Asi kudiaspora kune piritsi rekupengesa chii chinomboitikaShuwa mapenzi ediaspora awandisa,,, loneliness chaiyo ndoinoita zvidaroBvunzawo maZimba mazhinji ariko vanomhanya bani especially vakadzi
Kungoti vakabva kure vese asi chokwadi ndechekuti Mai ava vakangogarirawo sadza.Macheso igongomutoto vana pese pese puu.Mmmm ava vave vanhu vakuru tadi taperera kunana Enzo nana Nijo. Iko akazodiko mkadzi wa Enzo ainzi akuno register ma CALAThat is his wife that is his pillar of strength dai asingavade akavaramba . Being an artist in Zim itori mhosva stopping abusing other people
Ivy kombo๐ข Ivy kombo Ivy ๐ขkombo.๐ขhow many times did i call you.ndimi mega munouya motimutsa kumakuva takazvizororera kana taakuzokomenta munenge moti takaipa futi.ini ndikuona kazizi karikuda kubhururuka koiwe
Rich Aunty Olinda is on top of her game, we need to change her name from Rich Aunty to Midas Touch because everything she touches turns to gold. Olinda Chapel looked like a million Dollars at the Zari all white party with a short feather Dress. Social Media investigator Paguhwadotcom looked up the dress Olinda was wearing and to everyones suprice the dress cost only $26 on Amazon. Olinda rocked that dress like it cost a million dollars. see the photo below.
Removing Muranda Nyoro from our league was the right decision cause she was going to make us all look like criminals. #in #prison #she #is #going #to #live #areal #life #to #regret
In Zimbabwe ๐ฟ๐ผ we recommend Madam Boss for all your current and future projects. Actor/Comedian 1) She is very professional 2) No criminal record 3) Genuine person 4) Doesn't fake life 5) She can promote your products/services to millions of people in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. Madam Boss will never disapoint #support #the #winning #team
Tytan Tytan Zimbabwe Yese Praying For Your Mental Health , Zvakaoma izvi pamwe ndo chikaradhi chacho but heyi zvakaoma, Mwari ndiye anoziva. Stunner haabvume zvakadai. Moral of the story as a men you must do all you can to work and not want soft life this is what ends up happening. Shadhaya will have a field day with this one.
Anna makeup hakusi kunaka nhanha usade kuita competition na Achihoro,Shugeta akadzidza haisi classy yako try dunge Yuts kana zvanetsa usiye Bawslady na Shugie vadanane in peace jealous will kill youAnnah is natural and haapfekere magaro plaz haana shaya dzinenge dzedhongi and she’s young futiAnna is very pretty and at least haapfekere magaro efake to impress men. Stop comparing Anna nemunhu asingagutsikane nezvaari.
What is happening neZim celebs nhaimi vese zvavachaperera kuchikurubi ,,,Seh calaz hanzi vasungwawo ,,,Blot akasungirwa mutoriro kwakumzi unoutengepi akaty ndopihwa naCalaz ndo supplier ndosaka achiswera kumbare kunge Ari humble hezvo kupi arikutengesa dombo ,,,dhuterere hanty ukuona vamwe vaenda ndiwe wasara tirikukuziva.
This one thinks she has made it in life, her fans will give her 30 likes and 2 comments when she posts Wigs rinova ndiro business rake ๐๐๐then boom ndaatange kutuka, kudonhedza vanhu nekunyadzisira 2k likes 3k comments ๐๐and then wotonzi une MA fans api? vasingasapote business? ๐๐. Those are just your paradzai mates. Riraka tione pasina nyaya dzana Mai TTZvekuti ndeyakare hazvichinje huipi hwe behavior vanogona sungisai arikuita zvakaipa adhakwa mberi kwevana periodParadzai wakurasa njere here.