Friday, September 20

Celeb News News

January 04, 2024

Zvimwe Ndezvimwe Tytie Anoda Zvekudya Muromo Kuita Kukara Kiss Kunge Achadya Mhuno YeMusikana

Zvimwe Ndezvimwe Tytie Anoda Zvekudya Muromo Kuita Kukara Kiss Kunge Achadya Mhuno YeMusikana                                        

January 04, 2024

Zvinorwadza Dr Tinotenda Madzima Doctor VekuChinhoyi Varohwa Ne Vhiri reTructor Vakafira PaSpot

In a devastating incident, Dr. Tinotenda Madzima, a 30-year-old Medical Doctor stationed at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital in Mashonaland West, lost his life after being struck by a dislodged truck tyre.         The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the tragic road traffic accident, which occurred on January 3, 2024, at around 0700 hours along the Harare-Chirundu Road, specifically at the 116-kilometer peg.     The fatal accident unfolded as Dr. Madzima was walking along the road when a wheel dislodged from a moving Scania haulage truck, striking him on the back.       The impact proved fatal, and the young doctor succumbed to his injuries on the spot.       This unfortunate inciden

January 03, 2024

Tytie Ochemedza Vabereki Vemusikana Vake Voti Ivo Zvinyadzi Nekushandiswa Kurikuitwa Mwana Sikana Wavo Handizvoba Zvinoshaisa Chimiro

Vabereki Vemusikana Havasi Kufara Nezvinyadzi Zvirikuitiswa Mwana Wavo              Hanzi varegererei vachiri vana they are still growing up. Asi vabereki vemuskana varikuchema nezvikuitiswa mwana pafacebook apa pasina roora yakabviswa. Vabereki musarega vanasikanam vachinogara vega kuJoni. Protect the girl child.

January 02, 2024

Senyika Munoti Mai Bvukururu Vakanyatsokwana Here Kana Kuti Ibenziwo Kuti Ndinemurume Iye Mazepe Akaudza Nyika Yese Kuti Ndoitwa Mukadzi Nevamwe Varume

Mai Bvukururu Vakanyatsokwana here Kuti nNdinemurume Iye Mazepe Achiitwa Mukadzi Nevamwe Varume. Women of Zimbabwe munoiwonawo seyi nyaya iyi. Mai Bvukururu imhamo kana kuti hadzimo zvadzo.             Iwe semukadzi murume wako akakuudza kuti ndinofarira kuitwa mukadzi nevamwe varume unozvibvuma here kana kuti unotuta twako woenda.             Hatizi kutukana asi kuda kungoti tinzwisise zvinoita munhu kadzi agare ma marriage murume achifarira kukuiswa kuma nyowa nevamwe varume.

January 01, 2024

Winky D Owudza Holyten Urigwara Wakati Ibotso Ndakaimba Ngega Panew Song

Mumwe oti ndakahwinha, umwe oti wakabvuta; Vari kuona Mbuya Nehanda vari muguta; Ndakatsikisa dambarefu Eureka Eureka; PaRadio voramba voti iro ridza wega; Ndakati vanotora zvevapfupi nekureba;  Umwe woiramba hanzi iyo wakaimba wega.            

December 31, 2023

Vasina Kuona Muzvambarara WaLevels Achisakura Sango Ra Shashl Paburwa Mapicture Manyowani

We all knew him for his music at Chillspot Records but now it seems the man has turned into an overnight Porn Star after his pictures and sex tape were leaked.According to reports coming in from Zimbabwe, DJ Levels says his phone was stolen and that is why his dick and sex tape have gone viral on social media. This is the picture that first went VIRAL and then the sex tape came in moments later.               According to, the Chill Spot Records co-founder was arrested Monday on allegations of raping his ex-girlfriend Ashleigh Shashl Moyo.         Shashl, a musician, is the daughter of former health minister Obadiah Moyo Levels, was Monday afternoon detained at Borrowdal

December 29, 2023

Scott Kupa Azvibatira Baby Manyama Mihlali Weku South Africa

Many Zimbabweans and SA social media users woke up to shocking news that business man Scott Sakupwanya is dating South African Mihlali who recently broke up with her boyfriend.        Scott has denied these allegations. I’m NOT dating Mihlali, says Zimbabwean tycoon Scott Kupa speaking to maphepha_ndaba Scott told Maphepha Ndaba that he’s too busy to be dating anyone. He also said his only focus is his business and family that he love and respect dearly.      

December 28, 2023

Comic Pastor Pahinenguva Dzokerayi ku London Otherwise Nenyaya Yeku Abhuza Mukadzi Tokuonayi Makapfeka MaOrange Na Oscar Pambuka KuJeri

Comic Pastor and his ex-wife Munyaradzi Mavura’s physical abuse trial started today at Epworth Magistrates Court. The comedian is being accused of physically abusing his ex-wife during the duration of their 1-year marriage. The two were married five years ago, and in that period, Munyaradzi narrates the torture she suffered at the hands of the Comic Pastor and his family.         Munyaradzi Mavura shares how she suffered at the hands of her ex Mavura shared on Facebook earlier this year that she was once married to the Comic Pastor, and it was not pleasant. In a lengthy post, Mavura shared that the comedian would lay his hands on her even when she was pregnant. This led to an alleged miscarriage, according to Munyaradzi Mavura.  

December 26, 2023

Daisy Mtukudzi Oyenda Kunoviga Bob Nyabinde Sahwira Wa Tuku

SCORES of people thronged Kwekwe Central Cemetery for the burial of jazz icon, Bob Nyabinde who died on 23 December after a long battle with diabetes.                 Even rains that pounded the mining town could not deter people including family members, musicians, music promoters, church members, and fans who came in their numbers to witness the burial of the late musician. One speaker after another kept referring to how The Headmaster, as he was known, led a life worth emulating. Public Service Labour and Social Welfare Minister, July Moyo who represented President Emmerson Mnangagwa described the late musician as an exemplary musician whose life is worth emulating.        

December 26, 2023

Jah Prayzah Opindura Daddy Hope Ibvai Apa Kunge Musingazvide Zvama Video Emagaro Munotozvifarira

Jah Prayzah is is responding to Daddy Hope after he critisized his Walletically video for having too much magaro . Daddy Hope told Jah prayzah kuti music inakidze haidi magaro . ana Mukanya and other legends havaite mavideo akazara magaro kuti anakidze. Jah Prayzah has not to amused and responded saying Ibvai mUSAITE KUNGE MASINGADE MAGARO.             Jah Prayzah has a valid point vanhu love music video anoratidza magaro icho ndochokwadi. Daddy Hope is also right in saying music inonakidza haidi zvemagaro . kuimda and magitare chinonakidza hachidi magaro  

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