Thursday, October 24

General News

October 15, 2023

Breaking News Muimbi Garry Tight Oti Ndirimupenyu Musandicheme Afa Ndi Garry Mapanzure

Maswera sei fam,Inini ndonzi Gary Tight ndini ndiri kuleft ndine blue,my late brother akashaika nezuro anonzi Garry Mapanzure ndiye ariku right ane white🙏🏼           Stay blessed famGary Tight has been in the music industry as far back as I can remember 2005-06 .           Gary Mapanzure started 2017.. I don't know how people can confuse the two.🤔🤔🤔🤔

October 15, 2023

Makhadzi Otemwa Zvakare Nema Bhodhoro Kushow In Zimbabwe Kadoma Mushure Mekunge Aridza 3 Songs

Makhadzi asvika akaimba ma song 3. Ndobva atemwa nema cane. Ndobva atobva pa stage.         So azoteerwa akanzi dzoka pa stage.Pane atobhadhara VIP kuti akwanise kutema munhu ne cane 🙌🏽             I don't see anything funny about that, at the end of the day mozochema ne Xenophobia kana ma South Africans akadawo kutsiva toti mavara azare ivhu. I hope she is okay haana kukuvara.

October 13, 2023

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvipoko Zvevasikana Moana And Kairi Zvinenge Zvichichema Pavakaitira Accident From August To November Guard Otaura

I live close to kwakaitira Ana ginimbi accident and has I’m ready to buy a new house .       Vasikana vacho from August to November vanenge vachichema zvisingaite.We once passed through there around kuma Am and innocently we slowed down one of our friends achitiratidza the spot.         There were 2 security guards there and they said "mirai mbichama very soon vanenge vatanga kuchema😪" Talabvapo tiri speed.       Zvipoko ka izvii 😥😥😥😥😥dehama dzavo dzakauya kuzotora mweya yavo ichapedzisira yablack sportHazy Nyari M vachichema paiko. Pagara pane mhepo paya kubva panahighgate kusvika Pana Raiden.       Panoita mhute isingaite. Daddy would alway

October 13, 2023

Zvinotyisa Zvinoshamisa Nelia Kadungure Povuda Chiporofita Chekuti Arase Zvinhu Zvese ZvaGinimbi

Nelia deni uri mumwe matanga kunamata zvakasimbisa semhuri.         Kana zvichihi murase zvese murarame rasai. Mukomana anenge akanga ane mhiko dzisina kunaka. Onai zvekuita semhuri musati maparara

October 13, 2023

Kunyepa Kwa Maitt Hakupere Idemon Chokwadi Vakuti Vakabatsira Caro WekuBrazil Aive Muchikurubhi Kuti Adzoke Kunyika Kwavo

Ahhhhhhh nhaimi uyu aneshavi here?Kuda kuzozviita ka. Big person .....zvaizvezvi chiremerera hapachina 😂         But Felly anonyeperei muskana uyu akabudikira papicture nemistake hiiiii hanzi i told them imikaUnosvika pachikamu chekuzorora       We are not going anyway as a country Feridhongo😂😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌kunyepa hakupere hako       Caro akaita zvekuto zoomiwa kutwitwer ari kumasure sure hayaaKanonyeba zvinosvoka kamunhu ikaka.Gore raanobuda tichaudzwa kunzi ndainodyira muhotera evryday.         Demon racho renhema ririkutokura 🤣🤣🤣nyangwe arimujeri akutongovhura hombe .munhu akabuda nemistake vanhu vachishuta iko ayii🤣🤣🤣🤣

October 13, 2023

Dj Olla Fans Complaining Ngaaite Seakaita Chikoro Che Journalism Hazvina Hunhu Zvaanaoita

DJ Olla 7 needs to work on his journalist eticate    Muma interviews avo vakambo:       1. Bvunza Madam Boss kuti ichokwadi here kuti vakadya chibereko chavo       2. Mai Batsi akavabvunza ichokwadi here vanorara nemwana komana wavo nekuti vakahurira murume       3. Mabvunziro aita Saint Flow zvema drugs aive nekumdzikisira kunge kunyomba like         4. Nhasi angato poster zvaGarry Mapanzure kuFacebook kwake though azo deleter         Show the difference between you as a professional journalist and the general public   Let's maintain ethics be sensitive than prioritize on sensational gossip

October 13, 2023

Hopewell Chin'ono Oti Varume Vemu Zimbabwe Basa Kupopota Pa Facebook Nekuterera Ana Maitt Muchisiya Mukadzi Achi Demonstrate Ega

Varume vepano basa inoise paFacebook nekutukana, kukundwa naMai Mtetwa.       Magwara, vamwe vanotohwanda behind fake names, shumbadzemu book🤣🤣🤣ko zvakaipeu kukundwa nemukadzi hanty munhu here?         chiii chakaipa mukoma Hopewell Chin'ono apa remember she a human rights lawyer, its good for her to lead us         Seems you naMai Mtetwa have the profiles to lead us,we can't all lead,mungati ndatuka here ndikati batanai nawo,motidaidzawo tofamba pakati penyu,imi pamberi Mai Mtetwa kumashure kwedu🇿🇼Varume rudzii vanoteverera ana maiTt??       Murume rudzii anoti, "ini handiite zvepolitics"?? Unoitei saka??     &nb

October 13, 2023

Teacher Edmond Mutetwa Kufamba Achigera Vana Vezvikoro Kumamisha Vhudzi

Murairidzi wecricket - Edmond Mutetwa - ari kufambira mberi nechirongwa chake chekurairidza mutambo uyu pachena muzvikoro zvekumaruwa.       Apedza, ari kubva agera vana vechikoro vhudzi pachena.Well done for remembering the rural child. We applaud your efforts. Kugera vana mapedza ma sports coach vamwe vanenge vasina mari dzacho dzekunogerwa matoita basa👏👏           Saka tichiti ngavambomire zvekupanana dzimotokari vavandudze zvikoro nemakiriniki bt havadi nxaaaa mhani...kubudirira kwenyika kunoeka nekuva neproper institutes for education proper hospitals and clinics and clean           water then electricity vakagona izvi vanozokundikana nei kuisa mamalls in rural areas

October 13, 2023

Garry Mapanzure Never Trend Arimupenyu Asi Afa Vese Macelebrity Vavekuposta Kuita Kufarira Rufu

The guy never trend when he was alive. All these celebrities and socialites never posted his albums , projects etc.         Yesterday paakaita accident its like people couldnt wait to posts their RIP ( misodzi yegarwe). Vanochenesa vakafa vachisvibisa vapenyu.         Nhasi kuma pages enyu chipata pata. RIP Gary         He was popular to those who knew him and loved his music .... if you never came across him or his music doesn't mean he wasn't loved by others

October 13, 2023

Tinashe Mutarisi Manga Musingaposte Garry Arimupenyu Asi Afa Mave Kumuda Fans Not Happy

Chokwadi chataurwa hacho nemusikana uyu asi kungoti 😬😬😬😬         Vanhu ava havasimudzirane vanozosimudzirana munhu afa nxaaa dai vaisimudzirana dai tichimuziva kuma page avo if u cant post munhu kupage ari mupenyu why posting afa         Ndochokwadi this pple ndivo vanema platform mahombe isu tinovatevera but havasimudzire vamwe vadiki now makuita ma condolences isu ma followers tinovhunduka kaa kuti ndiyaniIf he knows he is right why did he block me.           i wasn't attacking him just amazed how this artist has become so popular after his demise. Honestly I didn't hear about him whilst he lived

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