Friday, September 20

Temba Gorimbo Mukomana Akasimudzwa Muhuruva Arikubatsira Kumusha Kuvanotambura Aiwa Zvinokudzwa

Dustin Poirier thank you for the donation of a $10 000 to the new initiative i am starting in village in Zimbabwe of fixing cataract for old people in my village.It’s going to change a lot of people’s lives.Imagine you can’t see one time and next thing you see clear.


So this initiative i want to start started after my last visit home and saw my uncle who is 92 years but is fit and young telling me he can’t see far because of cataract.




I then saw lots of people who have the same issue and thought this can be fixed but they don’t have the money or means to do so themselves.I took it to heart and made a promise i will change my initiative going further.
From water pumps to paying for surgeries for fixing cataract.



Thank you Dustin for the kind gesture and good heart 

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