Thursday, September 19

ZIMCHE Yoti Zvima Honorary Degree Zvakapihwa AnaMudiwa Hood Ndezve Fake Ndavazvipise Kana Kurasa

Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education has issued a statement on the honorary degrees issued by the International Institute of Philanthropy. ZIMCHE says the school is in violation of section 75(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 as read with section 10(1) of the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education Act (Chapter 25:27), which laws prohibit institutions not registered and accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education to offer degrees.


They have demanded that the school should Publicly withdraw all awarded degrees and inform all recipients accordingly.




Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education has issued a statement on the honorary degrees issued by the International Institute of Philanthropy. ZIMCHE says the school is in violation of section 75(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 as read with section 10(1) of the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education Act (Chapter 25:27), which laws prohibit institutions not registered and accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education to offer degrees.

They have demanded that the school should Publicly withdraw all awarded degrees and inform all recipients accordingly.




Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education has issued a statement on the honorary degrees issued by the International Institute of Philanthropy. ZIMCHE says the school is in violation of section 75(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 as read with section 10(1) of the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education Act (Chapter 25:27), which laws prohibit institutions not registered and accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education to offer degrees.

They have demanded that the school should Publicly withdraw all awarded degrees and inform all recipients accordingly.

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