It’s better kuita go fund me pane kuba mari dzeround wogumira muchikurubhi
I don’t want peace I want Ploblem 😝Kakavharwa nema statements anotumirwa ePenjeni kakasacrifaisa mari dzeRound 🚮🚮🚮thinkin penjeni was kwiq buck .We need more of ana Tin Ashes 🤣🤣🤣!
Katanga 🤷🤣
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What people don’t understand is if other people go for my blood-I will ignore but kaguru 🚮🚮will not let her into my pot! Will grill her sebagwe rabiwa kumagarden ✌️
Kwai I work with my own hands- kuweka bhinzi here paCamera.Tinyatso twacho twakandifungisa Madhafi ✌️
I rest my case