Thursday, October 24

General News

November 04, 2023

Ketina Na Dj Mandla Vasungwa KuIreland Macelebrity Ese Zvaachaperera Kujeri

Good morning pa ghost nation, reporting life from Ireland 🇮🇪.          Muginya tsonyi Mandla kubva all the way from America kunoita 3 some, na Ketsvina and Kefilwe zvinova zvava dzingisa mu hotera.        Ketsvina stop using black card ne pasipo, uri dofo ndaku nyarira full of I know ne pasipo.          Wave kutambira kunonyudza unoendeswa kuma penzi like zvakaita Jean and Athene murume wake. Citizen can be revolked dear, kuita ma papers doesn't mean wave kutonga.             Mandla tried to stop you because anga achito kunyarira apa engrish never liked you zvayo.

November 02, 2023

Zvavari Vafundisi Wani Zvashamisa Nekunyadzisa Ivy Kombo Nemurume Wake Waakatorera Amai Vake Vosungwa Nekuda Kwe Fraud

Gospel musician Ivy Kombo and her husband Pastor Admire Kasi have been arrested for fraudulently acquiring fake certificates to practice law inZimbabwe after obtaining Bachelor of Laws degrees in England.           The couple is expected to appear at the Magistratesʼ court this afternoon to answer charges of fraud and perjury. They were arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission investigations crack team.           The couple was among 12 lawyers admitted at the High Court early this year, using certificates fraudulently obtained with the assistance of the suspended Council for Legal Education official.           After completing a law degree and underg

November 02, 2023

Mashura Zvashamisa Vakawanda Mai Dhuterere Zvobuda Na Mufundisi Wavo Vane 43 Years Mambo Vane 30 Years

Mukadzi Ofumura Dhuterere Ndaitengesa Naye Mutoriro Bronkoo Nekokeini He Is 29 Mukadzi Wake Ane 43years Nyini Ndo Downfal Yake Sunningdale Kamukadzi Kane           Nhumbu 2 Girlfriend Anyura Muchivi🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄🙌🙌🙌🤪🤪He knew kuti she was old and he bargained for that deal.             Zvekuti akuda mudiki ratove drama iro.Muchiri kutaura zveage mukore uno aaah age is jus a number iyo isu kuno kwamachipisa takutoti cousin is jus a word tikungokwirana pahukama

October 31, 2023

Tom Jones Oti Java Kumeso kunenge Gakanje Ririkumama Siyana Na Tinashe Haufe Wakadiwa Saiye Munhu Wese Akakuvenga

Kumeso kunenge gakanje ririkumama what do you know about Tinashe mutarisi Uyu chero mukarwadziwa naye hayite mari yekuba anozvishandira big up my G Tinashe Mutarisi 👊👊Indeed Mutarisi is 20,000 times wiser than JAVA😂.           If he is to become a man of God even today, he would still do better than you.It's time now for all concerned Zimbabweans to unsubscribe, unfriend or unlike Java and Mudiwa pages.           There's absolutely no inspiration that one can drew from the 2. Ndivana dako avo varikungopa vanhu pressure nokutipozera, kunge kuzviita vanoshanda yet they have connections dzokuba muhurumende vave kutsvaka kukanganisira munhu arikuzviitira business rake riri genuine . Nxa

October 31, 2023

Mashura Namatirai Tinashe Muporofita Wekurotera Tinashe Mutarisi Hope Oti Ndakati Huya Urikurongerwa Kuuraiwa Ukandipikisa Hezvo Java Otaura

VaMutarisi ndati ndikuyeuchidzei something..Munogona mune mari yakawanda,kupfura tese and munogona muchipihwa nzeve naPresident kupfura tese,asi hunhu hwakakosha kupfura ndarama.           Inini handisi Ghost zvamufunga and zvamukuziva imimi raramai in denial henyu but ndakakuudzai zvandakarota and zvikuitika..I don't think muhupenyu hwenyu makambobata mari inenge yaBoka,Pamire but vese ivavo vaiva vital to the economy of Zimbabwe but vakarova pasi vakazvisiya..             At this point you need to lower your shoulders and listen with your eyes.Usambofe wakazvifonera kuti Zimbabwe needs me more than nhingi..No on contrary Zimbabwe haidi vanhu vanenge iwe vanoda kubvisa vanhu muhuruva zvinoura

October 31, 2023

Mudiwa Hood Oti Baba Harare Ndaida Kutenga Album Renyu But Munofarisa Imi Muchitambura

Who ever finds me at fault between Prophet Passion and Mukoma Tinashe Mutarisi Saga, kindly accept my apology…and from the deepest part of my heart…Please take me off these conversations… my deepest apologies for trying to help.            I genuinely thought peace could be worked out, and solution be found to solve their differences but… it didn’t work.           Mukoma Tinashe Mutarisi I apologize for whatever it is, you thought i did or said, which we all know i said nothing bad to you…,but it seems you were not happy with me in that video you posted…My apologies.           I am apolitical with Zero interest

October 31, 2023

Mashura Rina Manyanga Hariputirwe Mudiwa Hood Onzi Ndiye Akauraisa Cousin Yake Ginimbi

Haana kumbonyanya kunaka hake tho         Type dzana mudiwa pamwe ndovakatouraisa cousin yake            Coz kuna Panganai akange akavenga Ginimbi Yr cousin urikutsvagei       Snake undergrass uyu handimuchenese             Mudiwa Bvudzi rake ariite kana ka Pony tail asi ndoshamiswa muchiti akanakaHaana kumbonyanya kunaka hake tho

October 31, 2023

Tinashe Mutarisi Onzi Anoda Social Media Manager Ngaadzikame Sana Strive Masiyiwa Every Comment Section Unomuona Neku Ticktock

MUTARISI needs to grow up and be like Econet Boss MASIIWA!!           Kubudikira pama social media achiita zvisina basa Ana Tik tok. Why doesn't PASSION JAVA talk about MASIIWA,it is because ahazvirerutse pama Social media.            Mutarisi needs a Social media Manager, kungoposster zvisina basa saTHEMBA GORIMBO.           MAGETSI AKUENDA MA COMPANY ESE ,WAKAMBOONA MASIIWA ACHIPOSTER ZVEKUTI COMPANY YAKE YAKUVHARWA NENYAYA YEMAGETSI????

October 31, 2023

Chikurubhi Brazil Girl Karoline Mafra Otenda Baba Harare Vakamutengera Ticket Rendege Vanerudo Mazimbabweans

The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services has confirmed that the Brazilian "beauty" Karoline Silver Mafra left for her country weeks ago. Mafra who was acquitted of drug trafficking         charges got stranded in 2021 due to challenges with her documentation at the time of arrest, leading to her detention at Chikurubi Female Prison. Following the social media frenzy, she managed to secure a ticket to fly back home.               However, she "quitely" left in respect of prisoner rights said a Prisons source. Meanwhile, in a series of posts on what seems to be her Facebook page, Karoline expressed her undying love for Zimbabweans, particularly those who came to her rescue.

October 31, 2023

Taffy The Man Java Arikupengeswa Nemari Dzechegumi Achimhura Mwari Zanupf Haitomude Kutambisa Zita Ra President Munangagwa

If dzungu was a person  Manje yaatanga iyi yekuda kuita maskits achishandisa mazita ana ED anosvipwa manje manje         I stand with Mutarisi,one mbinga ine track record,a true inspiration to the Ghetto youths,kwete uyu wekupengeswa nemari dzechegumi achimhura Mwari           And to Mudiwa,i genuinely believe you're a good person,i feel you may have been caught in the cross fire,problem yawaita ndeyekudziya moto wembavha...Panga is a Pollutant       Hands off MutarisiI used to think kut Mudiwa is very clever till nhasi...level ra Java ndana Dj Towers Nana Level Fantan saka upto now I don't understand kut Mudiwa akurasika papi         c

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