Thursday, October 24

General News

November 08, 2023

Maitt Vonzi Vanoda Kuuraya System Yemutemo We Zimbabwe Vaburitswa Sei Mujeri Nguva Isati Yakwana Vanhu Vodzifambira

Saka uyo Pambuka ndiye asina ma Connection ku gavhument kuti abudewo before time?         Makamboonepi nyaya inonzi yadzokera ku Court pasina kuitwa Apeal a SENTENCE?? Feli nevanhu vake vanoda kuuraya system!           Saka magistrate akamuti GUILTY saka is incompetent ka?  Vari kuti angonzo dzoka tikutonge patsva ! Nekuti AKOSHEIKO iye akaba? Ane 2 ppassports futi and its ignored!            Saka munhu wese mujere ngaatongwe patsva for no reason!!  Who is her boss?Anyways asi chakambo serva hacho sentence nevamwe vake !               The law inonetsa kunzwisisa unless watoita study law mu

November 08, 2023

Ketina Oti Musafarise Cat Family Maitt Varikudzoka Kujeri Futi Vane Mhosva Dzakawanda Dzakavamirara Mbavha

I love zvikiti's confidence when mai vavo still has other people out there that can pursue more             CHARGES kupusa kwacho 🀣🀣 rambai muchitokonya mavictims! #tsikidzifamily         #zvindakwenya

November 06, 2023

Strive Masiyiwa Zimbabwean Billionaire Otenga Imba Ye 25 Million Usd

Black billionaire Strive Masiyiwa surpasses the big guys owning 2 apartments on top of Eldorado 29 Tower worth nearly $50.000.000           Black billionaire Strive Masiyiwa surpasses the big guys owning 2 apartments on top of Eldorado 29 Tower worth nearly $50 million         ll Strive Masiyiwa, a businessman in the Zimbabwean telecoms industry, paid $24.5 million for two penthouse condos in the Eldorado tower.

November 06, 2023

Mbuya Murata Vochema Nemufaro Maitt Vabuda Mujeri

ITS ALL JOY!   Mai TT’s parents after the comedienne's sentence and conviction was quashed by the High Court.           Mai Tt has been found not guilty of Theft Of Trust Property and freed by the High Court on appeal.         Mai TT’s lawyer Tafadzwa Muvhami explains the ruling.   #hmetro

November 06, 2023

Walter Magaya 40th Birthday Yadah People Havasi Kufara Tinobhadhara Zvipo Asi Hatina Kudya Kana Cake Mari Dzedu Dzodyiwa Nema Celebrity Amakoka Kumabiko

Chamvary,Olah Faith Candy,Chipo the trouble causer,Jackie Ngarande,Tariro Gezi,Madam Boss,Ginimbilite,Lorraine Guyo,and many more vanokokwa ku         bhavhadhe dinner raMagaya vana vesangano chavo kubvisa chegumi chete kuma birthday havatombo qualify πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ..Play them Magaya until they wakeup ,               Sunday kuchurch lie to them vobvisa offering 4 times vozodzokera zvavo kumba kunozora Annointing oil yawavatengesera for protection yet kwako kumba kune security company ivo vanochengetedzwa nema wrist bands πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..

November 06, 2023

Joey Nyikadzino Oudza Mambo Dhuterere Mastreets Akazara Varoyi Vanhu Vari Bitter Nenhamo Vanenge Vachitotya Mango Achitaura Ndove Zvake Musabatikana

Keep going guys more respect and love for you , just focus on you mastreets azere bitterness,             munhu anonyora zvaanenge afunga achidya mango hake           Mambo Dhuterere Voti Nashoko Amunotaura Hazviiko Kana Ndikanzi Ndine Girlfriend Handifambi Nayo Huyai Mundibvunze Mai Dhuterere Varipi Mukandiona 

November 06, 2023

Joey Nyikadzino Opandukirwa Kunzi Inyoka Toziva Mai Maketeni Mushure Mekunge Aposta Tt Kunyepera Rudo Nekuti Maitt Vabuda Mujeri

Pazvanga zvakaoma pane 1 shamwari yakamira namai tt zvekuti.taitorwadziwa.kuti.ko.mai tt ashayashayawo.         2/3 macelebrety angamira.naye here but haaaaaaa that lady anonzi Mai maketeni mwari ngvamuitire zvihombe hombe ,,,,,,               ko vana Joey nhas vakubudikira kudai veduweeeka Satan ngaashande ne type dzakadaiHaaa comment section yajamuka mbuya matako vakuda kutsvaka dzvene

November 06, 2023

Ketina Onzi Saka Aachaita Seiko Maitt Xvavanuda And Cleared All Charges European Countries Vanoenda

Cleared all charges found not guilty saka kuEurope anoyenda here coz anzi haana mhosva asking for Ketsvina           Yes of course gwesvina gwuchaita seiko ns tete vebhibhoYes kuEurope anoenda she is cleared             nhasi ndiri kungonzwa kuda kufamba ndichisura zuva resekuri kufarira Mura yes yes yes πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒwlcom Murandakadzi tange takakumirira tirimo muhari 😊😊😊😊Yes kuEurope anoenda she is cleared

November 06, 2023

Izvezvi Muchaona Vakutanga Kudenha Madamboss Have Been Irrelevant since Maitt Was In Jail Content Chaiyo Vavasina

Madam Boss has become so irrelevant since Mai Titi incarceration , she always piggybacking on FELISTAS defaults and uses them for her advantage.             Now that she doesn’t have those opportunities she is not interesting at all no content to fall back on . Lesson in life you need everyone in life including your enemies.           Even endorsements dololo these daysTo be honest guys don't expect fovours from celebrities or kudiwa ukaona achiswedera pedyo newe ziva kty ane             ma benefits that's all madam Boss pavaiwana mabenefits from maitt she was so closed zvavo zvaita now she can't even talk about her name kasisi k

November 06, 2023

Maitt Is Free Vabuda Mujeri Vanhu Varikupembera Zvokuti Nemufaro

Mai Tt has been found not guilty of Theft Of Trust Property and freed by the High Court on appeal.         Mai TT’s lawyer Tafadzwa Muvhami explains the ruling.   Cleared all charges found not guilty saka kuEurope anoyenda here coz anzi haana mhosva asking for Ketsvina           Felistas Murata better known MaiTt is now a free woman , she was found not guilty .   Who else misses maiTt??

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