Looks Like Olinda Chapel has won a huge victory over Tytan by winning a court order that prevents Tytan from leaving thier daughter Nandi with strangers while he goes out to the club. A Judge ruled that if Tytan was not able to spend time with his daughter he had to take her to Olinda and not to strangers the baby does not know. Olinda Posted the following on her social media.
Olinda also posted about how she wants Tytan to be responsible and stick to the court rules when it comes to raising thier daughter. "I filed for divorce in the High Courts of Zimbabwe. So it’s not about our relationship at all ! I just want you to do right by our daughter. You took me to court and lied that I refused you access to her yet you have a thousand pics and videos with her. Now the court order is in place you keep changing it to suit you. Stick to what was agreed at the courts,keep our daughter safe and I will not have issues with you. If we stick to the court order we don’t even have to talk or see each other."