Mari hayingotumirweka pasina kuziva kuti ndeyeyiI'm confused now,I remember tichida kuita pledge maDays akasungwa Mura pakanzi Mhuri yaFeli and even Feli said handid mari dzevanhu we are owkay ahhhh let's swallow pride kana paita dambudziko not to pretend as if all is well yet zvisir well Big Fan yaMura but let the truth Be told not to block us Wasu tikuonesana okay
Hello Catfamily details for money deposits are below
World remit,Western union and Mukuru
Felistas Murata 0773633381
Morepower masimba Gombe 0782428346
Memory Muyaka 0772216986
We will add more accounts for South Africa,Uk,US,Botswana
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Please strictly post your pop it’s not group to post different things.