Thursday, October 24

General News

November 30, 2023

Nyaya Iyi Hasikuzopera Kusvika Marry Chiwenga Agara Mujeri Chiwenga Oti Akuenda Ega Ku Court 7 December Konotaura Zvaiitwa Na Mary Achida Kumuuraya

Chiwenga to testify on December 7 in ex-wife’s attempted murder trial Former deputy health minister John Mangwiro ends testimony after two months on the witness stand             Chiwenga to testify on December 7 in ex-wife’s attempted murder trial Former deputy health minister John Mangwiro ends testimony after            Fighting for his life ... Vice President Constantino Chiwenga seen in hospital in South Africa in 2019 in this picture released by his feuding ex-wife, Marry Mubaiwa       HARARE – Vice President Constantino Chiwenga will take the witness stand on December 7 in his ex-wife’s attempted murder trial.

November 30, 2023

Corruption Iri Muzimbabwe Yashata Vovaka 2 Classroom Ne 380 000 USD Mbavha Idzi Hadzina Ganda Kumeso

ZIMPLATS yesterday commissioned and handed over two classroom blocks and ablution facilities that were constructed at a cost of about US$380 000 to Turf Primary School in Mhondoro Ngezi District as part of its corporate and social responsibility initiatives.           One day is one day..karma does not forget. They will get what's coming for them One day is one day..karma does not forget.             They will get what's coming for380 000 USD two classroom blocks like seriously ,,this is a joke πŸ™ŒπŸ½380 000US$ can build 5 to 10 complete school not 2 classroomCorruption Manyama 🀣🀣🀣           Commercial Construction Companies use Commerc

November 30, 2023

Doba Don Hazvina Kumira Mushe Ave kutopenga Nekuda Kwemutoriro Neguka Zanupf Failed Zimbabwean Youth

Eish this is so sad.. Drugs have invaded our territory and are becoming difficult to control paborder bcoz of corruption.. #in ngwere'z words..           I hope my nation will someday be a place we have always dreamnt it would be growing up..   Crymybelovednation.. Zanupf must fall..             These are the effects of drugs especially guka {dombo) sometimes we blame mweya yemadzinza isu tichizvitsvagira tega ,kana zvadai zvakutoda vakuru vanofamba najeso vauye panoI don’t think arikupenga but ane anger and frustration

November 30, 2023

Zvinorwadza Year Old Lydia Dube Akauraiwa Nenzou Chaba Mine In Hwange

How tragic… 30 year old Lydia Dube was killed by an elephant yesterday while guarding a broken down crane at Chaba mine in Hwange. She was deployed there alone at night without a firearm nor a radio communication system.           Shame on the company that employed her! Please don't take this the wrong way, but a lone woman with no weapons           or communication system would not be able to do much guarding anyway. What a tragic waste of a young life.Shame on the mine for destroying the elephants environment!

November 30, 2023

Zvashamisa Vakawanda Signal Oramba Mukadzi Wake Mvana Yezanupf Simbiso Vane Vana 2 Vese Oenda Kune Mumwe

Jah signal akaramba mukadzi wake chaiye achiroora mvana ye Zanu Guys rudo rwunopera and we all have a right to move on           Haana kukwana varume chiii chinoitika kuti kana wawona girlfriend unoramba mukadzi pamberi apoo wonzwa munhu akuti mukadzi wangu angaariboe kwete izvi chiii ishavi😏           Saka mati tiite Seiko ne information yemunhu Jah sigie tongovada zvedu vakadaro chero vakatora vemubhawa hatinei ne personal life yavo chero vachitifadza pamangoma apa        

November 30, 2023

Tatelicious Mbuya Murata Musasiya Maitt Vachizobata Zvipo Kuchurch Anoba Mari Yese Yechurch Akatiza Nayo

Congratulations gogo Murata is now a pastor ❀️❀️    Makabudira AFM zviripo mufungeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚         Vhurai chechi ndiuye mhayi , ndimi dzenyu is far much spiritual than dze aka ke America Pashy the fake prophet .         Pa zvipo apo mhai please isa ma padlocks because Kamuchacha mweya uya ungamubate akatiza nemari yesangano πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚         Anosimudza double story ku UsheWekunze nemari yezvipoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚           Isai Kamuchacha ku praise and worship or ku Head of Ushering Department because kanogona kupfeka but not ku offering department , church ino broka mhaiiiiiiiiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  

November 30, 2023

Tatelicious Oti Mbuya Murata Mai VaMaitt Ndivo Vachamuchatisa Izvi Zvashamisa Vakawanda

Ndikazvifunga mushe ndivo vanogona kundichatisa Gogo Murata as Mufundisi pamuchato wanguπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚         Kungozotya ndimi dzavo dzogona kubuda musaga πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚           “ Tenzi wangu rakashikaraka , vhurai meso a Marcus kuti aone kuti munhu waari kuchata naye murume biya ake rikashakashaka . Ngaatore hake Mai Tanatswa mwanawangu rikasokorokoshaahaka “ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚           Vachishimanda havoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚   Vanondidirira jecha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

November 30, 2023

Zvinoshamisa Zvofumurwa Chikoro ChMa Bwanya Chema Pastor Chinongopiwa Vanhu Ma Gown Nemwsna Wavo Vincent Ngochani Chidhakws

Iwe Tate ma pastor e kumama ano dzidza ku chikoro cha mai Bwanya ! Kunodzidziswa na Vincent mwana wavo uye !           ( Chii chinodzidziswa na Vincent ) dhakwa ! Ngochani iyoyo ! Ivo mai Bwanya vachizviti principal ! Matuzvi e mheni ! Which institution is accrediting chikoro cha mai Bwanya nhai ! Ahh fuck it mhani!            The school is called LILIAN BWANYA SCHOOL OF PROPHETS ! Nonsense endai kuchikoro chaiko mhata imi

November 29, 2023

Ngochani 2 Dzanetsa Idzi Nyasha Ane Link Uyo Achidya Gambi Kune Vasati Vaona Varume Matorerwa Chimuti

Dai nyasha adzidzisawo anabhangu cz ummm vamwe juga dzikuvaremera           Nhaimi vanhu imi mukumbodyiwa seiko mudzimba umu tikungonzwa nya anokunda anabhangu chiii chaaita chirispecial nhai,haaa vanhu muchadaro mugere nemagora ana fugu ndee mudzimba umuπŸ™†πŸΏ‍β™€οΈπŸ€”               Sure dhimoni hwai hayi that's disgusting ko vane number dzanyasha mondipawo wanna take her kuchurch kwedu kunonamatirwa pliz kana hama dzepedyo itai ndibatane nemwana she needs deliveranceπŸ˜‚

November 26, 2023

Maitt Fans Nevakawanda Havazi Kufara Nekuda Kwekuda Kuti Nyika Iwone Vatengera Mbuya Va Wasu Chikafu Kuramba Vachingoti Ndakutemgerai Chikafu

Wagona Mura but zvekuzoramba wongoti chikafu chatatenga chikafu chatatenga amana πŸ™†You said that more than twice and each time you did, gogo felt so uncomfortable veduwe.         Dzidzai kubatsira muchisiyawo vaine twudignity twavo , zvimwe zvinhu taurirai kuseri. Ehe chikafu chatatenga mudye muchitifungawo, ehe chikafu chatatenga mudye muchingoti Mai Tt , mutimba musuva wesadza ,           Mai Tt, mukaseva soup , Mai Tt, mukanhonga nyama , Mai Tt, mukati tea dzvudu , Mai Tt kagrocery katatengawo moshandisa muchitifungawo ! Iiiiii veduwe πŸ™† Musazodaro sis Mai Fifi, tendwai munyerere musakumbire kutendwa.            Mabhaiza zvenyu ipapo vakoma Felly handikuvanzi

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