Friday, November 15

Tindo gosso dumps Moana’s sister Tats after she was delivered from kutsomwa his set to engage caroline gombarume Read more

Well known socialite,Business man Tindo gosso who recently announced his entanglement with Moana’s sister Tats after she was delivered from kutsomwa and mutoriro by Prophet Magaya He dumped  Tatts after she refused to return back to church were she was delivered.”she does want to go back to church again as we agreed so i'm afraid that she can start to drink mutoriro and fight her mother  spending time in the ghetto doing unneccessary things with boys”


There are fears that if Tatts does not get urgent attention she could get wasted and get infected with some common viruses such as HIV from those she now surrounds herself with during her excursions. Tindo gosso is set to engage his dresser caroline gombarume see pictures below 

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