Thursday, September 19

Celeb News News

January 29, 2024

Ketina Azotsamwa Manje Ave Kutuka Gogo Musalad Mai Vake Muchanyara Imi Mbuya Imi Mukaramba Muchindipusha Siyanai Neni Na Shami Handina Mari YeyuYandakatora

Pandichapinda live nema v11 one day VANHU Vachanyarara kuti zii. Kunyarara Sandi kupusa munowana mari yekuiyisa Shami asiri mwana wenyu moshaya yekuwuyisa sekuru dozvi or sekuru dhotonya? Moda ku stressa Shami kuti ndishaye help kumba nekusalon Mune bitterness yekubiswa Pa salon because of …..                     if you keep pushing us Tinozozvitaura. Keep pushing me one day muchanyara! Makadzinga Mainini pano vachindibstsira nevana but Shami is different she’s here to stay!

January 27, 2024

Madam Boss’ Creche Admin Sued For US$50 000 Wakaba Maplans Edu Ukaendesa Ku Creche RaMadam Boss

Zimbabwean socialite and comedienne, Madam Boss, real name Tyra Chikocho, has demanded an apology from the people targeting her new school, Madam Boss Kids Corner, with her lawyers going after one of her competitors Olive Tree Infant Academy.           This comes after Olive Tree Infant Academy sued Madam Boss’ administrator Jane Kasu for US$50 000 after she joined her school after resigning from their institution.Olive Tree Infant Academy alleges Kasu took their teaching methods and clients to Madam Boss’ school, claims which the socialite says are defaming and an indirect way of targeting her and her new school.           Through her lawyer Admire Rubaya, she has written to Olive Tree Infant

January 24, 2024

Gambakwe Reporting Mukomana Wekubata Mbavha DzeChodonha Tafadzwa Chidawa Akanga Iri pa Man Hunt - Zvinonyadzisa Izvi

Police hunt losing Zanu PF parliamentary candidate over vehicle theft ,Tafadzwa Chidawa is accused of stealing vehicle from ZIMRA yard at Chirundu border post             A losing Zanu PF candidate in last August’s parliamentary elections is wanted by police for stealing a vehicle. Tafadzwa Chidawa, of Warren Park in Harare, allegedly stole a vehicle from the ZIMRA car yard at Chirundu border post on September 28, according to a police alert sent to all police stations seen by ZimLive.             The notice signed by Detective Seargent C Mabhidi of CID Chirundu says “all stations be on the lookout” for Chidawa, and advises that “if seen arrest, detain an

January 24, 2024

Tafadzwa Chidawa Mukomana Arikubata Mbavha Dzechadonha Asungwa Nenyaya Yekuba Motor

THE irony of life has caught up with Tafadzwa Chidawa, also known as Detective Kedha on social media, as he is now facing theft charges. Detective Kedha is popular for viral videos in which he targets and ‘apprehends’ thieves in the Harare CBD.The former cop appeared in court yesterday accused of stealing a vehicle worth US$12 000 from South Africa and smuggling it into Zimbabwe.               He was remanded in custody to Friday for his bail hearing.  He has two other pending fraud cases. The State said Detective Kedha stole a Toyota Hilux double cab from South Africa and smuggled it into the country in December 2022. It accused him of fraudulently registering the vehicle and ensuring that it had Zi

January 20, 2024

HolyTen Abura Hombe Nudhu Rake Achikwira Musikana Anenge Kim

HolyTen Abura Nyowani Video Rake Achikwira Yellow bone rinenge Kim , The video irikufama muma streets of social media Holyten achikoira               HolyTen Abura Nyowani Video Rake Achikwira Yellow bone rinenge Kim , The video irikufama muma streets of social media Holyten achikoira,HolyTen Abura Nyowani Video Rake Achikwira Yellow bone rinenge Kim , The video irikufama muma streets of social media Holyten achikoira                         Holy ten 

January 16, 2024

Java Oti Winky D Ndaka mubannar Music Yake Paradio Station Ese and Haafe Akaita Futi show Muzimbabwe Zvekushora Hurumende

Java Oti Winky D Ndaka mubannar Music Yake Paradio Station Ese and Haafe Akaita Futi show Muzimbabwe Zvekushora Hurumende           Fans reacted with the following comments    winky anotoshuvirawo kuridzwa paradio kkkkk Asi government yenyu ndoinotora zvevapfupi nekureba hre if the shoe fits wear it Winky D siyana zvako hatitombo teerere radio yenyu baba, Apo wataur apo pazim Ziva pekumira zviri nani kutotsvag enzol wacho akupe information yekti akulinker sei nemhene pne kupedzer shungu kutuk pno kkkk         Kkkk noo na Nawanadem ndiye ari paTop pa Enzo Master H ndochibaba chavo vese, Mmm passion java government yenyu iyo ikutikuvadza nenhamo regai kutisimbisa nhema giz udzai munang

January 16, 2024

Gweru Yanetsa Nekukara Bonde 14 Percent Yevagari Vemo Vanorwara Ne Mukondombera

According to Mr. Petros Mazengwa, the Nac district’s Aids coordinator for Gweru Urban, the district is home to 283 004 individuals, of whom 161 292 are women and 121 712 men.               According to Mr. Mazengwa, in an interview, the predictions for HIV and Aids prevalence increased somewhat from 13.3% in 2022 to 14.4% in the previous year. “To put it simply, it means that by implementing targeted interventions like key populations programming, we have been able to identify more people who are HIV positive,” he explained.     According to Mr. Mazengwa, the prevalence is not anticipated to decline much because of a robust ART programme that maintains people’s health as they age. &n

January 15, 2024

Ngochani Renyika Mazepe Okumbira Ruregerero Kuna Doreen Mushure Mekutukwa Na Ketina Kuti Siyana Nekutuka Family Yangu

Kuzvininipisa kwakakosha ndakanganisa kutuka mwana wako Doreen Mwari ngaandiregere ndinokumbirawo ruregerero kuzvitambirawo kana kuzazvitambira asi muhana mangu         ndinenge ndazvipfuudza ndoda futi kuti ku mhuri ye kwa Masomere Ndinotenda Nerudo rwamakandiratidza kuburikudza nekunditambira Kamakaita Tiri Vanhu vanokanganisa ndiregererei ndinoita zvimwe zvinhu ndichiti ndirikugona GoGo musalady sorry zvenyu ndakakutukurai muzukuru wenyu Handina kuziva kuti mungatsamwa kusvika pakadai            Vakuru vakati nhambe tambe inoregwa ichanaka zvimwe zvinhu zvatinoita Pa Facebook today I learned a lot veduwe vandakatuka once again handichazivi muvengi wangu ndiani matambudziko every corner ndokumbirawo r

January 13, 2024

X YaKiki Yotuka Tytie Baby Rako Ndakaripedza Panonaka Ne Blambi Yangu Haafe Akandikanganwa Ndikakuona Ndokumamisa Mupfana

X YaKiki Yotuka Tytie Baby Rako Ndakaripedza Panonaka Ne Blambi Yangu Haafe Akandikanganwa Ndikakuona Ndokumamisa Mupfana             Then sum1 comes and say I was abused.ndo face yemunhu aibuswa here .can you tell me guys.

January 13, 2024

Mashura Tom Jones Tom Jones Oti Mbutu Tadziona Shashl Kuita sango Na Amara Brown Ane Inenge Bucket Mheche Kuita Churu Chakatsemukira Njuzu Kuita Mwena Kuda Kuonekwa Chionaiwo Mapeche Aya

Mashura Tom Jones Tom Jones Oti Mbutu Tadziona Shashl Kuita sango  Na Amara Brown Ane Inenge Bucket  Mheche Kuita Churu Chakatsemukira Njuzu Kuita Mwena Kuda Kuonekwa Chionaiwo Mapeche Aya                                              

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