Monday, September 16

Celeb News News

March 26, 2024

Baba Harare Vokanda Chirauro Vakutonyenga Sonja Chivhayo Uyo Akaramba Mbinga Sir Wicknell

Baba Harare Vokanda Chirauro Vakutonyenga Sonja Chivhayo Uyo Akaramba Mbinga Sir Wicknell. Maswera sei madzimai Sonja          Ndokuti Father City 1munhu akabva kurunyazi kuzoita Baba veHarare, Mozozvigona here Zvekuti Enda unoona Victor but haiz Nhau Chero Victor anoita vakadzi havana problem. Confuse them Madzimai Sonja ndozvinoita dzimba, shinga zvichanaka Inga Vana vari kukura wani Baba Harare zviriko hr?, izvi he-eee Baba Harare Koo yamuri kuita ndyp futi kkk ko iwe wanga uchivapirei, mira mhani vanodzoka zvakamboitwa naJah Praizer kkkk Not my handwriting  Baba Harare Chenjera kuwira mugomba , rinemvura roda vanoziya kudhigidha vazhinji vakanyura vapinza musoro cheteWenyu Comic Elder      

March 26, 2024

Sonja Madzikanda Chivhayo To Get USD $5.75 Million From Divorce With Wicknell Chivhayo Zvake Zvabhadhara

As the marriage between businessman Sir Wicknell Chivayo and his wife Sonja Madzikanda collapses, the BIG question is — how much will she get out of this seven-year union? In 2017 Chivayo married Sonja Madzikanda and it was reported that a bride price of US$50 000 was paid. Sonja took to Instagram to reveal that their marriage has collapsed. Sonja Madzikanda Chivhayo To Get USD $5.75 Million From Divorce With Wicknell Chivhayo Zvake Zvabhadhara     “For the past two, three weeks, with all these such kind of squabbles, back and forth happening and I just kind like watching in the background,” she said. “But, really, I wanna say thank you to everyone who has reached out.“Myself and the kids are doing good. It’s ac

March 24, 2024

Mashura Joey Oprofitwa Kufa Kwake Kwa Pamelah Tamirah

Ndeip Pamela, please ndotsvitirewo messege iyi kuna Joy Countries, lam trying to reach out to her but lam falling. Tell her to pray and repent. I saw her dropping dead.     What lead to her death was that.It was on a tuesday somebody threatened to kill her, but abva apindura munhu uya rough kuti ndezve kupenga zvauri kutaura.     Then the next day on a wednesday it was breaking news kuti Joy Nyikadzino just dropped dead.If she is not in good books with anyone.Please tell her to ask for forgiveness before .lt is too late.     But l do not know wether it will happen wednesday this week here there was no date or time, asi mweya wandiratidza achifa zviri misterious.Please if you reach her tell her to inbox me.Due to circumstances bey

March 21, 2024

Madamboss Husband Mhofela Voseka Chipo Trouble Causer Karma Yazokubata Nhasi Wakanyepera Vanhu Kuti Ndakakubira Page Ndikakurara

Madamboss Husband Mhofela Voseka Chipo Trouble Causer Karma Yazokubata Nhasi Wakanyepera Vanhu Kuti Ndakakubira Page Ndikakurara You forget, Karma doesn't. When you don't know why you get what you get, think back to when you made other people’s lives difficult. The answer will be there! Lying Lips…. #usapihwepressure #usafurirwe #letlovelead     On point. People should know when to stop ✋and remember after FB, there is reality, Mhofu u are still owing me mhinduro yekuti Hodzeko rakabva papi? Karma has big appetite this days move with pure intentions. rega ndimbonwa sip ndozokupindura 🤣🤣🤣 my brother 🤣🤣🤣🤣....Karma mupenyu hake   Apa pataurwa pachikuru ndiwo vanhu vanoziwa kusataura mazita. One th

March 20, 2024

As Zimbabweans Munemashoko Api Ekuudza Nhubhu & Bishop Juliet Chiutsi Panyaya Yekusungisa Mama Grey Munhu Arikutambura Nenhamo Nenzara Hake

As Zimbabweans Munemashoko Api Ekuudza Nhubhu & Bishop Juliet Chiutsi Panyaya Yekusungisa Mama Grey Munhu Arikutambura Nenhamo Nenzara Hake     Hameno vanoda kunzi vane mari yekupa vanhu vepaFB yet vanhu vehukama varikowo kwavo vanotamburakana, nherera neshirikadzi hobho! Dyiwayi mufe...unotoona vamwe kufarira kunzi mbinga dzemastars vachipa.. dyiwayi musacheme cheme tapota, Haa ana Nhubu kuzosungisa mazonyanya veduwe uuuumm munodherera imi vangani vanonywba paFb pano haiwawo. Makamboti futi haana amai mai vake vakaahaika uuuumm     Mai Bishop Juliet Votukwa Murimbwa Ndivo Vakutobiira Vanhu Vachida Kumuendesera Mama Gray Mari Yechikafu Kujeri Hezvo Ana Maitt Vakaba Mari Dzinemubvuri Makadzifambira Here Musadaro Uyo mwana wesister yang

March 18, 2024

Tazvi Mhaka Oramba Kuti Ndiye Baba Vevana Va Sir Wicknell Handina Kumbodanana Na Sonja Chivhayo Tatelicious Anonyepa

Tazvi Mhaka Oramba Kuti Ndiye Baba Vevana Va Sir Wicknell Handina Kumbodanana Na Sonja Chivhayo Tatelicious Anonyepa.          

March 18, 2024

Legend Thomas Mapfumo Hanzi Jah Prayzah Murombo Haanyare Kutora Motor Dzemari yekuba

Legend Thomas Mapfumo Hanzi Jah Prayzah Murombo Haanyare Kutora Motor Dzemari yekuba.         Chokwadi chinorwadza especially kuma Zimbabweans hamudi chokwadi, rakufarisa zidhara iri nxaaaa ikokushaya sembutu     Itai mushe mudhara imi ,musatuke wedzinza rangu nyangwe ndaikufarirai nekuda kwemusic yenyu ,Madi kutaura arikupa vanhu Mari kuti agadzirise nyika kwete kutaura nezve Jah prayze ,wadi iwe wauya kuzogadzirisa nyika yacho handi wakatotizao Zimbabwe yacho tibvirwei kumhepo uko   Pafair arikutaura chokwadi munyika yakarongeka munhu anozvishandira ozvitengera yake yaanoda  Kwete kupiwa

March 17, 2024

Mashura Vanhu Vakuda ku Trender Nezvimwe Chisionekwi Swagger Achikweshwa Mukosho Ne Boyfriend Yake Tavhunduka

Mashura Vanhu Vakuda ku Trender Nezvimwe Chisionekwi Swagger Achikweshwa Mukosho Ne Boyfriend Yake Tavhunduka     Swagger Ne Boyfriend Yake Vavekuda Kuchata wow Zvinofadza Izvi Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 Honai Rudoo Rurikupisa🤪🤪🤪🫣😳😳

March 16, 2024

Nyaya Dzekurovana Nyoro Kiki Abata Mimba Nenyaya Yekuda KuTrender Pa Facebook

Nyaya Dzekurovana Nyoro Kiki Abata Mimba Nenyaya Yekuda KuTrender Pa Facebook      Makorokoto asi madii matanga maitawo penyu panonzi penyu.Zvivindi zvekumitisana mukaone room ikako  munozviwanepi.Iye Kiki dai atoiswa hake Depo akaita zvekutamba achaguma negame park rakabva pano       nekwaCheindambuya.Kuda kuzosiira vana nhamo kusara vachiyeva zvimapikicha izvozvi muchizhinya mumashower emaLandlord amusingazive kana kuti akacoster marii.Sorry ka883

March 15, 2024

Mbinga Mike Manongo Obira Java Baby Rake Hillary Makaya -Java Ochema Mike Chimombe Odakupfura Munhu Kuti Waba Baby Reshamwari Yangu Zvionereyi Video Yacho

Controversial prophet Passion Java and businessman Mike Chimombe have landed in trouble over a violent incident at Rainbow Towers on Wednesday night. Java and Chimombe are accused of hiring goons to attack a local businessman before Chimombe pulled a gun and pointed at his security detail. The goons are said to have bashed the businessman before robing him of US$18 000 and all was captured on the hotel’s CCTV. A police report has since been made against the two at Harare Central Police Station under IR 030777. Reports are that Java is bitter with the businessman for snatching socialite Hillary Makaya from him. Hillary and the businessman have been taking their relationship to social media, Java’s playground and this has not been good news to him. Chim

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