Thursday, October 24

General News

October 22, 2023

Baba Harare Votsamwa Passion Java Makuva Unopedza Career Yevanhu Unorwadziwa Ndakaramba Kuitiswa Newe Ndisiye

Passion Java Cemetry. Not Passion Java records. A place where music careers go to die. Unogwadziwa kuti ndakaramba neyangu career           Father City pana Java makagonera nyika yese. Well done on your new Album .true wese akafamba na java dzangove ngano now,look at roki now kuita kugadzikwa pa zero na java shem           Sure makamboona kuti wese akaimba achipraiser muporofiti waBaari uyu vese vangoti nyaaa nyaaa zii           Ndaimbofunga kuti vanhu ava vanowirirana vanoda kutiitisa but ummmm 😳 this shit is deep🤦‍♀️it really hits🥹The beef is not chickening its real not zvekutamba😅😅 baba harare vakaramba kuitiswa cause vangadai vatova his

October 22, 2023

Dj Tawaz Was Involved In A Horrible Car Accident Mazimbabwean Iti Dai Afa Zvake Munhu Wezanupf

Mwari varikubvisa marara muZimbabwe Hanty Ginimbi his your mentor here? Maybe you’re trying to follow his footsteps even in death.           Usadhakwe nekutyaira motokari pamwepo. Uno mwarira, motikari chikwambo hachidi dzungu.Zve vanhu ve zanu pf mati tine basa nazvo here nganamatirwe na Java             Zvinwe zvinhu soooo zvakaoma .... Honda Fit uone nemushainiro ungato ane Mari🤣🤣🤣Vamwe vakapiwa maGD 6 toyota nema Range Rover iye kaHonda fit ngaanonamatirwa kuParliament kwavo nababa Teniseni naPanganai naholloteni

October 22, 2023

Ketina Oburitsa Maresults Ake Eshuramatongo E 3 Years Ago Oti Iye Haana Edzi

Maresults e3 years agozvekuti ndezva 2018 ratovewo drama.         asi pari zvino, panguva iyoyo kuchena kuti ngwee  Icho chirwere chacho chinotoziya pekuenda imagine chikaenda Pana ketty arikutoita kunge anacho iye asina           Kkkkkkk besides olinda kune vamwe vazhinji vari positive but life yaanenge anayo unotoona kuti iwe unozviti une hutano hwakakwana hautombofi         wakasvika pa level rake HIV yangofanana nevane sugar , bp chirwere chakutyisa mazuvano cancer dai Mwari vatiwanirawo nyasha

October 22, 2023

Zimbabweans Voti Olinda Ane Edzi Atorinani Tomuda Akadaro Than Ketina Anopenga

Kettina ma results ema tests taaona  But chizvi compare ne murwere wedu manyama Personally wen I grew up I want to be olinda          Ehee anombobhowa mukaradhi but ane class so  Ndo ma rich aunty ezera rake        Kettina just know that you cannot buy class i prefer hangu kuva hiv positive and look niteKkkkkkk besides olinda kune vamwe vazhinji vari positive but             life yaanenge anayo unotoona kuti iwe unozviti une hutano hwakakwana hautombofi wakasvika pa level rake HIV yangofanana nevane sugar , bp chirwere chakutyisa mazuvano cancer dai Mwari vatiwanirawo nyasha

October 22, 2023

Ochinja Kuita Mukadzi Iye Ari Murume Zvashsmisa Zimbabwe Yese Kevin Ncube Former ZBC News Presenter

Former Radio 3 presenter Kevin Ncube changed from man to a woman…         He is understood to have been dismissed from the ZBC soon after allegations in 2002.           Kevin Ncube later revealed who he was in a Newsday exclusive interview back in 2006.         Kevin migrated to the United Kingdom to do gender reassignment in the early 2000s.Kevin ka Ncube....he used to be one of my favorite DJs...ko akazodai.wonders shall neva end woooo

October 19, 2023

Minister Ziyambi Voti Mhondi Dzekuuraya Mwana Ku South Africa Dzibude Izvi Zvashungurudza Moreboys Great Hope Nevakawanda

31 October hanzi vavakubuda ende ziyambi ziyambi wakaoma kutadza kungoendesa bepa chete haa wandirwadzisa ziyambi         As for me ndinoti regai vabude hakuna munhu akambofa mafiro akadai akarova munhu haauraiwe se huku Mai Princess be strong hama it is well Pee acharwisa chete anganonoka bt acharwisa       Nyika yedu inorwadza veduwee kutadza ku submiter zvaidiwa ne time umm zvakaoma hazvoLet them go out in peace... Varegei vabude panze vafambe vadzoke vadye sadza why tichinetseka ne zviri pachena           Tapiwa Makore akarwa dzake ega magweta achiita basa rekubhadharwa munhu haasi dhende rinopfekwa rikadambuka roraswa munonyepa let them walk free PRINCESS will walk with them for th

October 19, 2023

Garry Tight Zvobuda Izvo Zvinoshamisa Kuti Mwana Wa Willom Tight

Kokusataura kuti Garry Tight Mwana wa Willom Tight zvipoko mune secret inorwadza         Gary Tight best Son of Willom Tight ,Son of Dr Oliver Mtukudzi and Brothers to Sam Mtukudzi . ...... ari kungo tsimbirirwa hake nema Promoters and DJs but he's music is Mature and great in short anogona 💯             Zviye Willom ndiye wekuimba memo memo na ndinoda wangu wekumaruzevha           Nhai imi pane mamwe masongs here agarry tight ndongoziva yaakaimba natuku basi 🤔🤔

October 19, 2023

Mudiwa Hood Hakuna Rufu Runodzi Rwakakosha Maida Ndiite Seiko Ndandafirwa Ne Sister Yangu Juliet Kadungure

RIP Garry, RIP Julie   I wish Garry’s death could not have even come, May be he could have reached out achibatawo maoko as i mourn my sister, He had the love…           Sadly his burial happened the same time as my sisters’ burial, while his was 300km away…I could not have left the grave site heading there…         I praise the Lord Jesus, I showed up big for Garry when he came knocking at my door, not just once…Everything he asked from me i did it for him while he was alive.           I jus didn’t share…I was there for him when he was alive and needed my support which is more important!    

October 19, 2023

Holyten Nemukadzi Wake Vachata Kushure Mekunge Akabvisa 15 000 Roora Zvisina Kufadza Chelsea Her Baby Mama

Congratulations vachata Ku court zvinofadza ❤️❤️❤️ ADVERTISEMENT Rap Meets Romance: Holy Ten and Kimberly Richards Tie The Knot             October 19, 2023 Holy Ten and Kimberly Richards Tie The Knot [Image: Nash TV]           Their love keeps blossoming. Rapper Holy Ten and his wife Kimberly Richards have tied the knot at the Harare Magistrates Court.   ALSO READ: “He Was Hustling Using Winky D”: Zimbabweans Get Ruthless As Holy Ten Is Set To Marry Pregnant Girlfriend Kimberly             Blissful Marriage Marred With Scandals The couple got married in March 2023, after Holy Ten paid a brid

October 19, 2023

Shugeta Nemukadzi Wake Vonzi Ivo Varikutadza Kufitwa Nemari

Pafair blaz avo avafitwe nezvechisalad salad haana body yakanaka futi             Shugeta munhu anomufita ndianna chete vamwe vese ava ratova drama ekitai henyu hahahahahaaa           Zvikungoita sekut pakupedzisira pane achachema hameno zvazvingori           Hope his centimeters are good coz sis avo vangamirira izvozvo here annah may help us on this one         It's never too late to pick up the broken pieces and figure out the puzzle. Life is too short

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