Friday, February 07

Hell commander exposing Olinda chapel "Ukuchengetesa Tytan mwana asiri wake l know the real father" hell commander speaks see more

Hell commander and olinda chapel fighting after Olinda chapel blasted Njuzu over licked videos that made hell commander to react protecting his name

Njuzu real name Monalisa well known as Hell commander side chick yesterday locked the streets of social media with her nu.des.

In a statement yesterday olinda chapel shared a post
Saying "zvakanaka kuenda ku school " after njuzu had threatened the nation that if people continue circulating her pictures and videos with his ex boyfriend Marshall Munemo she will kill her self with pill overdose. Today olinda chapel did a live again blasting the two Hell commander and Njuzu that made him to react protecting his name

Hell commander posted that "imagine dai ari ma nudes a olinda aleaker" and olinda chapel replied  " isusu hatiite zvema nude tasiyana nemi munodanana nema zupco anokwirwa nemunhu wese"

Hell commander replied to olinda chapel kuti " iwewe unongochengetesa Tytan mwana asiri wake we know the biological father.

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