting and exercise. I doubt muno muAustralia they would have deemed her as a candidate for a gastric bypass           Do we say well done to someone who had surgery or someone who went through the process of healthy eating and exercise. I understand she has medical issues so she had to go for her sleeve but it just different when you to sacrifice all the food you love to lose weight           Ummm, uku kurwara uku sorry zvake. I hope she’s okay.That’s not healthy weight. It looks like she has been going through a lot 😢😢😢I won't judge, I don't know her sto

August 30, 2023

40 Year Old Teenager Stunner Oudza Tytan Kudzoka Kumukadzi Wangu Haizi Mhosva And Ukaona X Wako Achinaka Kukunda Current Husband Ma1 Mupfanha

Ukaona waita ex inonaka kudarika current bae haaa unenge usina zororo..Munongotii henyu hee ama2k but zvakangotangira kuma70s dhara rese iro take take neshisha pese pariri         Apa ane Mwana Teenager iye ndi Teenager futi..vari baba vako wainzwa sei       Unenge wasara hakol uri wega mumba ma Olinda Chapel-Nkomo wotanga kurova zvibhodhoro n tiktok waiting for madam to come back🙏😀🤣🤣🤣🤣🎉🎉🎉 Stunner all the way......Pahunhu baba Nandie I husband material

August 30, 2023

Olinda Oti Tytan Aiziva Status Yangu YeEdzi Anonyepa Aingoda Mari Chete Ngaataure Kana Ndichinyepa

Tytan never think Worinda forgave u kubva pa interview iya yekufumura status yake kwaRumbi, nyoro wayiisa wega futi knowing status yake.. Ndiwe paya wadzokera kuya kwawaiti watiza kuzorwa butter all because u are a lazy man haude kushanda unoda kuchengetwa nemukadzi🙄         Worinda knew kuti uyanya one day.. hoyo osvasvangwa naamu ex iwe uripo asi hauna kwekuyenda. Suduruka Stunner akwire awanewo mari yeshisha nemasunglasses, kana Worinda aneta naye achatsvaga kamwe kechidiki futi 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️         Kwana Worinda 😂 l know your ghost unnoda 🍆🍆too much , tell me saka,baba Sean was wrong,baba Jayden was wrong,dziva was wrong now tytan is wrong nevamwe vawaikwira

August 23, 2023

40 Year Old Teenager Oti Avekushopera Onzi Aiwa Musasimudze Mhepo Vamwe Vezeta Rako Vatove Mapresident Iwe Uchiitwa Chituta Nekuona Pakati Pana Olinda

40 years old teenager necap musoro , ma shades ake ne jira reretso apedza hake vamwe vegetables Rake Vanenge Vave President Venyika YeZimbabwe      Arikubva kunotenda vadzimu vakamupa hombe inodiwa ne makaradhi ,varungu vatema vadiki nevahombe , saka anga ambonoisa fodya pasi kutenda vadzimu vake  Vakamupa hombe ,hobvu,

August 23, 2023

Chigumba Mother Of Rigging Hakuna Chisingapere Kana Mugabe Chaiye Akapera

Mother of rigging Enemy of the stateWe shall be seeing more of her eyebrows frm tmrw     GK Samaz hakuna chisingaperi just look mafiro akazoita baba bona vaunorevaLook at her eyes, she seems to be crying deep from inside       She's under threat and has no option i guessSome demons don't wear horns .they come with their nose ring to make a complete distraction 😒She is more gifted than Satan

August 22, 2023

Zimbabweans Voti Freeman Ngaaone Zvekuita Nemukadzi Akuita Senge Asiri Wake

Couple iyi ine kamwe kakungodiika soo nekamwe kakungorongeka Baba Damien na Mai Damien    Vapei malove nemalikes kana usingarwadziweMmmm HKD boss ngava one zvekuita namadam vakuita kunge vasiri vavo     Mai Damian vane kamwe kakusanzwira mvura so paskin yavo🙌♥️♥️Mwari haangakupe zvose shuwa akati iwe handsome boy mukadzi uchatsvaka woga kkkHis wife is humble anotukwa nevanhu vakawanda but haapindure

August 22, 2023

Breaking News Lorain Guyo Osungirwa Humbavha Macelebrity Edu Ese Zvaari Matsotsi

BREAKING: LORRAINE GUYO ARRESTED FOR FRAUD       She reportedly sold a vehicle and then hired bouncers to forcibly repossess the car.     She is set to appear in court this morning.       #hmetroTomorrow is the day don't be distracted please good people let's go VOTE in our numbers. NGAAPINDE HAKE MKOMANA ☝️☝️☝️   #ZANUPFMUSTGO!

August 22, 2023

Lorain Guyo Osungwa Mushure Mekunge Ati Handivhotere Benzi

Tomorrow is the day don't be distracted please good people let's go VOTE in our numbers. NGAAPINDE HAKE MKOMANA ☝️☝️☝️       #ZANUPFMUSTGO!aploterwa chiiko iwe enda unoverenga zvaita uko usade kumuhwandisa nechigunwe ndimi type yevanhu vanotadza vachiziva vozonyepera Satan nxiiS       hame,vana ava sandi kuti vanenge varamba zvinodiwa nema boss here kuzosungwa kudai,ndopaunozoona munhu akungoita zvinoda zanu as if anoida izvo pane vanenge vari behind the scenes.Macelebrity edu, noone is safe ukangoramba ku endorser Zanu PF wakutoiswa mukati

August 22, 2023

Congratulations Mai Venyika Mai Chamisa Chokwadi Zimbabweans Hope And Future Iri Mumaoko Enyu Nababa

Congratulations in advance makunogara ku state hawuzi .mukasapinda mmm ndikuenda kuzim kotora vabereki vangu totama hedu kuzim tosiya mnangagwa na Holy 10 vari 2         Kkkk ini nechikwata changu vakasapinda tazvipira kuita hwe Zambia zvavakaita pana Kenneth Kaunda vakadzi vese vakabvisa hembe kusvika azo surrender chigaro🤣🤣🤣 yandipedza pandainzwa ndikati ndoyasara kwedu kuti Rapu Rapu takananga pa State House 🤣🤣🤣🤣         varikuti ambuya avo 🤔 hmmm vakadzi go through lot of stress giving birth all the duties taking care of the family sleepless nights kids gets sick itirwai nyasha muzive

August 22, 2023

Levels Chillspot Fantan Holyten Kikky Kupiwa Mapacket Ema Condom Nezanupf Asi Floyd May Weather Anopiwa Million Dollars Zvinonzwisa Tsitsi

1.Holyten akapihwababblegum aka tsenga kusvika a zvimba shaya 2.Ricky Fire akapihwa pitikoti yeblack yaakange akasunga musoro  3.kiki badass aka pihwa ma pamper coz aka takura dhodho risinga peri       4.micheal magz akapihwa 500 bond yekuzo rasa pashowKikie akapihwa mag- string matatu kunge matombo emuteuroFantan got pack ye ma tissue  Ras celeb akapihwa sipo ne dombo zvekugezesa         Pedzisawo ma ma artist anga aripo kuti akapihweiEnzo akapiwa dye yebvudzi rasta risaite brown Judhasi momuziva akapiwa madhuku kuti asunge mop yakeRicky fire akapihwa machira emapitikoti,ekusonesa hembe dzakeFantana akapihwa horse pipe and 30 baby sotty tissues asinga batirire ayeye 🕺🕺🕺🕺🎻😂🎻😂 &nbs

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