Thursday, September 19

73 Year Old Teenager Gogo Musalad Vopengeswa Ne Facebook Kuita Kunge Imbwa Ya Pihwa T Bone

73 Year Old Teenager Gogo Musalad Vopengeswa Ne Facebook Kuita Kunge Imbwa Ya Pihwa T Bone. Gogo Musalad vabvutira Chimuti chehu teenager from Stunner .Gogo Musalad vazopengeswa ne Facebook mbuya kuita 6 to 8 hours vari pa Facebook live. Facebook and social media is very addictive and it looks like Gogo Musald has become addicted to Facebook. 







Gogo musald spends majprity of her day of Facebook talking about zve bonde , makuhwa or kutuka. Most 70 year olds are busy spending their golden years with grandkids or just relaxing. Gogo Musald has a list of about 10 people she had got in fights with.  She has been in fight with her own kids over Facebook as they feel she is embarrassing the family with her actions.


He current victims is Angel Rue Samas who she if fighting. Facebook is dangerous people like Mukoma Masimba vakatozopenga because of Facebook. Gogo Musald a 73 year old mbuya is on the road of losing her mind if she keeps on this path . 

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