Friday, September 27

Minister Mahendere Vopiwa 185 000 Usd On His Birthday 2 Mines And 10 Cows Dai Vatobhadharirawo Maitt Zvikwereti

🔴#GOSPEL musician Michael Mahendere walked away with US$185 000, two blocks of mines, and 10 cows which were given to him as birthday gifts on Saturday as he celebrated his 40th birthday.The problem is the alwys gives to the rich instead of the poorMarecovery aya emwana waminister,zvine vanhu veZanu zvinopera paine aita ten feet underMafia Team Gold Mafia team inoConsister of maCelebrities , musicians ane mukurumbira (excluding ADVOCATE WINKY D)"gospel artists iwaya ,vazhinji maBooty lickers aya..

Kana Ari ma"churches" most of these so called ministries international etc...are part of this cartel .

This machinery is very rotten an evil zvekuti the so called congregants will blindly follow the "church founders and their dogmas /doctrines not knowing kuti founder anotochenura dzimwe pfuma tema dzemachinda e"hurumende".


Read through the website uchaona mari tema dzakabudiswa nemamwe ma"celebrities " vekuenda kuManicaland kusearch yemwana uya .🤨

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