Friday, September 20

Tytan Otsura Kiki Ndakaiswa Tattoo Ya Olinda Ndikazochema Uchapachemawo NeTattoo RaTytie Rawaiswa

Posting an image of the inked hand on his social media pages, Tytan wrote: “What in the name of Uzumba did I just do? From today onwards Olinda, you’re not allowed to even dream of anyone else other than me. Even if I die, you’ll remain single till we meet again.”








Having your significant other’s name tattooed on your body is a no go area for many in the event that they separate.






Also, a tattoo is difficult and very expensive to remove. So when people saw this gesture by Tytan, some hailed him while others felt he would likely regret it in the long run describing it as madness.

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