Friday, September 20

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Pastor Admire Kasi and Ivy Kombo Deny Bribery Allegations in Law Practice Certificates Scandal.

Agencies- Gospel musician Ivy Kombo and her husband, Pastor Admire Kasi, who are currently facing fraud allegations related to the purported illegal acquisition of law practice certificates through a $1,100 bribe, have vehemently distanced themselves from the accusations. The couple insists that they followed proper procedures and did not engage in any bribery


Yesterday, during the ongoing trial, Kasi, represented by lawyer Mr Everson Chatambudza, cross-examined a key witness, Shorai Mupunga, a former employee at the Council for Legal Education (CLE). Kasi produced documentation demonstrating his legitimate acquisition of the certificate, stating that he applied in 2019 and received a letter from the council’s chairperson, Justice Slyvia Chirau, in 2022, granting him exemption from eight conversion examinations. He made the necessary payment on October 31, 2022, leading to the issuance of his conversion certificate.

Chatambudza argued that this process followed the proper legal channels, leading to a legitimate certification.

Mupunga, the witness, concurred with the defense’s position, acknowledging the apparent legitimacy of Kasi’s application process. She, however, maintained her earlier claim that she facilitated the issuance of certificates through monetary transactions involving Huggins Duri, the suspended executive secretary of CLE.


In her testimony, Kombo stated that she received her conversion certificate from CLE, signed by Justice Chirau, and had no reason to suspect any fraudulent activity as she underwent all required procedures. Her lawyer, Mr Admire Rubaya, emphasized that Kombo obtained her certificate from a reputable institution, arguing against her involvement in any investigative role.

The allegations suggest that the couple approached Mupunga, a CLE official, for assistance in registration and examination procedures. Mupunga allegedly liaised with Duri, offering to expedite the issuance of conversion certificates for a fee of $1,100. The couple purportedly paid this amount through Mupunga, leading to the processing of certificates indicating they had passed eight conversion subjects.

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