Friday, September 20

Celeb News News

December 13, 2023

Evidence Chihera Ofumura Kuti Tocky Vibes Akahwandiswa Pa Lodge Nekuti Mari YeReturn Ticket Hapana Nekuti Show Yeku Boksburg Hapana Akaenda Kunomuona

Handisi kuti chii kana kuti chii hangu.Tocky chibaba hatingasiyi achinzwaro imagen kuridziswa vomugarisa vachingoti ticket ririkuuya imhosva yake here ma shows haana kuzara kwainaya.mukomana akavigwa pa lodge iri muna 3rd boksburg North.   Arikunzi asabudikira vanhu vangazoona kuti akauya pasina return ticket.Thx kune vachabatsira kune vachatuka nemiwo.hamundinyararidze team bitterness ehe ndine bitterness.  

December 13, 2023

Makorokoto Bee Wezhira Ane Pamuviri Patokura

Maternity wear futi😆😆, kana chichingokwana pfeka urove pasi. Mhino ndakagara nayo pasi tikaita meeting, kuti wodzikama😝    

December 12, 2023

Zvinodadisa Vana Vevamwe Vachivaka Ma Mansion Onai Dzimba Dzevakadzi Ava Madamboss Mai Maketeni Rue Samaz Maitt Vachitenga Hembe

Inside Madamboss,Mai Makeni & Rutendo Samaz Mansions, these ladies have worked very hard to build and buy their beautiful houses. look at the inside photos below.                

November 21, 2023

Olinda Oti Haasi Kuzoburitsa Mari Yake Tytan Arikupomerwa Kubata Chibharo Repi Zvinoshamisa Zvinonyadzisa

I am very much aware that there is a sexual harassment case against Ba Nandi. But trying to come and extort me is a very different ball game all together. I will not be bullied, harrassed or asked to pay anyone off. I personally so don’t play those games. I am currently unwell. Please may you leave me alone. I am very much aware that there is a sexual harassment case against Ba Nandi. But trying to come and extort me is a very different ball game all together. I will not be bullied, harrassed or asked to pay anyone off. I personally so don’t play those games. I am currently unwell. Please may you leave me alone.

November 01, 2023

Tinashe Mutarisi Instagram Account Hacked Mushure Mekutuka Prophet Passion Java

t looks like #TinasheMtarisi instagram account is gone.  Local businessman Tinashe Mutarisi has threatened to expose and take legal action against Zanu PF-linked self-proclaimed prophet Passion Java over "attention-seeking behaviour". Mutarisi took to social media on Tuesday where he posted a video clip titled “The reply to Java” in which he calls out the United States-based man of the cloth alongside gospel rapper Mudiwa Hood for attacking him and his business while purporting to be Zanu PF emmisaries.   “Passion Java and Mudiwa called me yesterday claiming that they were sent by higher authorities to campaign against me and my business. It is a lie as no one has authorised or sent them and it is simply their attention-seekin

November 01, 2023

Tatelicious Ofumura Mambo Dhuterere Urikutengesa Mutoriro Ku Waterfalls & Wakamitisa Mercy Small House Yako Live Yako Irikuuya

Those who know me ,vanoziva kuti handingadeedzere Live ndisina Humboo Handiite zvema Hanzii ,vanhu vanotaura nyaya dzavo and I WILL PLAY THE PHONE CALL CONVERSATION ndokupai Mazita evanhu who spoke with me on the phone , VAGARI VEMU WATERFALLS. Dhuterere dai uri umwe wabuda mu Zimbabwe because Live yandiiri kuita when the #10k is reached ,uchanyara . Two issues, Nyaya ye small house yako #Mercy_Matepuka and your Drug business in Waterfalls yauri kuita na #TAFLO MA DRUGS AWURI KUTENGESA #PAMASTEPS #PA_ROUND_ABOUT IN WATERFALLS. NDAKAFUNDA INI , TOSHANDA NE EVIDENCE NOT NE MA HANZIIIIII , SOLID RAAAAAAW EVIDENCE WITH VIABLE WITNESSES. WAURAYA MA YOUTH EMU WATERFALLS ,SHAME ON YOU DHUTEMDHOTO MUPOSTORI WEMUTORIRO NE NGOOOMA ,KURURA MAGEMENZI AYO UYENDE KU ZIM DANCE HALL

October 30, 2023

Mai Dhuterere Vorongedza Mabag Avo Zvanyadzisa Nekushungurudza Mambo Dhuterere Kumitisa Musikana Uyo Wekuchurch

Ko dhuterere zvaariye akaimba akaimba zvinonyadzisa zvinogumbura Hanz kune varume vanoredzera kurera pfambi ngavabate nyoka nyamafingu ko zvabvepi fut           Ukageza unonyegwa kana ukaita vana 2 hazvioneke.Mambo Dhuterere vaienda nekupi pakadai,mai Dhuterere ngavazvitambire vazive kuti vari pachipari.             Go girl 4 mths pregnant idya zvinovaka muviri mwana wako akure watoroorwa iwe.Zvofumurwa🤪🤪🤪🤪Mambo         Dhuterere Kozvadii Kuchurch Kwenyu Ngavakudzidzise Hunhu Wakanhumburisa Musikana Weku Church Mukadzi Wako Chembere 20 Years older than you

October 29, 2023

Mai TT Varikubhuda KuChikurubhi December 14 Christmas Varikuitamba Kumba Kwavo

Comedian Mai TT  will be relased from Chikurubhi Prison for Fraud on December 14 2023. Mai TT Told Visitors that she will be released and will spend it with her family Watch the video below for details.   Magistrate Munashe Chibanda has sentenced comedienne Felistas Murata popularly known as Mai TT to 12 months in jail for theft of trust property, six months were suspended on condition she does not commit a similar offence in the next five years. She was also sentenced to 3 months in jail for defaulting on community service in 2015 after a domestic violence case with her former husband.   The controversial social media entertainer was convicted on Monday after the court was convinced that she borrowed US$10 000 from a local businesswoman before she illegal

October 22, 2023

Jah Prayzah Oramba Kuenda Ku Album Launch YaBaba Harare Zvekunonzwa Voice Remasese Oramba

Musician Jah Prayzah fails to show up at Baba Harare's album launch last night. Baba Harare gave an emotional speech explaining to the fans that they had agreed that Jah Prayzah would perform at his album launch, but unfortunately he didn't show up.  

October 21, 2023

Anna Honde Arikutsvaga Murume Ano Donater Huronyo Kuti Ayite Nhumbu

Ndirikutsvagawo sperm Donor 😂😂 Zvekuroorwa apana chiedza so far😂😂 Masango matema When l was 18 ndakazviudza kuti l will have my first child at 28 Am turning 28 next year  🤣 Am not joking ka  

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