Thursday, September 19

Celeb News News

March 08, 2024

ZIMCHE Yoti Zvima Honorary Degree Zvakapihwa AnaMudiwa Hood Ndezve Fake Ndavazvipise Kana Kurasa

Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education has issued a statement on the honorary degrees issued by the International Institute of Philanthropy. ZIMCHE says the school is in violation of section 75(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 as read with section 10(1) of the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education Act (Chapter 25:27), which laws prohibit institutions not registered and accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education to offer degrees.   They have demanded that the school should Publicly withdraw all awarded degrees and inform all recipients accordingly.       Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education has issued a statement on the honorary degrees issued by the International Institute of Philanthropy. ZIMCHE says t

March 05, 2024

Holyten Opindura Zvishavane Makatadza Kundirova Ndirikudzoka Saturday Hapana Zvamunondiita You Need Me

Holyten Opindura Zvishavane Makatadza Kundirova Ndirikudzoka Saturday Hapana Zvamunondiita You Need Me .           Hip-hop artist Holy Ten found himself at the center of controversy and physical assault during a performance in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe, as a video capturing the incident went viral on social media. The attack was reportedly motivated by Holy Ten's political endorsements and comments about fellow musician Wonky, sparking outrage among fans.       During what was expected to be a celebratory music event in Zvishavane, Holy Ten, a prominent figure in the hip-hop community, faced the wrath of disgruntled fans. Eyewitnesses captured footage of the chaos, showing attendees voicing their discontent with shout

March 03, 2024

Holyten Obvisa Mazino Ese Epamberi Nekumamiswa Pakaipa

Holyten  Obvisa Mazino Ese Epamberi Nekumamiswa Pakaipa   Maya let me give you first hand information inini so nyaya yanga iri yekuti vanhu vanga vakatsamwa kti aimba two mins yet eyy still wanted more songs zvakaitika in zvishavane radio park       Ask me ndini ndine info ndokuudzai zvese😮 ndandiripo, Yesterday ma show in gweru ka pakabhaizika, @washaa_t_beatz_hitmaker akaimbira vnhu 4 mins aida kutemwa ne ma botoro ....kuzvishavane     yi ndoonyaya yekunyeba iyi ndiani akurohwa ipapa😂😂😂Cameraman ada kurobwa ne shamhu inemunyu. Camera man imboko zvayo   Musarovane ahhh 😮 wakatuka Winky thats why fut pabhayizika Camera man is very useless he had only one job

February 26, 2024

Congradulations Madamboss Millionaire Olinda Chapel Donates USD$7.500 To Her GoFundMe Hanzi Wakandikoshera Sahwira

Hanzi numbers don’t lie  1,6 Million followers ndokumbirawo dollar Dollar dakutogadzira go fund me ukanyara haugwaze mari ndikutoida guys ah . 9 years ndiri mu industry let’s celebrate,dola pamunhu thank you in advance. How do you go about it ,Ndigadzirirewo  Olinda Chapel ,The Queen of Peace Angel RueLove.                 Olinda Chapel is a Zimbabwean businesswoman, social media personality, and philanthropist. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Olinda Chapel is known for her active presence on social media platforms, particularly on Instagram and Facebook. She gained attention for sharing aspects of her personal life and discussing various topics. Please note th

February 26, 2024

Mashura Madamboss Vakupenha USD$1.4 Million Kuma Fans Asi Muna December Vakatenga Mansion Ye USD$750K Vakavhura Creche Inopindwa Nevana Vembinga Chete

Click the link and put a dollar lets make history .1,6 Million Celebration  ,Let’s go guys         Hanzi numbers don’t lie 1,6 Million followers ndokumbirawo dollar Dollar dakutogadzira go fund me ukanyara haugwaze mari ndikutoida guys ah . 9 years ndiri mu industry let’s celebrate,dola pamunhu thank you in advance. How do you go about it ,Ndigadzirirewo Olinda Chapel The Queen of Peace Angel RueLove

February 24, 2024

Cat Family YotukaaWasu Hanzi Wakabva Kusakubva Ichiita Kunge Chikwambo Nhasi Wakubata Mura Huroyi

Iwe Wasu after all this glow wabva kuSakubva uchiita senge chikwambo this is how to want to repay Kamuchacha.   Accidents happen daily maroads eZimbabwe nezvaari hapana chinoshamisa asi iwe wapa Kesvina kuti adiii      Murume asinganyare nekuti murikurwadziwaka nebusiness shower  Manje muchaita sei ?motouraya munhu moendesa kuWhitehall momuisa mafingerprints akamuchacha

February 23, 2024

Chaplin Phiri Vopindura Vavengi Handizi muC10 Makungo Rwadziwa Ne Benz Yangu Magadza Moyo

Zvimwe zvese zvomotaura kuti kurwadziwa nemota izvo ndeimwe nyaya. We are happy for her and zvakarongeka chaizvo. Zvisinei we cant run away from the fact that she is CIO. Tirikungoti muzive vanhu vamunofamba navo and muzive kuti mota dziri kupihwa vanhu vakaita sei chete.     no munhu uyu anofanira kunge arihama yemukadzi uyu....hakuna mutorwa anorwadziwa to that extent.....Mybe varikuzama kumudonhedza varikutadza ....mukadzi uyo akatumwa naMwari akaparidza so ...kana stress inobva ...anekakuparidza kanorerutsa zvinorema soo. Ndimi waya waifunga kuti Chaplin wachashupika mazuva awakafirwa nemurume hezvo Chappy waenda nenyika. Zororai askana musarwadzirwe nemunhu anotaura nekuchemera Mwari wake     Zvebasa rei ...basa chinhu chinoita munhu ararame

February 22, 2024

Zvirikunzi Pane Avekupenga Hatichataure Mazita Hanzi Akutodya Zvemibhini

Zvirikunzi Scott Sakupwanya akupenga guys munhu haaurayiwe sehuku Dai vakapera kupenga zvavo vese kuzanu ikoko         Zvinogona kudaro kwedu bright matonga akambotwanya nenyaya dzekubata vanhu vasingabatwe munhu haawirayiwe sehuku kana mazogara, Uuummm Zviri kunzi manzwira nzwira kaa ayo munhu wandakaona zuro uno kwaisaina Khama Billiat contract neYadha. Varikut tisataure mazita makutibhohwa manje chaora chi statement ichi tsvagai chimwe.     Scott akagara ane potential yekupenga zvake Saka hazvishamise, Harisi benzi here munhu uyu. Munhu anopenga kanganiko unless ave worse. Pamwe mwedzi mutete chete, Akabuda wani vachitambira khama biliat ku airport nachimombe neteam rekwamagaya Apenga nguvai munhu anga a

February 21, 2024

Video Ra Rose Hure Reku Bulawayo Achitambisa Bhinzi Uyo Arikutora Varume Vevanhu Rovasunga Kuti Blambi Dzisamire Kumukadzi

Video Ra Rose Hure Reku Bulawayo Achitambisa Bhinzi Uyo Arikutora Varume Vevanhu Rovasunga Kuti Blambi Dzisamire Kumukadzi .Rose anetsa nekutorera vanhu varume achisenda manoods ayo hure ranetsa muBulawayo ,akatora murume wako anobva asunga nhengo yake Kut asadzosere Kumba kumukadzi wake.       PANE VARUME 3 VANE 1 yr chinhu chabmkuru vangy hachichashanda Kumba kwavo bcz of her anotuka sis vangu zvekut.        Video Ra Rose Hure Reku Bulawayo Achitambisa Bhinzi Uyo Arikutora Varume Vevanhu Rovasunga Kuti Blambi Dzisamire Kumukadzi .Rose anetsa nekutorera vanhu varume achisenda manoods ayo hure ranetsa muBulawayo ,akatora murume wako anobva asunga nhengo yake Kut asadzosere Kumba kumukadzi wake.

February 20, 2024

Winky D Abvisa 6 Songs From The Gafa Album Arikutya Copyright Kubva Kuna Kenako Muzik Irikuti Wakaba Music Yedu

The Gafa has deleted 6 Songs from the Gafa Kickstape on his youtube. The 6 songs are 1: Not Nice 2: Gafa Life 3: Idya Mari 4: Survivor feat Shinsoman 5: Copyrights 6: Woshora This follows the copyright takedown by Kenako music which resulted in 2 songs being deleted from his channel. Sources close to the development are saying the arrangement was a 60/40 royalties share between Winky D and Kenako but the latter hasn’t received royalties for the album.     DEFUNCT record stable, Kenako Muzik, has come out of the proverbial woodwork to claim royalties from Zimdancehall kingpin Winky D.Kenako Muzik over the weekend struck Winky D’s “Disappear” and “Mirror” on YouTube claiming they are owed royalties by the muso. Kenako Muzik

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