Sunday, January 19

Mnangagwa Giving Boiled Eggs To Kids Nigel Gwirikwiti

The unholy trinity in Mr Lipstick, General Ponzi and Tagwirei is both cancerous and pathological to our civilization and democracy.

They have successfully managed to reduce our people to nothingness. Herein this communication find Mr Lipstick handing out boiled eggs to desperate , impoverished kids . This is how they manipulate , capture the minds of desperate , vulnerable civilians. From here , they will fly to their 50 bedroomed houses and handsomely reward themselves with expensive banquets. Furthermore, they will expensively and expansively fly in private jets worldwide . 

The hopelessness depicted in this picture is painful to watch These are evil doers , they exhibit their evilness , callousness effortlessly , without any remorse . The collegiality and oneness in their evil deeds is very worrisome 

This is now a national crisis and should be handled with the promptness and delicacy it deserves . Lest our people will become extinct under the nincompoopery, incompetence of Mr Lipstick

Notwithstanding all this disturbing reality, you still see some myopic Pfeerists endorsing this nincompoopery. Pfeerism is a moral, intellectual, mental and psychological bankruptcy.

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