Sunday, September 08

Olinda Oti Haasi Kuzoburitsa Mari Yake Tytan Arikupomerwa Kubata Chibharo Repi Zvinoshamisa Zvinonyadzisa

I am very much aware that there is a sexual harassment case against Ba Nandi. But trying to come and extort me is a very different ball game all together. I will not be bullied, harrassed or asked to pay anyone off. I personally so don’t play those games. I am currently unwell. Please may you leave me alone.

I am very much aware that there is a sexual harassment case against Ba Nandi. But trying to come and extort me is a very different ball game all together. I will not be bullied, harrassed or asked to pay anyone off. I personally so don’t play those games. I am currently unwell. Please may you leave me alone.

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